Obesity exposes you to different health conditions, which include high blood pressure, diabetes, and different cardiovascular problems. Being obese or overweight isn’t good for your health. This problem is the reason why approximately 54% of the American adult population is trying to cut down their weight.
A regular workout regimen is an effective way to reduce weight.
This article presents to you a plan on how to begin your workout and create a workout calendar and plan. It’s possible to reduce weight by watching your diet. But you have to combine that approach with some active lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to weight gain, and when coupled with high caloric intake, it could worsen your Body Mass Index (B.M.I) status.
A regular regimen of exercises can help you to cut weight. Starting such a program is challenging, and maintaining it is even more challenging. Here is the step-by-step guideline on how to go on about it.
1. Identify your goals
Do you want to lose weight and have a well-toned body and physique? Or are you looking to cut weight and build some strength and muscles? If you know what you want to achieve, creating a workout calendar and plan is easy.
For instance, if you intend to meet the American Heart Association’s recommended workout period of at least 150 minutes per week, then you have to divide this target time by seven days to create a daily workout schedule. After that, you can project the weekly program and create a monthly workout plan. You can divide the hours into realistic timings that suit your working schedule.
2. Create a workout calendar
After starting to exercise, you’ll need to keep track of the progress that you’ll make to determine whether you’ll have improved. The ideal way to keep track is by creating a workout calendar. The calendar displays the kind of exercise that you’ll undertake and the time that you’ll do so. This exercising tool will help you to get committed to your workout plan.
3. Make a ritual out of your exercising.
The best way to start and maintain a habit is by creating a clear repetitive approach that defines the time of exercising and what you’ll do before and after exercising. This plan will help you memorize and never forget what you’re supposed to do. Don’t forget to document your habitual exercise engagements on your workout calendar.
4. Commit yourself for at least one month
It takes approximately 21 to 30 days to build a lasting habit. If you want to achieve your workout goals, you may even take longer because you can’t lose 20 pounds in a week or two. You have to set up ample exercising time that spans for at least one month to achieve your desired results. But you have to note that consistency is a significant influencing factor, which will determine whether you’ll reach your workout objectives or not.
5. Make a gradual start.
Starting too fast may get you exhausted and unable to continue because your body isn’t attuned to regular exercising. Thus, commit to fewer repetitions and exercise types. Also, do them for short periods before increasing your exercising time. Increase the frequency and intensity of your exercising after your body gets used to the workouts.
6. Remain consistent and avoid excuses
It’s common for most people that start a workout schedule to take occasional breaks and seek excuses not to engage in their workout plan. There may be some genuine excuses to take a break. But too many interruptions or extended periods of interruptions may hinder you from achieving your workout goals.
7. Start immediately
Most people tend to procrastinate. If you have your workout plan, calendar, and exercising kits ready, then you should begin your workouts without delay.
If you’re seeking to lose weight and build muscle strength, then create a personalized workout plan to lose weight. You can also find the help of a personal health coach to create a plan and stick to it. But don’t forget to maintain a consistent regimen of exercise, and workout calendar to always keep you reminded about your engagements.