Benefits of breast augmentation Breast augmentation enlargement Breast lift and augmentation

Studies Show Women Prefer Breast Lifts Over Implants 2 to 1

Memorygel® breast implants

A new study from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons is showing that more women are turning to breast lift procedures, mastopexy, rather than investing in breast implants. The ASPS study also confirms that lifts have outpaced implants two to one, and that since 2000, breast lift surgery has grown by 70%.

There are still plenty of women that cite reasons to get breast augmentation, such as aging, and post-breast feeding sagging, and implants are still considered the most popular cosmetic surgery in America. But women are increasingly electing to have breast lifts over implants because mastopexy utilizes their existing natural tissue to aid the lift, tightening the surrounding tissue in the process.

One of the main reasons to get breast augmentation or a lift is that women feel more confident with breast implants. As skin loses its elasticity with age, the tissue surrounding the breast begins to loosen, and as a result, the breasts begin to sag. This is especially true for post-menopausal women who no longer produce a large amount of estrogen, which affects the breast tissue. There are mild and more severe forms of ptosis, or sagging breasts, depending on a woman’s individual collagen production as well.

But for women who have enough breast tissue left, breast lifts could be a less invasive, more natural procedure. Breast lifts are also ideal for women who are not interested in necessarily enlarging their breasts, but would rather give them a more organic, raised look. The ASPS is careful to note that breast lifts do not round out the breasts or reshape them in any way, but only pull them up to the appropriate location in relation to the infra-mammary fold.

As this procedure is not right for every woman, a doctor will be able to determine whether having breast implants or mastopexy is the proper treatment. For more than 90,000 women in 2013, breast lifts were their first choice. In either case, these procedures are helping women feel more at east with their body, and confident enough to start dressing in their favorite clothing once again.
More research here:

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Lesser Known Truths About Healthcare and Skincare

Collagen cream for body

Half of Americans believe that medical conspiracies are true, NPR reports. Up to 20% believe that the government asks us to vaccinate children knowing it will cause autism, and another 20% think they’re likely to get cancer from their cellphones. It is safe to say there is a lot of misinformation about healthcare and nutrition. Many Americans have difficulty picking apart what is and isn’t true. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most recent and popular healthcare tips on the web:

Collagen Anti Wrinkle Creams Or Supplements Improve Skin’s Firmness and Elasticity: True

With age, loose skin and wrinkles are inevitable. “Wrinkles are the result of a loss of collagen, the main structural protein of the skin. As you age, the body begins to produce less of it, which keeps skin from being as firm as it was when you were younger,” ABC News explains. Collagen skin care products typically contain peptides. The peptides in collagen anti wrinkle creams and collagen face creams stimulate the natural production of collagen, restoring skin’s firmness and greatly reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Kids Are Smoking Coffee: False

Rumors that teenagers are smoking coffee may be an internet hoax (just in time for April Fool’s Day!), Time magazine reports. “While a viral string of ‘websites popping up online that will teach kids step-by-step on how to roll their own caffeine stick’ appears to be a little over-dramatic, there are a few how-to sites, and those that exist are often satirical, Time continues. In all likelihood, teens are getting their caffeine fixes the “normal” way: Starbucks and Red Bull.

Eating Five Fruits and Veggies Per Day Prolongs Your Life: Kinda True

Five portions may actually be a little too low, BBC News reported Tuesday. BCC adds, “Eating seven or more portions of fruit and vegetables a day is healthier than the minimum five currently recommended and would prolong lives.” According to a new study, eating seven to 10 portions of fresh fruits and vegetables decreased the chances of death — at any age — by 42%. Fresh vegetables were most effective. Eating canned fruits actually increased risks of death.

Don’t base your choices and lifestyle on misinformation and medical conspiracy. Know what is and isn’t true. Collagen anti wrinkle creams restore skin’s elasticity, you don’t have to worry about your teens smoking coffee, and upping daily portions of fruits and vegetables is likely to increase your overall health.

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Three Reasons Why You Might Up Your Cup Size

Breast augmentation tampa fl

Did you know that about 1 million American women in the last three years have had breast enhancement surgeries? Of these women, about eight out of ten felt that their procedures were worthwhile.

However, most people are in two general camps regarding breast implants. Some feel that these procedures set feminism back decades, while others support them because self-conscious women can feel confident with breast augmentation. Regardless of whichever camp you may fall in, there’s no denying that there are several benefits of breast augmentation, as this evidence suggests.

Here are just a few!

An Improved Sex Life.

One of the most indisputable benefits of breast augmentation is that the procedure can enhance your sex life. Believe it or not, 61% of women reported having sex more frequently; 70% said they had an overall more satisfying sex life; and 73% said that their procedure improved their partners sex life as well. Plus, these women also had orgasms more easily, and were more aroused.

More Symmetry.

Developing asymmetrical breasts is more common than you’d think. Some women have breasts that don’t match in either size or shape. One might be a C-cup, while the other is an A. Even just a half cup difference has a noticeable effect. These aren’t so much health issues as they are self-esteem and body image issues. By improving this symmetry, women can improve their body image, which is one of the biggest benefits of breast augmentation.


After having children, some women experience unfortunate changes to their breasts. These women don’t want to have bigger breasts–they just want to have the same size, look, shape, and feel that they once did. Thanks to recent medical advancements, these women can experience such benefits of breast augmentation as having their original bust size restored with natural looking and feeling results.

These are just a few of the many benefits of breast augmentation. Whatever your reasons to get breast augmentation are, if you’re curious then it’s important that you speak to a board certified breast augmentation surgeon to determine which of the various types of breast augmentation procedures might work best for you. If you have any questions about the benefits of breast augmentation, feel free to ask in the comments. Find out more here.

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3 Ways to Naturally Treat Hypothyroidism

Symptoms of thyroid problems

If you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, you may not be sure what the next step is. Your doctor will likely prescribe a low thyroid treatment consisting of medicine and a change in your diet. While this is the most common way to treat a hypothyroid condition, there are also other natural thyroid treatments that can aid your recovery, and get you back to feeling active and healthy.
One natural low thyroid treatment is becoming a gluten-free consumer. Often times, hypothyroidism patients also suffer from an auto-immune deficiency. The National Foundation for Celiac Awareness reports that Celiac disease was found in more patients with autoimmune thyroid disease than the general population. They also explain that patients withe thyroid problems, both hypo and hyper, are genetically predisposed to Celiac disease. By cutting out gluten, you will be doing your thyroid a favor.
Another alternative thyroid treatment is turning your attention to adrenal fatigue. It is commonly known that your adrenals are connected to your thyroid, but you may not realize that addressing adrenal fatigue could help your overall feeling of tiredness. When stress horomones are produced in large quantities, they can disrupt the natural flow of hormones, making it hard to get through the day without feeling drained and irritable. The best treatment for both your adrenals and hypothyroidism in this case would be to get adequate rest, and reduce the stresses in your life. Pushing yourself will get you nowhere.
Making sure that you remain active. This does not mean that you should run marathons or spend hours at the gym, but rather that you take time to do non-stressful exercise, such as yoga or stretching. These kinds of movements do not add stress to your body or push your cardiovascular system into overdrive. Moderation in the key in this case.
Perhaps the most important thing you can do is make sure that you take vitamin supplements. While this is not a stand-alone low thyroid treatment, by maintaining a healthy balance of Vitamin D, iron, zinc, copper, Omega 3, Vitamin A, iodine, and other essential nutrients, you can save yourself from aggravating your existing symptoms.
You can also speak with your doctor to find out how you can supplement the medications with additional natural hypothyroid disease treatments. If you are like many people, finding natural, non-medicinal ways of treating ailments is probably your first inclination. It is important to continue to take whatever medication your doctor prescribes, but also keep in mind that you are not helpless. Use all the resources available to you to take back your health.

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Understanding the Differences Between the Various Types of Laser Treatments

You may have heard people talk about getting laser treatments at a spa and may have seen some results. Seeing those results may lead you to wonder about the types of laser treatments you can get at a spa. According to Aqua Blu Medical Spa, one of the major benefits of having laser treatments is their ability to target specific areas.

Most people who go to a spa for laser treatments seek treatments for their faces.

Although most people who go to a spa for laser treatments seek treatments for their faces, some clients go to a spa to ask for laser treatment for chest acne or wrinkles. According to the Art of Skin MD, these treatments are commonly requested by clients whose cleavage has been overexposed to the sun. If a client develops sunspots or precancerous spots on their chest, laser treatment is an effective way to remove those areas.

Your face rejuvenation cost will depend on the solutions used and on the number of visits your treatment will take. According to Healthline, skin tightening costs via laser can range from $600 to $100 per visit. If you want to know the average laser resurfacing prices, according to WebMD, you might pay approximately $1500 (although it could be as much as $6000.)

C02 laser resurfacing

Lasers used to be reserved for the worlds of science fiction and spy movies. Bond villains tying up the hero and bringing him close to a perilous demise. Alien lifeforms using condensed laser-light to level cities. The list goes on and on.

But today’s medical professionals have actually embraced laser technology for a wide variety of uses, especially when it comes to skin care. We’ve all heard of laser tattoo removal, but that’s only scratching the surface. There are a number of different dermatology procedures that utilize lasers to accomplish their goals, and most are available simply by consulting your physician or an certified cosmetic surgeon in your area. For example:

Facial Laser Resurfacing Treatments

What It Does: To fight the effects of aging or to help you simply recover from those awkward adolescent years, laser face resurfacing might be your winning ticket. Using a highly potent laser light made from either erbium or carbon dioxide, a surgeon will guide the beam across your face in an attempt to rid your face of wrinkles, acne scars and warts, enlarged oil glands and other facial irregularities.

What It Costs: The national average was about $2,300 in 2011, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. However, keep in mind that cost will vary depending on the patient, the doctor and the type of procedure being performed.

Laser Hair Removal

What It Does: Similar to facial laser resurfacing, laser hair removal seeks to remove excess and unsightly hairs from the body using a strong, concentrated beam of light to destroy the follicles. The process has been widely used in the United States since the 1990s and one of the biggest laser hair removal benefits is that it’s even been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for “permanent hair reduction.”

What It Costs: Expect to pay around $235 per treatment, according to numbers from the ASPS. Again, however, it’s all quite dependent on a number of factors. The best way to get a quote is to ask a doctor.

Laser Freckle Removal

What It Is: Freckles are actually small deposits of pigment that reside in the epidermis, or the upper layer of your skin. Using laser technology similar to the above two procedures, technicians can go in and break up the excess pigment using the extremely hot light of the laser usually after about four or five treatment sessions.

What It Costs: Because freckles can spot multiple portions of the body, prices will typically reflect where the procedure is going to be focused. Some facial freckle removal procedures can range up to $400.

Whether you’re opting into facial laser resurfacing or hair or freckle removal, understand that these technologies, though new, have still been tested repeatedly to ensure their safety levels. As always, though, it’s important to consult a physician or a surgeon before deciding on any one of them. Helpful links.

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Urgent Care Lives Up to Name in Medical Field

Pediatric urgent care phoenix

It is Monday morning and the first day of your vacation. You decide to work out to get some energy for the rest of your day off. As you are working out, you sprain your ankle. You know you need to get to a doctor, but do you want to wait in line at the emergency room? Why not cut down on the hassle and wait time and head to a Phoenix Urgent Care facility.

With a licensed physician on-site, urgent care centers are able to offer a wide range of services including broken bones, moderate cuts and lacerations requiring stitches, and most common injuries and illnesses including the flu. These services, of course, are made possible with the diagnostic equipment and x-ray machines typically found at an urgent care. According to studies, each year between 5 and 20% of Americans come down with the flu. Instead of having to wait for an opening at their primary care doctor, they can be helped by an urgent care doctor.

Urgent Care cost is much lower than a trip to the emergency room. The typical emergency department visit costs an average of $1,500, while treatment at an urgent care center costs, on average, under $150. The amount of people visiting urgent care facilities continues to grow. An estimated three million patients visit an urgent care center each week in the U.S.

There are approximately 129,043 people in the United States who are employed by urgent care centers. Unlike other walk-in clinics such as retail clinics, urgent care centers are generally staffed by a physician and supported by nurses, physician assistants and medical assistants. Of the physicians that staff urgent care centers, 47.8% are family medicine, 30.1% are emergency medicine and 7.6% are internal medicine.

The urgent care movement began in the 1970s in the United States, but has grown exponentially around the globe since then. Urgent care centers are now an important healthcare delivery component in other countries including Canada, England and Australia. In 2000 New Zealand became the first country to recognize urgent care as a medical specialty.

A Phoenix Urgent Care facility will be able to help you through a wide variety of medical problems. Whether it is a sports injury or you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, a trained physician is ready to help. Avoid the emergency room and use an urgent care center near you.

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Are You Looking for a Place to Get Quality Medical Coverage? Urgent Care Centers Are Convenient Options

Urgent dental care

Among American physicians who are their patients’ source of primary care, less than 30% currently are able to accommodate patients after regular business hours are over. But what if you have suddenly experienced a bone fracture,a concussion, strain, or sprain? What about dealing food poisoning, upper respiratory issues, or lacerations? In any of these cases and many more, convenient care is available in the form of urgent care facilities, some of which are available 24 hours per day.

And with almost 9,000 urgent care locations throughout the country, and more being added all the time, you are likely to find urgent medical care that you need in your area. These kinds of convenient care facilities, which have come into increasing prominence since their introduction in the states during the 1970’s, bring in $14 billion each year in America.

But why is it particularly advantageous to go to an urgent care facility in the case of medical situations that are not life-threatening? Compared to going to an emergency room, the patient is usually treated much more quickly. Also, it is far less expensive to receive care at urgent facilities than in an emergency room.

If you have additional questions, comments, or suggestions regarding how to seek out convenient care in your area, be sure to visit the section below. For more, read this link.

Foods for healthy diet Healthy foods to eat on a diet Personalized diet plan

Two Beginner Tips for Working Toward a Healthier Diet

Diet assessment tool

The next time you wander the aisles of the supermarket, take a second look at some of the food labels. If you’re counting five, 10 or even 20 different ingredients in a box of something basic like macaroni and cheese, there’s probably a whole lot more to the story than you think. When foods get manufactured for a long shelf life, the processors often have to remove the essential vitamins and nutrients. This means you’re not buying the food itself, but more like the remnants of what it was once — even though it still tastes more or less the same.

The benefits of a whole foods diet are right in the name — you get the whole food and no fillers. That means you get the most nutritional value from your meals. There are plenty of good healthy diet foods to ensure you’re giving your body what it needs. As such, consider these two free nutrition counseling tips to help guide you during your next grocery trip.

Use the stove, not the microwave.

Stoves are expensive, so why wouldn’t you use one if you paid for it? Heating your food over an open flame might take slightly longer, but chances are it’ll be better for your health in the long run. A recent study in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health suggests the convenience of microwaveable containers might not be so convenient after all.

Take microwave popcorn, for example. Those bags tend to have chemicals that line the insides in order to prevent the oil from seeping into the paper. When the chemicals (made from fluoride) are heated, they just might end up in the actual popcorn itself. The same can be true for any plastic package deemed “microwave safe.” Over time, these chemicals could lead to serious health problems. Though it might take a bit longer, always opt for the stove when it comes to heating up and preparing your meals. That’s just a good rule of thumb to have, free online nutrition counseling or not.

Oatmeal and fruit, not sugary cereal.

Lucky Charms and Count Chocula are both delicious ways to start your day, but ask yourself: Can anything good come from eating marshmallows for breakfast? The answer, of course, is no. Those two (plus scores of “fruity” cereals in the grain aisle) taste great because they’re loaded up with added sugars (bad sugars) and fake flavors. Still, cereal can be quite good for you, assuming you’re taking in the right kinds of whole grains when you eat it.

Instead of pecking and hunting to avoid the marshmallow pieces in your Lucky Charms, heat up a bowl of heart-healthy, no-sugar-added oatmeal instead. Then, add all the fresh fruit slices you want to naturally sweeten it up (with good sugars). Strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and raspberries are all wonderful choices, as are bananas and even pineapple chunks for a more exotic taste. You won’t be stuck with the sugar overload, plus you’ll have all the dietary power of whole grains on your side.

Thus concludes your first online nutrition counseling
. For more information about your specific nutritional needs, always talk with your doctor. More.