If you’re trying to find the best family quick care, sometimes it helps to keep it simple. Your local urgent care facilities can offer you great family health care, without the chaos and cost of the emergency room. If you find yourself in a situation that requires immediate care, knowing the options provided to you by urgent care facilities can help you get through the medical emergency. Here are just a few of the things you can have treated at an urgent care:
Sprains – If your children play sports, then eventually, they’re bound to get some kind of sports injury. Even if it’s only minor, a pull or a sprain could get worse if it stays untreated. Going to an urgent care facility immediately can prevent any further stress or damage to a sprain, and can give you the assurance you need to know it isn’t a full break or something more serious.
Colds – If you or your family member has a particularly bad cold that won’t go away, your local urgent care facilities can help get you the antibiotics you need to help it get better. A persistent cold could also be symptomatic of a larger problem, in which case your urgent care physician will be able to help you know for sure. Some locations even offer after hours urgent care, in case of an unexpected medical emergency at night.
Physicals – Even if you don’t have an injury, your urgent care can also administer flu shots, write prescriptions, and give physicals for the new school year. Make sure that your chosen urgent care facilities are ones that will take your insurance for family care, and you can save a ton of money by skipping the emergency room. Urgent care centers are fully stocked with some of the best physicians available, so you know you’ll be getting the best care your family needs to stay healthy and well.