Clinical study Medical research studies alabama Phase 1 clinical trial

Clinical Trials 101

Phase 1 clinical trial

Clinical Trials 101

A clinical study is research performed by medical professionals and scientists with groups of people in order to better understand new medicine. This clinical drug development is critical in order to bring new drugs and medicines to the public. Without the medical research studies, there would be no way of knowing what sort of reactions a drug would have on the taker. There could be adverse side affects that could possibly harm large population of people. Instead, a clinical study is performed on smaller groups of people in order to conclude what any, if any, side affects taking a certain drug or medication could cause. Starting with the phase 1 clinical trial, the outline for a general clinical study is as follows:

1) In Phase I trials, researchers test an experimental drug or treatment in a small group of people (20?80) for the first time. The purpose is to evaluate its safety and identify side effects.

2) In Phase II trials, the experimental drug or treatment is administered to a larger group of people (100?300) to determine its effectiveness and to further evaluate its safety.

3) In Phase III trials, the experimental drug or treatment is administered to large groups of people (1,000?3,000) to confirm its effectiveness, monitor side effects, compare it with standard or equivalent treatments, and collect information that will allow the experimental drug or treatment to be used safely.

4) After completing Phase IV, the clinical trial team submits a New Drug Application (NDA) for approval to go on the market. Of the 5,000-10,000 drugs that annually enter RandD, only 250 make it to pre-clinical trial testing; only five make it to clinical trial testing; and only one makes it to FDA approval.

Reasons To Participate in Clinical Trials

Some 46 percent somewhat agree that taking part in clinical trials is as valuable to health care system as giving blood. Most of the time, participates of a clinical study are chosen based on a condition they have. They are then given the drug and the results, if any, are evaluated.

Everything You Need to Know About Informed Consent

If researchers plan on using children, defined as anyone younger than 18, in a study, they are legally required to obtain consent from their parent or guardian of the child. Informed consent is so important that in the 9th revision of the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Code it has its own section, 8.02. These statutes serve as guidelines that help keep minors safe and accounted for. Without them, underage children would participate in clinical drug development without the reliable, responsible knowledge of a parent or guardian.

Emergency medical clinics Medical clinic Urgent care seattle wa

Five Tips for Chronic Back Pain Sufferers

When your back randomly started hurting, you may need to see a chiropractor for chiropractic care. There are many different types of back pain that can appear in different areas of your back. You may have early morning lower back pain, and this may be sciatica. Sciatica is when the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed and causes pain in the lower back as well as other areas. A chiropractor can help with this problem.

If you have inflamed back pain, there are a number of causes that could be behind it. To find out what is wrong with it, you can go to your regular doctor or a chiropractor. Oftentimes, doctors will refer their patients to a chiropractor because they are unable to help with back pain. A chiropractor has a number of different therapies that can be used to help relieve the pain. They can also help with knee pain and back pain.

A chiropractor can engage in manual adjustments of your spine, and this sometimes eases the pain that patients have. They may also apply massage therapy to the area to help with pain and stiffness in your back. Some chiropractors also do acupuncture to make people feel better.

Emergency care

Up to 69% of Americans say that low back pain affects their day to day lives. If you deal with chronic back pain on a daily basis, you are not alone. While back pain diagnosis is difficult and there is no guaranteed successful treatment currently available, there are methods that are useful in dealing with the chronic pain. If you are no stranger to chronic back pain, consider adding any of these pain relieving methods into your current health plan.

See a physician

At least 40% of people suffering from long term low back pain do not see a doctor or physical therapist. Some patients might not have health insurance and worry about the high costs of medical care. Others do not want to go through the long and frustrating process of diagnosing low back pain. Additionally, without any guaranteed treatments available, some see seeking medical care as pointless. However, seeing a physician is important in at least ruling out more severe of causes. A physician can also recommend treatments that can reduce pain, such as physical therapy. Your physician can also refer you to top doctors that deal with chronic back pain.

Be active

When you are in pain, the last thing you want to do is be active. But, remaining active, despite lower back pains is important. It keeps the nearby muscles toned and can prevent a worsening of the injury. Regular exercise also keeps excess weight off of the body, which can exacerbate an already problematic back. Some minor exercise restrictions might need to be made for safe exercise, but some amount is important. Working with a physician or physical therapist can help the patients create an exercise routine that they can complete, without injuring themselves any worse.

Know when an emergency is present

When you deal with chronic pain for many months, or years, you somewhat get used to the pain. Although the pain might not get any easier, you are not tempted to run to the emergency department or urgent care center with each new pain. Falling into this sense of comfort can be dangerous though. While the majority of back pains are mechanical, some are due to life threatening conditions. For example, if you lose complete control of your bowels or movement ability, emergency medical care is needed. It is important to not fall into this comfort pattern and know when urgent care is needed.

Avoid surgery until absolutely necessary

Some physicians are quick to push surgery as a treatment. However, if the diagnosis is incorrect or the surgery is not completed properly, it is unlikely to fix the problem. Always do your research when considering surgery, especially on the back. A study published in World Neurosurgery found that, among 96 patients treated for Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD), there were no significant differences in outcomes between the 53 that were treated with lumbar fusion and the 43 who chose to pursue nonoperative treatment (i.e. physical therapy). Surgery is not always a permanent solution.

Be aware of pain triggers

Beginning to understand your pain can also help you to reduce it. If you know the events and actions that tend to increase your pain, you can begin to avoid these activities. If you experience a pain trigger, you know to visit the local after hours urgent care center for treatment. While you might not be able to avoid every single activity associated with back pains, you can reduce the more serious ones. Anyone that deals with chronic pain know how much of a difference a single day of reduced pain can make.

Dealing with chronic pain can be frustrating, tiresome, and affect your daily life. If you deal with chronic back pain, you might often feel like there is no cure. For most conditions, there isn?t a cure, but you can take steps to reduce your pain and improve your overall condition. You can also avoid emergencies by becoming familiar with your local urgent care center location.


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Sleep Apnea Sufferers Put Themselves at Risk for Several Health Risks

Full face masks

Like many things in life, maintenance is an important part of CPAP machine effectiveness. In fact, cleaning a CPAP machine can help you get the best results and avoid problems.
As many as 18 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea, so it should come as no surprise that many companies offer CPAP machines and various kinds of CPAP masks and other accessories. None of this equipment, however, will be very effective if they are not well cared for. In fact, cleaning a CPAP machine is an essential part of any kind of successful sleep apnea treatment plan.
Finding a Solution for Your Sleep Apnea Is Important to Your Health
The reason to make sure that you find a sleep apnea treatment and that you make sure any of your purchased CPAP machine purchases are clean is that this condition is a major health concern if it is left untreated. Among some of the major concerns, people with an untreated case of sleep apnea face a risk of stroke that is four times as great as those who are not afflicted with sleep apnea. Additionally, untreated sleep apnea sufferers are three times as likely to have heart disease as those without sleep apnea.
Consider some of these other facts about the sleep apnea condition, available treatments, and the health implications that effect those who suffer from this condition:

  • An obstructive sleep apnea sufferer may experience 60 apneas an hour during an average night?s sleep.
  • Patients over the age of 60 are five times more likely to require heated humidification for CPAP machines.
  • Asthma patients face nearly a 40% greater risk for sleep apnea than asthma-free participants who participated in a study.
  • 80% of patients who say they use their CPAP machine, also indicate that they do not use it enough to keep them safe.
  • Sleep apnea is almost twice as common in men as it is in women.
  • 38,000 deaths occur on an annual basis that relate to cardiovascular problems that in one way or another are connected to sleep apnea, according to the National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research.

As the holidays arrive and many Americans are now cleaning and organizing their homes for guests of family and friends, sleep apnea sufferers need to make sure that their CPAP machines and supplies are also clean.
Read more here.

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5 Tips for Dealing with Sleep Apnea at Home

Discount cpap mask parts

Sleep apnea is a serious sleeping disorder. It has been estimated that at least 18 million people in the United States suffer from it. Many people use CPAP machines or BIPAP machines to help them deal with the problem.

The first thing you need to do is learn what sleep apnea is. People who suffer from sleep apnea, stop breathing for periods of time, called “apneas” throughout the night. These apneas can last for up to one minute and can take place many times during the night. This time that they spend not breathing is time they spend not getting enough oxygen to their brains. This causes a host of health problems including an increased risk for stroke, worsening heart disease and even a great chance of developing diabetes. It is hard to overstate the health problems can can be caused by this problem.

If you are concerned that you have sleep apnea, or have been told you do suffer from it, there are some things you can do to help with the problem:

  1. Get your weight down. One of the best lifestyle things you can do for your health is lose weight. Not only does it do a lot for you in general but being overweight is one of the main contributing factors when it comes to sleep apnea. Sleep experts recommend people lose at least 10% of their body weight and say this can help alleviate sleep apnea symptoms by about 30%. Gaining weight will have the opposite effect and should be avoided, if at all possible.
  2. Stay away from booze. Many people think that if they drink, they will have a better sleep. Not only does alcohol have a detrimental impact on your sleep in general, it can worsen sleep apnea symptoms. If you take medications for certain problems such as insomnia, anxiety or pain, they may also have an adverse impact on your sleep apnea. The good news, for insomniacs, is using sleep apnea machines such as CPAP machines or BIPAP machines may make your sleep so much better than you no longer need the sleep medications.
  3. Pay attention to how you feel throughout the day. There are some real reasons people are tried or drowsy during the day but many people do not know they suffer from sleep apnea. If you notice that you are more drowsy during the work day than usual, you may want to talk to tour doctor about it. Being too sleepy during the day can cause serious accidents when driving. Talk to your doctor about how you feel, do not just grab another cup of coffee and forget your problem.
  4. Try to avoid sleeping on your back. If you snore or you have been told that you suffer from sleep apnea, the worst position for you to sleep in is on your back. This makes gravity work against you and will only worsen your snoring and your sleep apnea problems. if you can switch to sleeping on your side or stomach you will breathe a lot better. Your family will also sleep a lot better when you start be sleep quiter.
  5. Get tested for sleep apnea. The way sleep experts can make this diagnosis is to go into their office or a sleep center and have a sleep study done. You will be monitored while you sleep to see if you spend anytime during the night not breathing. The experts will wire you up and pay attention to your oxygen levels and other factors while you sleep.

Sleep is very important for human health. There are a lot of reasons people neglect themselves and fail to get then seven to nine hours of sleep each night as recommended by the National Sleep Foundation. Sleep apnea may not impact how much time you spend in bed but it will lessen the quality of the sleep you get when you are there. Using the CPAP machine or the BIPAP machines as recommended is one thing you can do to lessen the problems associated with sleep apnea, making these lifestyle changes is another. Make sure you understand how to use your CPAP machine or BIPAP machine before you take it home.

Chiropractic care South tampa chiropractor Tampa chiropractors

6 Benefits to Getting Care from a Chiropractor

South tampa chiropractors

Every year, millions of people in the United States seek out chiropractic care for medical problems. Every year, it has been reported that more than 27 million adults and children across the country go to chiropractors. There are a number of conditions and problems that can be treated this way. Here are some of the proven benefits of chiropractic care:

  1. It is great for neck and back pain. Some studies have shown that that an overwhelming number of people who go to chiropractors for this kind of pain are happy they did. As many as 96% of patients reported they were either “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with the results from the care they received. At least 98% of all of these people said they would go back if they needed do. No other back or neck treatment has these kinds of support. When people go to a chiropractor first, before they seek out help from a spine surgeon, they are much less likely to need surgical intervention for their back. Doctors are so keen on having people with back problems seek out chiropractic care early that the American Medical Association recommends people go to a chiropractor first when they experience any kind of back injury.
  2. It can help with sciatics. This is a serious problem for millions of people around the country and can be challenging to treat. It is most often causes by injuries to a person’s back. Chiropractors are most often sought out to help with back pain and the related sciatica. The problem is caused when the sciatic nerve is pinched or stressed. A clinical trial published by the European Spine Journal showed that the success rate for this kind of treatment for people who suffer from this is 72%. This means that chiropractor services for this kind of issue are some of the best treatments for it.
  3. Chiropractic care can help with headaches. Tension and migraine headaches leave people unable to work or enjoy their lives. It has been estimated that these kinds of headaches amount for a large percentage of the people who seek out this kind of health care. In one study, 49% of participants reported a very serious drop in the intensity of their pain while 22% said they had about a 90% drop in the number of headaches they experience. One aded benefit to this kind of care is that it does not have the same issues that come along with treatment with medications.
  4. It is great for helping children who suffer from ear infections, colic or acid reflux. Research in this area has shown that kids who have these health problems can be really helped by having chiropractic adjustments. While the link between chiropractic care and the alleviations of symptoms related to colic, acid reflux and ear infections is not completely clear, experts believe that this connection comes from the role increased pressure on certain nerves has on the development of these issues. There is a real connection between the nervous system and the digestive system.
  5. Chiropractic care can lower your blood pressure. A study was published in 2007, in the Human Journal of Hypertension that linked upper cervical adjustments with lowering blood pressure. Not only that but it can be as effective as taking drugs for this. The really good news about this is that it works right away. It takes only one session with a chiropractor can lower a person’s blood pressure for six months. If people do have a problem with lower blood pressure, sessions with a chiropractor can even that out as well.
  6. It can help with neurological problems. New research is being done on the connections between cervical adjustments and their impact on conditions that impact the brain such as epilepsy and Multiple Sclerosis.

These are just a few of the benefits of a chiropractor. More and more research is being done on the health benefits to getting care from a Doctor of Chiropractic. People who go to chiropractic clinics on a regular basis say they have less stress, more energy and have much better sleep than those who do not. Research also suggests regular chiropractic care can help boost the immune system, improve digestion and help people live much better and healthier lives.

Door openers Lift recliners for elderly Staircases

Over 20% Of The Population Will Be Over The Age Of 65 By 2030 What Does This Mean For Retirement?

Chair lifts for seniors

Mobility affects our everyday life. A minor hitch in our ability to climb stairs, get out of bed or use the bathroom can utterly transform how we look at our future. Technology has done nothing but keep up over the years as our everyday needs become more clear, with curved stairways one of the best ways of helping out elderly populations who need more flexibility in their homes. These can be accompanied by other accessibility products like vehicle lifts, wheelchair ramps and customized stairlifts to make sure the home is always a place of safety. Learn more about accessibility standards and how you can improve your own life by looking at the list below.

Over 50 million Americans live with a disability today. According to a recent health study, disability is most commonly caused by reduced mobility. The term ‘disability’ has been altered and redefined over the decades to better accommodate those who are unable to live their best life without additional aid. This can include chronic pain, mental illness, reliance on wheelchairs, dementia, stiffness, soreness and the onset of age. It’s thought as many as seven million Americans will use assistive devices to aid with their mobility, though this number may increase as custom aids become more widespread.

Perhaps one of the most common mobility devices today are canes and walking sticks. These are followed close behind by ‘walkers’, used in particular by those who need both hands to move forward. The older a person becomes the more likely basic injuries can be life-threatening occurrences — it’s believed an older adult is taken to the emergency room for a fall every 11 seconds in the United States. Even more alarmingly is that over 50% of these falls will take place at home instead of outside or in an establishment. This adds up to two million senior citizens being treated for serious injuries every year. How can mobility aids change this?

It’s estimated older adults will account for nearly 20% of the population by the time 2030 arrives. This means that door openers, elderly lift assist devices and curved stairways are going to be ever more prominent in the classic American home. Assisted living centers are useful resources for helping elderly populations transition to their next stage of life, particularly for those that are struggling with the onset of Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia. Not everyone, however, is interested in an elderly community home and much prefer to ‘age in place’. This means a fitted stairlift or handicap automatic door opener can mean the difference between a happy retirement and a frustrated one.

To age comfortably and securely at home is the most preferred option for most. The National Conference Of State Legislatures saw a majority 90% of people over the age of 65 wanting to live in their home for as long as possible. Another report conducted on the phenomenon of ‘aging in place’ saw nearly 50% of homeowners over the age of 55 saying the bathroom is the most significant part of the home they’ve considered renovating. A minor slip or fall can result in broken bones, loss of consciousness and even death. These mobility devices for curved stairways are not just a convenience. They’re a necessity for a happy life.

Door openers help those with wrist problems, keeping them from straining themselves unnecessarily when they need to move back and forth throughout the house. Most bathrooms are not equipped with handles for easy grabbing — considering the treacherous nature of a slippery tub, it’s unsurprising the bathroom is the most preferred option for an upgrade. A fitted stairlift can be installed in most homes to help elderly persons comfortably go up and down. Curved stairways are not exempt from this, either, and power lift chairs are easy to adapt. The safest home is one that is fitted with multiple mobility devices to make the transition to retirement as seamless as possible.

Thanks to modern technology and mobility assistance devices, the best years are yet to come.

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6 Considerations to Make Before You Install a Starlift

Lifts for power wheelchairs

In the United States, there are about 53 million people living with some kind of disability. New data show that the most common kinds of disabilities also include problems with mobility. As a consequence, nearly 6.8 million people need to use some kind of device to help them get around. If that describes you or a loved one, you may have looking into different ways to make your home more easy to maneuver. Many people are looking at Harmar commercial stairlift solutions, fitted stairlifts and even outdoor wheelchair lifts. Given the number of options you have, there are some things to work out and consider before getting one installed.

  1. Start with a call to your insurance carrier. You may that the Harmar commercial stairlift solutions are the best for you but you should find out what may be covered by your insurance plan. You might be surprised to see just how much your plan will save you on stair lifts for home staircases and on the installation itself. They can also tell you what kinds of stairlifts they will pay for more for. Some companies like it when their clients go with reconditioned units versus new models. Talk to them about what kind of coverage they offer if you have curved staircases in your home. If you do not think this is a permanent thing you will need, you may want to see what the policy is on renting your stairlift.
  2. Find a good company to install your stairlift. One thing that makes Harmar commercial stairlift solutions so popular is that they can help find a company to do your installation. Like any work done in your home, you need to find a reliable company that has enough experience installing this kind of equipment. You need to find a company that can do a number of things for you. The installation needs to be done right but then if you have issues or need repairs done, they should also be able to handle those as well.
  3. Get several quotes. Most reputable companies who put in stairlifts will be wiling to come to your home, look at the staircases you have and give you a free estimate. If a company refuses to do this or will only get you an estimate on the phone. Keep looking. It is impossible to get a reliable estimate for the installation without looking at the staircase in question and getting a sense of what kind of condition it is in.
  4. Get your quotes for time and cost in writing. While delays happen and your final cost may not be what you expect (exactly), you should get an itemized estimate before you agree to anything. That is one way to prevent hidden charges and fees from ending up on your bill. It also prevents any misunderstandings in how much you are being charged for everything and how long you expect the work to take. Plus, it is easier to compare written estimates side by side.
  5. Look at your stairs. Many homes have curved staircases that make it a little more challenging to put in a stairlift. It is a lot easier and much less expensive to put these in on straight staircases. If you have both kinds of stairs in your home, you may want to have your stairlift put in on the straight set. It also takes longer to put in stairlifts in curved stairs so you need to factor that into your planning.
  6. Look at different models. Not all stairlifts are created equal. Even within the realm of Harmar commercial stairlift solutions, there are a lot of options. You should, if you can, try out the different models to see how they feel. Some of this process will be determined by how much you weigh and how comfortable the models are for you. You should find a model that you can easily use. This is a very important part of your decision making process.

New equipment is being developed all of the time to make it easier for people with disabilities get around. As the American population ages, people are looking for solutions to allow them to stay in their homes longer while staying safe.

Ankle fracture Minor burns Minor fracture

When to Seek Medical Care for a Twisted Ankle

Urgent care kapahulu

Many people have experienced the pain associated with a twisted ankle. This type of injury can take place in a wide variety of situations. In many cases, a twisted ankle commonly occurs as the result of physical activity including playing sports. It’s understandable to experience a slight degree of panic after twisting your ankle concerning where to go to seek treatment for this injury. In fact, statistics show that 25,000 people in the United States suffer from sprained ankles each day. With that in mind, here is more information concerning when a twisted ankle needs to be treated inside of either an urgent care or emergency room setting.

Twisted Ankle Versus a Sprained Ankle

If you’ve twisted your ankle and are experiencing feelings of pain, it’s likely a sprain has taken place. A sprained ankle occurs when ligaments surrounding this part of the body have become stretched too far and possibly torn. In more severe cases, an ankle fracture can take place which can result in bone protrusion and blood loss.

Visiting an Urgent Care Facility for Twisted Ankles

Luckily, most ankle sprains are completely treatable at an urgent care facility. Many of these facilities are able to see and treat patients in a short amount of time, making them very popular. In fact, statistics gathered from the Urgent Care Association of America found that nearly 3 million people visit these care centers per week. If you’re experiencing pain in addition to difficulty walking on the affected ankle, you’ll want to visit an urgent care facility. Severe ankle sprains can result in a fracture of this area taking place. Statistics show that 80% of urgent care centers provide some degree of fracture care.

When to Seek Emergency Care for Ankle Injuries

You’ll want to visit the emergency room if there is any amount of bone protruding out of the skin. Having bone showing through the skin is an indication that a severe bone break has occurred. In addition, bone protrusions often are associated with excessive bleeding. You’ll want to treat ankle injuries that are accompanied by significant blood loss in an emergency room setting.

To summarize, a twisted ankle is a common injury that can occur in many types of situations. It’s understandable to wonder where to seek treatment once an ankle injury has taken place. If a twisted ankle is accompanied by swelling, skin discoloration, and pain, you’ve likely sprained your ankle. You’ll find that most sprained ankles are completely treatable by visiting an urgent care facility. However, more severe ankle injuries can lead to bone protruding through the skin and blood loss which should be treated in an emergency room setting.