The baby boomer population is increasingly creeping over the proverbial hill at age 65 and up. With this large influx of senior citizens, the need for eldercare is more pressing than it ever was before. But with the proliferation of negative ideas of eldercare in senior living facilities in the media and beyond, it can be difficult to know if assistance living is right for you or your loved one. Luckily, this article exists to spread the truth about elderly homes.
By definition, a convalescence home is a form assisted living centers that provides 24 hour, seven day a week care for individuals who need it. Typically, this includes the elderly, the terminally ill and the sick. According to the Centers for Disease control and Prevention, there are over 16,000 assisted living facilities in the United States.
While many think that convalescence homes rob residents of their independence, that could not be further from the truth. Rather, assisted living affords seniors with opportunities to connect with people their age and engage in activities that stimulate both their bodies and their minds. Many assisted living centers even offer field trips, taking residents to places such as baseball games and museums.
In addition to activities, many assisted living centers often offer different kinds of living situations for more independent residents, such as apartments and incorporated villages. While 24 hour care is still made available to these residents, they allow for them to lead more active, and self sufficient lives.
It is also important to remember that no two assisted living facility is the same. Before deciding on one, be sure to do your homework and arrange visits to see which center is right for you or your loved one. Choosing assisted living can be a scary decision, but ultimately, it can be one that enriches your life for the better.