
Simple Ways You Can Boost Your Health In 2021

We are well into the New Year, and there are certainly a lot of Americans who are looking to improve upon their health.

From getting that gym membership to committing to eating better, people from sea-to-sea have mandated 2021 as the year that they turn things around and start living a healthier lifestyle. Oh, if only it was that simple, though. Over 45 million Americans have a gym membership at the nearly 30,000 health clubs that are scattered throughout the country. But, it can be really hard to keep up the motivation needed to continue on the quest to better health.

Thankfully, there are simple ways in which you can boost your health outcome, from the practical (seeing a doctor regularly) to getting that aforementioned gym membership. Here are some simple ways you can boost your health in 2021, and keep your resolution to living a healthier life.

See A Doctor Regularly

One great, simple way you can get started on your quest to better health is to finally overcome the fear of seeing the doctor regularly.

Visiting your doctor regularly will give your mileposts as to the condition of your health, and what you need to do to be healthier. You can do local physical therapy to work out the limbs on your body, especially of age is beginning to become a factor. Seeing the doctor, however, will mean medical bills, but there are medical billing solutions available for you so that it won’t be a drag on your finances.

If you choose to go this route, depending on the area you live in, there are a lot of physiatry practice opportunities for you to explore. Another, maybe less noticeable thing about getting healthier, is making sure your eyesight is in working order. In addition to physical exams, you should also do eye exams regularly to make sure your eyesight isn’t going bad.

Improve Your Sleep Schedule

Most of us have a terrible sleep schedule, which was made even worse during the height of the pandemic.

Doctors and health experts have been telling us for years that we need to improve our sleep schedule to improve our health, but there is a segment of America that suffers from insomnia, which can really do a number on the sleep schedule. This is where cannabis may come to the rescue. Over the years, there has been a growing acceptance of cannabis in America, so much so that states are beginning to not only make it legal for medical purposes but also for recreational use.

Cannabis can help with your sleep cycle and have you on a path to a better night’s rest. In states where cannabis is legal, there may be cannabis delivery services available so that you won’t even have to venture to the store. If you don’t believe in cannabis, do not worry as there are other methods you can use to get better sleep, such as putting on soft music or sounds that will lure you to sleep or doing activities that lower your stress rate, making it easier to get sleep at night. Getting sleep at night at a respectable time will greatly improve your health and make you more ready to tackle what the next day will bring.

Work On Your Mental Health

Mental health has become a national focal point over the past year.

With the pandemic doing an untold amount of damage to the mentality of Americans, 2021 must be the year where you become healthier mentally. If you’re already seeing a therapist and things aren’t quite working out, maybe it’s time to find a new therapist that will be better tailored to your needs. You can also schedule a visit to a therapist’s virtual office, in which many have transitioned to during the pandemic to work on your mental health. It’s great that mental health is getting more notice, as it is a huge part of keeping yourself healthy and well for years to come.

Drink More Water

We all love sodas, and for some, it’s borderline an addiction.

While those drinks provide us with flavor bliss, it sure isn’t healthy for us, and the key to better health in 2021 is to drink more water. According to health experts, the typical person should be drinking at least 60 ounces of water every day. While that may sound like a lot of water to chug down daily, you can space out your water consumption throughout the day so it may not seem as much.

You can also add some flavor to your water. No, we’re not talking about flavored water, but adding fruits and vegetables to your water so that it will be more pleasant and go down easier. There are many ways in which you can spice up your water and make it taste great, all while getting the H2O needed to stay on the healthy track.

Do More Walking

While most of us are still working from home, now may be the time to start getting back into shape, and by that, we mean doing more walking.

If you live in an area that has walking trails, it will benefit you to hit one of those trails, either before or after work, to get the nearly 10,000 steps health experts say you need throughout the day. You don’t have to hit up a walking trail, however, to get the steps you need to keep you healthy. If you work at a desk most of the day, take a least 30 minutes of every hour to walk around your office. Or, you can do your steps on your lunch break. Either way, you do it, make sure that you are walking it out every day to stay on the healthy track for 2021.

Don’t Skip Breakfast

Admit it. It can be really tempting to skip breakfast as you have a lot to juggle on your plate to get the day started.

However, breakfast isn’t deemed “the most important meal of the day” just for the sake of it has a saying. It truly is the most important meal you can have to start your day, and many people miss out on the protein needed to get your energy right for the day. To make up for the lack of breakfast, many make a big meal at dinner, but that only serves to make you tired and fall asleep easier. Instead, you should have a big breakfast filled with that good protein and fiber. The reason is that it boosts your metabolism and gives you energy, which will help you focus on the task at hand throughout your workday.

Do Relaxing Ans Stress-Reliebing Hobbies

Nobody has to tell you that work can add to your stress level.

While the job can certainly be stressful, it only lasts eight hours. When you get off of work, there is a myriad of things you can do to relieve that stress, such as playing a game of Minecraft or going to the park and getting in a workout. Stress plays a big role in your health and keeping that stress down can be the key to being healthier in 2021.

Make Your Home Resemble The Outdoors

It can be a drag working inside and not being able to enjoy the outdoors for eight hours a day. So, why not bring the outdoors indoors?

Adding plants to your home will give it a homey feel and make the environment within your home more inviting. Depending on which area you live in, there are several flower shops that you can visit that will give your home an outdoor boost, and contribute to the overall health of your home.

Do More Cooking

There isn’t one American that doesn’t like to eat out, but it should be a once-in-a-while type of thing.

That’s because restaurants, while delicious, have a lot of sodium and sugar within their foods, in addition to bad fats. The best way to counter this is to do more cooking at home. Now, there is a segment of the American population that doesn’t know how to cook, or can do limited cooking. That shouldn’t be a worry as there is a litany of YouTube videos that will teach you how to cook the basics.

Pay It Forward

It can be a rewarding experience giving back to friends or the environment, or both!

Doing volunteering work and other selfless gestures will go a long way to improving your health. For starters, it lowers your stress and gives you a sense of pride knowing that you’re contributing to making the world a better place. That happiness can also translate into good health, making you look and feel healthier for the new year.

Spend Some Quality Time With Your Pets

Having pets can really be a stress-reliever for many people.

Whether it’s having a dog or a cat (or both), spending some much-needed quality time with your pets can be a win-win for your health. Maybe you can build your dog that dog house you always promised? Or you can take your pets out for some nice exercise? Spending some quality time with your pets will lead to a healthy life that’s free of needless stress.

Drink More Coffee

We know that there have been some experts that have warned against drinking a lot of coffee, but over the years, this beverage of choice has gotten a second healthy loo, and now, many health experts are recommending that people drink coffee for their health.

The reason is that coffee is actually very healthy for you as it contains a high level of antioxidants, and drinking more coffee can lead to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and other diseases, leading to the longevity of your life span. So maybe it’s time to look at coffee in a different light and drink more of it to improve our health for 2021.

Be Healthy While Satisfying Your Sweet Tooth

We all have that moment where the sweet tooth takes over and you need something sweet to satisfy it.

Sweets can be a person’s biggest vice, but it doesn’t have to be an unhealthy experience. According to Real Simple, you can satisfy your sweet tooth by eating a piece of dark chocolate or eating fruits such as raspberries or a banana instead of that ice cream that you might have been aiming for in the fridge, Not only are those alternatives sweet (which will satisfy your sweet tooth), but it’s also healthy for you.

Resist Sleeping In

This one could be hard as many of us love and value our sleep.

It can be tempting to sleep in, especially on our day off. However, doing too much sleeping and waking up late is actually not good for your health. If the goal is to improve your health for 2021, then you should aim to wake up earlier. There are many perks to waking up early, such as it starts your day off on a great note, you won’t feel so rushed to get ready, and it will give them time to eat a nice, big breakfast that you need to give you the energy needed to get through the day.

So resist sleeping in and start embracing waking up earlier.

In conclusion, you don’t really have to spend money on a gym membership or commit to an impossible goal to be healthier for 2021. There are simple steps that you can take to achieve the health goals that you want to achieve. First, you can wake up earlier and have a nice, hearty breakfast that will give you energy. Spend time with your pets or get some exercise throughout the day. Do things that will decrease your stress level and bring the outdoors inside your home.

Oh, and make sure that you see your doctor regularly so you will have a basic idea of where your health lies. Doing these things, and more will ensure you that 2021 will be a year where you will be healthier than ever before.


Tips for Improving Your Fitness Through Your Community

Did you know? According to the CDC, less than 50% of all American adults meet basic Physical Activity Guidelines for aerobic activity. In other words, the majority of Americans simply aren’t getting the exercise they need to be healthy. You can see how this impacts every aspect of life, from rampant obesity to health problems resulting from sedentary lifestyles.

Improving your fitness is no easy feat, especially if you’ve never taken exercise seriously before. You might not see yourself as the active type. Maybe you always hire tree pruning services and repairmen to get things done around your home, and don’t do much in the way of DIY projects. Or perhaps you’re fairly active in most ways, but simply don’t enjoy exercise.

Whether you find traditional exercise boring or you just need some extra motivation, one of the best ways to go about improving your fitness is to engage with your community. Getting out of the house to move and be active can introduce novelty into an otherwise dull exercise practice. It can even let you connect with friends and meet new people in your area.

From going to the medical spa with friends to playing basketball at the park, there are lots of ways to get outside while improving your fitness. Here are a few ideas to help get you started.

Try Out Local Gyms

For many people, getting around to going to the gym is like having an important home repair that you’ve been putting off. It’s not necessarily difficult to install a new residential garage door opener, but it’s also easy to put up with a broken one and just park the car in the driveway. Similarly, everyone knows the “should” go to the gym, but it’s just easier to think about doing it someday as opposed to signing up and getting started.

improving your fitness

Of course, sometimes that apprehension is warranted. After all, starting anything new can be a little bit nerve-wracking, and people who’ve never been to a gym simply wouldn’t know what to expect.

Fortunately, there are some strategies for finding a gym that’s right for you and that you feel comfortable visiting.

Perhaps the most important quality in a local gym is its proximity to your home. You can always drive across town to work out, but you’re much more likely to make it a habit if you don’t have far to go. It’s a good idea to find a gym within 15 minutes of your home.

Second to distance, the cleanliness of the gym and its equipment is a big factor. You probably guessed that gyms tend to be germ factories, and keeping things clean is a must, especially in our post-COVID world. Before you sign up for membership, take a look around and make sure everything is clean enough for you to work out comfortably.

You should also think about a gym’s target demographic. You might assume that all gyms are pretty much the same, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Some gyms focus on power lifters and serious athletes, and they have heavy equipment and sparse decor to match. But more and more gyms are opening up to target people with less experience working out. These gyms strive to create quieter, more relaxed environments, and typically have less and simpler equipment. If you’re new to working out, this second type of gym might be best for you. On the other hand, you may find that kind of environment restricting and uncomfortable, especially if you aren’t a quiet person by nature.

Finally, you should consider signing up with a gym that has interactive programs, especially if you’re new to exercise. Working with a coach, whether it’s one on one or with a group, is a great way to stay accountable and consistent with your training. If your contract requires you to show up on a schedule so you can train, you’ll be far more likely to keep going back. As a bonus, you’ll also be interacting with other people more.

A quick note about contracts, though: make sure you read them carefully before signing one. If there’s anything that makes you uncomfortable, discuss it with the manager or representative before signing. Make sure you get any verbal promises in writing, too.

Improving your fitness boosts your health in lots of ways. It can even be a form of revitalizing treatment since it can help slow down aging. And by working out at a local gym, you’ll be supporting a local business and getting out into your community in the process.

Visit Community Parks

If going to the gym feels too structured or intimidating to you, there are other ways of improving your fitness. Why not go to the park?

improving your fitness

Few things are more refreshing than outdoor living, and few ways of enjoying the outdoors are easier than visiting your neighborhood park. It’s also a fantastic way to keep your kids entertained if you have children. Best of all, it’s completely free.

Besides improving your fitness, going to the park is great for boosting your sense of community. The more parks you visit, the more people you’re likely to meet. You may remember going to the park when you were a child and meeting other kids from around the neighborhood. You may feel less social now as an adult, but why not visit the park again, just to see if you bump into anyone and hit it off with them? If nothing else, you’ll get some sunshine and fresh air.

Not only is going to the park good for the community, but it’s good for your city as well. Every park as an entire crew of staff members keeping it clean and attractive. These people put their heart and soul into maintaining your neighborhood park, and too often their efforts go unnoticed as people are too busy or distracted to visit. By showing your park some love, you’ll also be showing the city that it’s worth keeping open, and appreciating the hard work of the park staff.

If allergies make it difficult or uncomfortable to go outside, consider seeing an allergy doctor to see if that can be taken care of. It’s healthy to spend time outside, so try to resolve anything that stands in the way of that.

Volunteer for Good Causes

There are many reasons to volunteer your time to support a good cause. Maybe you just want to help make the world a better place. Perhaps you’d like to support nonprofits, but don’t have disposable income to do it. Either way, using your time to help others is highly rewarding, and one of the best things you can do. And because it requires you to get out and be active, it can even help with improving your fitness.

Whether you’re campaigning for increased access to CBD health supplements or serving at your church, there are countless ways you can make a difference.

Animal rescue shelters are a popular place to volunteer, and they’re always needing more support. You can help with office work by volunteering to field phone calls and answer emails. You might even have the opportunity to go out in the field and help rescue animals in need, which can have the added benefit of improving your fitness.

We mentioned how valuable parks can be for getting active, but often they need volunteer support as well. National parks especially rely on volunteer labor for maintenance, such as collecting litter and emptying garbage cans.

improving your fitness

If you have a heart for helping people, food pantries and soup kitchens might be more your thing. You could be organizing local food drives, raising money and taking donations with POS systems, or handing out hot meals to those in need. But those aren’t the only skills that local charities like these need. Often they can’t afford to hire specialists for complex tasks involved in running a charity, such as bookkeeping, copywriting, and even cooking. If you happen to have valuable business skills like these, even if it’s only at a basic level, you could be a valuable asset to local charities.

If you have strong hands-on skills, you may be needed at a charity that does construction and repair work for people in need. Habitat for Humanity and Rebuilding Together are two such organizations with local affiliates in countless cities around the world. These groups will provide essential repairs to homes of the elderly, disabled, and those of low income, as well as to important social buildings like food banks and homeless shelters. As you can imagine, they never have too many people working for them.

Local libraries and art museums also frequently rely on volunteers to operate. Even just a few hours per week can be a highly valuable contribution to institutions like these, which often go underserved and under-appreciated. You can even pick up administrative skills from working there. It might not do much to improve your fitness, but it will at least help you get active and out into the community. If you have a love for art or literature, it’s a great idea.

Maybe books and paintings aren’t exactly your thing. For something a little more active, you could also volunteer at a nearby YMCA. Opportunities to volunteer there involve helping both children and adults stay safe and develop competent life skills. You could tutor literacy courses or even coach a sports team. There may be long-term positions open that you could fill, or you might be able to help with a one-off activity. Reach out to the YMCA near you to find out what they could use help with.

Participate in a 5K Run

Running is one of the best-known and most popular ways of improving your fitness, and some people find it more enjoyable than other forms because it actually involves getting outside. But if you have trouble getting yourself to stick to a running routine, participating in a 5K might help get you out the door. Not only that, but running a 5K adds a definite social aspect to training and working out.

The thought of preparing for a big race like a 5K might be nerve-wracking, but it’s nothing to fear. With the right preparation, anyone can successfully and safely participate in a 5K run.

There are lots of reasons to run a 5K: becoming a better runner, getting in shape, and feeling proud and accomplished afterwards are just the start. It also gives you a chance to get involved in your local community, which can be highly valuable if you don’t have many friends. Not only that, but it can also be a way to give back. 5K runs are often done to benefit charities and important causes. Running for a cause can turn an exciting experience into a truly meaningful one.

To begin preparing to run a 5K, it’s a good idea to get a medical examination first. Running places a lot of stress on the body, and so good technique and occasional checkups will be important. You might find a nearby foot and ankle center to help with this.

Once you know you’re up to the task, you’ll need to find and register for your 5K. Signing up for your race ahead of time gives you more incentive to train, and it also helps you prepare by showing you what to expect.

After signing up, you’ll need to choose a 5K training plan that inspires and motivates you. A quick web search will show you hundreds of 5K training programs that you can apply in your workouts. It’s best to find one that’s fairly simple and straightforward. Working out is a physical challenge in any case, so there’s no point in turning it into a mental challenge as well with a complicated exercise plan.

Along with training your body for the race, you’ll also want to consume a healthy diet while you’re training. Foods and supplements that are high in protein, minerals, and vitamins are essential for building up your body. Try to stay away from too much sugar and processed foods.

improving your fitness

Don’t forget to buy the right clothes and gear that you’ll need for your race. It’s critically important to have comfortable, high-quality shoes for running in, both during your race and while you’re training. You’ll also need clothes that are appropriate for the weather you’re running in, and maybe a water bottle that you can keep in a fanny pack around your waist.

Last, as you work on running in the days leading to the 5K, keep track of your speed and endurance. It’s hard to improve something if you aren’t measuring it, so keep a journal to track things like time spent running, distance covered, and how easy or difficult your training felt every day.

Improving your fitness doesn’t have to be a significant challenge. You can squeeze a few minutes of brisk exercise in any time, even if you’re just waiting for contractors to arrive for AC installation in your home. But to make working out even more interesting, shake things up by getting out into your city and participating in your community.

The ways we’ve discussed here are some great places to start. Don’t wait — start improving your fitness today.


Drinking wine and beer for charity

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Holding events aimed at raising funds should be well planned to achieve successful results. Doing charity work is an integral part of the community as people touch the lives of the less fortunate people in society.

According to the video ‘drinking wine and beer for charity,’ there are various ways to help society through drinking wine and beer events.

How do you make a wine and beer fundraising event successful? Here are some ideas that will help you when organizing such an event:

Consider where you get beer donations for the event. Considering that the funds are meant for charity, it is essential to partner with berries and discusses how many resources you need. By doing this, you have the chance to at least get donations that will make a difference in the event aimed at a charity.

Experience and merch donations are vital during such an event. Breweries that can offer bottle openers, coasters, and experience packages may improve the chances of the event being successful.

What are the factors to consider when approaching a brewery for donations?

Consider the time the brewery has to prepare for the donations. For the event to be successful, you ought to avoid the last-minute rush. The availability of the products needed for the donations may not be available during the last-minute of planning your beer and wine drinking event. Inform the breweries and vineyard about your idea and give them time to implement it.

Are you aware of what you need?

Successful events entail good planning on the requirements during the event. For this reason, you need to identify what you need and quantity. This will be determined by the number of participants in the charity event. Be clear on the specific date, time, volunteers, or staff needed, and the number of people attending the function.

What connection do you have? Do you know anyone or a friend who works for a brewery or vineyards? Can you equip me with information on how to reach the owner? The connections and relationships are crucially important when planning a beer and wine charity event.

Involve the donors throughout the planning process, from partnerships with them to create long-lasting relationships.

This can earn your initiative more donations. You will have it easy the next time you are holding an event of that not forget to form a committee to take care of the different ways of raising funds. It will help to identify the amount needed as well as the net after expenses are deducted.

People will love to engage in a beautiful event for charity. Plan it accordingly and reach your target in terms of the net funds expected to be raised.


How to Open Your Own Business By Starting Up a Gym

A report by Statistic Brain shows that 25% of Americans are not active at all. However, gym memberships are growing every day as health and fitness awareness grows.

Starting up a gym can be a rewarding business venture. Here are some of the things you’ll need to keep in mind as you roll out your fitness center.

Cash Flow and Income Streams

As you go through the process of starting up a gym, there are a lot of tasks you will have to oversee. It may include fixing equipment, cleaning the towels, restocking on tissue paper, and cleaning the toilets. It is virtually impossible to do all that on your own and still train your clients.

You may have to hire a trainer and janitorial services to keep your gym spotless throughout the day. The decision to hire may impact your cash flow. If you handle all the work yourself, you may not offer the level of service members expect. On the other hand, if you recruit staff, it may deplete your capital just as you are starting up the gym.

You can minimize the risk of cash flow problems by developing multiple income streams. It may involve selling packages online through your website, or you can organize group training classes. You may also use the space as a commercial property for rent to lease to massage therapists and other fitness trainers.

When starting a gym, you may want to consider selling nutritional supplements online. Some fitness centers also use their website to sell sports attire and fitness equipment. It is all about finding something that will resonate with your clients.

You can maximize the potential of your fitness center by first establishing your long term plan. What kind of training will you be offering? Will you be focusing on people of all age groups? Do you want to focus on cardio or weight training?

starting up a gym

Answering those questions will help you determine the most critical aspects to incorporate into your gym. The type of training and age group you will be targeting will inform the equipment and services you offer. For example, if your clients are seniors, you will need to have a pain management physician on your payroll.

Choosing Gym Location

One of the critical aspects of finding an ideal location is accessibility. Once you’ve decided on the target demographic for your gym, you can determine if they can get to a given area. Do they live nearby that they can walk to your premises? Or will most of your clients be driving? If they are driving to the spot, you will require adequate parking spaces on your premises.

When starting up a gym, you will also have to analyze the demographics of your clients. Do they have the capacity to pay for the service? In affluent neighborhoods, they’ll be willing to pay more for quality training packages.

Your finances may limit your choice of location. If you have a tight budget, leasing is usually a less risky option. The other alternative is to hire a commercial building contractor to transform the space into a gym. You may need financing to complete extensive renovations successfully. Make a point of talking to a lender before making any decision to acquire a lot.

You should also analyze the competition when starting up a gym. There could be other fitness centers around that spot offering similar packages. You may choose to move elsewhere, or you could opt to repackage your services. In some areas, finding an accessible location can be a challenge. So, you need to consider those alternatives wisely.

Interior Design and Layout

Aesthetics are particularly crucial for high-end clientele who want to know they are getting their money’s worth. But regardless of the demographics, the interior should always be immaculate and appealing.

You also need to think about the functionality of the interior when starting up a gym. There should be adequate lighting and space around the equipment for movement. Circulation of fresh air is crucial for a room full of individuals working out throughout the day.

You can find a place with plenty of natural light and high ceilings. Replacing a roof and making extensive renovations may not be the best option if you are on a tight budget. The best approach would be to continue looking for a place with suitable lighting and spaces for comfortable sitting.

starting up a gym

Researchers say the ambiance of an interior can impact motivation. It is wise to think through the color, design, and mood you want to invoke. You can go ahead and hire a designer to optimize the utility of the space. Aesthetics and functionality are critical factors in drawing clients when starting up a gym.

Choose the Right Equipment

Your clients will expect to have the right equipment mix to fulfill their fitness goals. Some people will be looking to lift weights, while others are more interested in cardio. When starting up a gym, you’ll need bench presses, dumbbells, deal lift mats, squat racks, among other machines.

To make the right choice of equipment, you may breakdown the options into the following categories:

  • Muscle Gain: A significant proportion of your clients will be looking to work on their muscles. Here you’ll mostly need resistance training equipment. That may include hand and ankle weights, barbells, and dumbbells. You may also acquire resistance bands for full-body workouts.
  • Fat Burning: You should also consider clients who are looking to shed off extra weight. You may need exercise bikes, treadmills, and rowing machines. There are many different types of such equipment. You may want to go for those with tracking capabilities. They will have indicators that will show calories lost in a given period.
  • Cardio: Machines for cardio may include elliptical trainers, stair steppers, as well as exercise bikes and treadmills. Some members may be trying to keep fit and stay healthy using cardio equipment. Sometimes they are following the doctor’s recommendations. You may want to go for equipment that can measure heart rate, elapsed time, and calories burned.

The main factors that will determine the equipment you acquire will depend on the type of exercise and your budget. You will require a full set of machines to meet your client’s expectations.

Another issue that you may have to contend with when starting up your gym is space. The location you find may end up being too small for the equipment. One way to go around the problem is to use foldable machines. Consider acquiring folding treadmills and rowing machines to economize on space.

Additionally, if you are looking to offer Yoga or Pilate’s classes, you may not need a lot of equipment. But you need to remember you must have adequate space for training. That could mean moving to a bigger room to accommodate all your clients.

Independent Business versus Joining a Franchise

Starting up a gym is a demanding process; that is why some entrepreneurs opt to join a franchise. Before you can sign up with a franchising partner, you need to consider the pros and cons of either choice.

starting up a gym

One of the advantages of a franchise is that it is an established brand with easily recognizable services. As an independent owner, you will probably be working alone on every detail of the project. That includes branding, promotions, as well as hiring trainers and assistants.

By joining an established brand, you can tap into their experience and expertise. Many franchise companies will have tested and tweaked their services to optimize their value. They can advise you on the best location for your business. Additionally, you may get an exclusive site to represent the brand, which could give your gym a great head start.

On the other hand, you must investigate the company before signing the contract. If the franchisor has problems, it will affect your business even when you are doing everything right. For that reason, it is wise to consult a franchise agreement attorney before making any commitments.

Another disadvantage is the franchise cost, which you’ll have to pay before using their brand. Such fees may be in the thousands of dollars and beyond the limits of your budget. You may want to assess what you are paying and whether it is worth it.

Franchise companies will also focus on supervising their franchisee, especially during the initial stages of the business. Some entrepreneurs may appreciate the assistance as they struggle to get a footing in the market. Other people may find the constant supervision annoying and suffocating. Take time to consider these factors before signing up with a franchiser.

Insurance Requirements

When you are starting up a gym, you can’t afford to ignore insurance. There will be many people engaging in strenuous activities on your premises. Some fitness workouts may cause physical harm, and you need to ensure you have protection for your clients.

Depending on the regulations in your jurisdiction, liability insurance may be necessary even before acquiring a permit. The coverage may include physical injuries and medical payments. The insurance may cover chiropractic treatment or physiotherapy for clients with injuries.

Property damage liability covers the personal effects of your clients lost in your gym. Your insurer may also include any destruction to the premises.

Hire the Right Personnel

If you can find the right people at the initial stages of starting up a gym, you can make your work easier. You can free your schedule from tasks such as calling the waste management service or hiring repair technicians. As you focus on the core tasks, you can deliver on what you are good at to impress and retain clients.

starting up a gym

But the hiring process is one of the hurdles you’ll have to overcome. It can be overwhelming to try and find people with the right qualities before starting up a gym. Therefore, you need to understand each employee’s role and how they add value to your business.

Some of the staff you may need includes:

  • Front Desk Staff: At the earliest stages of your business, you may only need to hire a receptionist. You may still be in a position to take care of marketing and advertising. But as memberships grow, you will have to hire more staff. The position requires people with excellent communication and customer service skills. You also need to remember the front desk staff will be interacting with members regularly. They will, therefore, impact the image of your business.
  • Operations Manager: If you’ve got exceptional management skills, you can be the gym’s operations manager. However, it is wise to consider an assistant to take care of day-to-day tasks, such as calling the AC company. When your hands are free of those tasks, you can deliver to clients more effectively. The role goes beyond making decisions on sales and marketing. It also requires the manager to provide leadership and direction to the rest of the staff.
  • Fitness Instructors: The instructors you choose can make or break your brand. Find people who can motivate your clients to participate in your fitness programs. As the gym grows, you’ll need several instructors to provide adequate training to your clients.
  • Certified Personal Trainers: There is a growing demand for personalized fitness training. A significant proportion of your clients will want a tailored program that will guide them on nutrition and exercise. For such a specialized role, the employee will require certification for a Certified Personal Trainer.
  • Marketing Staff: You’ll also need someone who has the creative mind and energy to develop and manage your campaign. They will be responsible for creating flyers, brochures, and online ads.
  • Maintenance: To keep your premises in immaculate condition, you may need someone to carry out maintenance tasks. The role may involve polishing surfaces, replacing bulbs, and swimming pool repairs, where applicable. The position requires someone with a keen sense of detail and the ability to work with different kinds of equipment.

License and Regulations Requirements

The licensing and requirements will have an impact on many aspects of your business. For example, some states require instructors to get CPR training. Depending on the regulations, you may have to invest in additional training to be compliant.

You will also have to check your local building code on zoning and construction rules. Before starting up a gym, consult an expert to advise you on what is possible based on your area’s regulations.

Starting up a gym requires a lot of research and planning. Keep in mind no two businesses are the same, and yours may be unique. Always seek professional assistance whenever you are unsure of a decision.


Ditch the Membership and Build Your Own: How to Have Your Own Home Garage

The evolution of fitness and using exercise to maintain health can first be attributed to human’s need for survival and can be traced back to the beginning of mankind where people would remain physically fit in order to hunt and survive. Back then, there was no such thing as a “gym” and people certainly didn’t have memberships in order to work out around the clock. Having a home gym in the garage, yard, or local park was simply not a thing.

The first “gymnasiums” found in history are from over 3,000 years ago, in ancient Persia, where they were known as “Zurkhaneh” (areas that encouraged physical fitness). Gyms as we now know them now formally came into existence in ancient Greece, and the word ‘gymnasium’ is derived from the Greek word ‘gymnos’, which means naked. In those times, gyms were usually a place for the education of young men, which included physical education, bathing, and studying. The ancient Greek gymnasiums were places where athletes trained for public games such as the Olympics, but without the benefit of a sports physical or modern medicine. After this period in history, gyms seemingly disappeared for centuries. By the 1800s, schools and colleges started building gymnasiums along with organizations like the YMCA. Now people have access to a home gym in the garage or memberships to widely available corporate gyms as a part of the modern health infrastructure.

Gyms are arguably more important than ever, with the CDC reporting that only 1/3 of Americans exercise on any semblance of a regular basis. Since we know scientifically, medically, and psychologically that exercise is overwhelming a beneficial activity to the human being, building a home gym in the garage no longer seems like an eccentric idea for those obsessed with muscles or vanity. In fact, you might even become the talk of the neighborhood for your practicality and forward-looking attitude. Who knows, you might even have your neighbors want to sign up for “memberships” on a regular basis!

home gym in the garage

In this article, we want to go over how to transform your garage into the perfect home gym for your health and overall well-being. This includes not only providing a space to exercise in, but also a sanctuary and positive environment in which to rest and recover when the iron pumping is done and you need a breather. We hope that you’ll not only learn lots from these tips and tricks for a home gym in the garage, but take what you like best and personalize it to your own tastes. You may even take the knowledge that you’ve learned and share it with others, making the whole world just a little bit healthier.

Is Your Garage Ready to Work Out In?

Wanting to build a home gym in the garage is a lofty goal, but are you prepared for the work that it will entail? The garage is one place that homeowners seem to leave alone, never thinking much about their residential garage door or the contents of the room inside until something goes wrong. It makes sense because most garages aren’t utilized as living spaces or entertainment dens. Unless a male in the household has made it into a “man cave,” then it is probably only being utilized for light storage and automobile access. This is, of course, what garages are made for and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.


The first thing you need to do, before attempting any exercise or equipment buying, is thoroughly clean your garage of trash, debris, and hazardous materials. You do not want to be breathing in anything that will make you sick or compromise your workout, because that defeats the purpose of your home gym. It will also be a great exercise in minimalism and organization, because you’ll likely come across items you haven’t seen in years and either still enjoy or will decide to get rid of. In a way, this may be purging and calming just like your future workouts, and having a clean space will only further you toward your goal of creating a home gym in the garage.

home gym in the garage

When you’re getting ready to work out in your garage, it needs to at least be a suitable space to breathe and exhale carbon dioxide. This can be difficult if you’re in a particularly dry or humid climate, and so you’ll have to decide whether you’ll keep your garage door open all the time or contact someone for humidifier repair or installation. Having the proper humidity in your home gym can mean the difference between sweating bullets and gasping for breath, which will go a long way toward productive workouts. You may also want to install air filters for the air coming into your new work out space.

Another thing you should inspect is the floor. You don’t have to get crazy off the bat and hire a custom garage floor contractor to replace what the foundation is, but if you’re serious about never using your garage again for automobile storage again it’s something to consider. Most garages are laid with cement floors, which are perfectly fine until you accidentally fall down and smash your head on them. Not only is that a hazardous injury to recover from, but it is a liability for anyone else that works out there are well. It is much better to either put down removable mats or install custom rubber flooring or another similar shock absorbing material in the long run.

Machines, Security, and More

When you’re buying machines for your home gym in the garage, you may be tempted to go buy the best and latest from a sporting goods store. There’s nothing wrong with this if you can afford it, but try not to forget that there are lots of perfectly good workout machines at discount sporting goods stores and thrift stores just waiting to be found. An entire weight set can be found at Goodwill, Salvation Army, or other discount retailers for a high percentage off the retail price if you simply put in the effort to locate it. Sometimes these sets are missing particular weights, but these are easily filled in from a store. Even with buying additional weights for your home gym, finding a used set can significantly reduce your costs.

Another thing that most people forget about when planning a home gym in the garage is the added security concerns. Not only do you have valuable workout equipment, food, and other valuables in the garage, but you’ve made another access point to your house high risk. For this reason, you should think about installing some smart home security features inside or outside your garage in order to add another layer of calm to your well-being. Simple things like motion-activated lights that send notifications to your smartphone, or an alarm system that calls the police department can help in numerous ways if something should go wrong.

In order to prep your garage or home for smarter security systems and more, you’ll probably want to enlist the help of an electrical lighting service which can provide you the contact information of a licensed electrician. Not only will they be able to route and install outlets into your garage, but they may also be able to fix concerns that have been nagging your property for some time. They can also help you install special electrical items such as sun lamps, in case you’d like to have an area of your gym for tanning, sun lamp therapy, and more.

Don’t Forget About Nutrition

home gym in the garage

With all the fuss about worrying how the overhead door in your garage looks (and if it’s suitable for your new digs), it can be easy to neglect what you’re in your garage for in the first place: to work out and get healthy. Part of being healthy is following proper nutrition advice and sticking to acceptable patterns of eating. This will be different for each person, and only you can determine what is right for your body, but there is a broad spectrum of advice that applies to every human out there whether they’re working out in a home gym in the garage or training for a marathon in Alaska.

The first piece of nutritional advice that should never be neglected is always being properly hydrated. Your body is made up of mostly water, and to deny it that water is to accept that it will function at an inferior capacity. Always have a water bottle, sports drink, or another form of hydrating beverage with you while working out. Your hydration schedule may vary, but you never want to get yourself into a situation where you need water, but don’t have it.

The second piece of nutritional advice that applies broadly is to eat a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and proteins. Some people don’t eat animal protein, but can still derive protein from beans, soy, and nuts. Without protein, your muscles can’t recover and your workouts will be for little gains. Combine these with good fats such as olive oil and the wide variety of fruits/vegetables mentioned previously and you’ll be well on your way to having a rounded diet where all your vitamin and mineral needs are also met.

Sometimes when you see people working out at a home gym in the garage, you’ll see lots of dietary supplements around them. Usually, it’s protein powder or multivitamins, but it can be a whole host of things. The only person that can really determine whether these things are right for you and your workouts is your doctor and other qualified health professionals, so direct all questions you have to them. Only they will be able to give you advice that you can appreciate and take seriously.

Working Out With Others

Working out at a home gym in the garage can be amazing, until you get lonely. When it’s just you by yourself, you suddenly seem to remember why people pay for those expensive gym memberships and access cards: there is a social component to modern gyms that is lost for the home aficionado. But the benefit of having private property in a free society is that you can invite over anyone that you like for as long as you like. The only real limit is how much space and patience you have for other people.

When you have other people at your home, you always want to ensure their safety as a liability against getting sued. So instead of paying the bill for someone to see spine surgeons after a crushing workout, exercise proper form and caution instead. The benefit of having a home gym in the garage is that it’s on your property and you can evict someone if they are making you uncomfortable. There’s no need for a negative attitude about someone pushing farther and farther in their fitness goals, but if it makes you uncomfortable you can always put a stop to it.

Additionally, if tensions ever run high during a workout (such as boxing, karate, or a pushup challenge), remember that the surge of adrenaline, testosterone, and other hormones is elevated for everyone and that people may act irrationally. Arguments that are had after just getting done on the bench press may be different than cooler heads over coffee and donuts. You can eliminate this social dynamic by simply reducing the number of people let in your home gym, but remember that eventually, you may have to play the part of chaperone or therapist if people get out of hand.

Make Sure to Take Time to Recover

home gym in the garage

After working out, you always want to make sure to take time to recover and rest your body. But that doesn’t just mean your muscles, it can mean your mind and spirit as well. Working out, whether it’s at a home gym in the garage or Planet Fitness downtown, takes a toll on you. You have to gear yourself up to be exerting lots of energy against heavy weights and challenging obstacles that aren’t the normal experience for everyday life.

If you’ve been fortunate enough to call a quality plumbing service and have a sauna installed in your home, that is one of the optimal ways to decompress after a hard workout. But if you’ve only got a bathtub or warm couch, that can work too. Remember to try and gently stretch after getting done with all those weights, and recharge with some cool, clear water. Deep breathing exercises and a meditation on the progress you’ve made can also help.

Perhaps you kept your garage door as is and didn’t need to enlist the help of any garage door services. Maybe you’ve decided to have no equipment at all in your home gym and stick to body weight exercises. Whatever the case is, we hope you’ve learned some valuable tips and tricks from this article about how to approach building a home gym in the garage with some sanity and clarity. There’s no “wrong” way to do it, but there are some things to avoid. Having learned more, you’ll now be more adept to helping others pump iron and get healthy.


5 Tips On Returning To The Gym During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic changed much for Americans across the country. Much remains unknown about the virus, from how its initial symptoms, to how it is spread. The lack of knowledge of COVID-19 is one reason why there was such a strong response to it within the States. Generally speaking, it is known that the virus can be spread through saliva and mucus, which is why there was a call for the wearing of face masks. Furthermore, the measure of social distancing was strongly implemented, calling for people to stay at least six feet apart from one another. This led to a number of states forcing non-essential businesses to close for weeks at a time, with some just beginning to reopen cautiously. This of course has led to mass furloughs and layoffs. However, it has also forced people to abandon some of their favorite activities, including going to the gym. This of course not only affected people’s ability to be fit and healthy, but to stay mentally well too. The gym is an amazing stress reliever for many, and being disconnected from it can be quite stressful. Therefore, many were excited about the idea of gyms reopening locally.

However, it’s not as simple as going back to the gym and returning to business as usual. Needless to say, even the cleanest gyms offer a risk of exposure to germs, and in turn exposure to the COVID-19 virus. Keep in mind that during the pandemic, it’s not only important to avoid contracting the virus, but also to avoid infection of any kind, as a lowered immune system or preexisting illness can heighten one’s risk of being severely affected by the virus. At the same time, it’s incredibly important for people to get back to their regular workout routines in order to stay healthy. After all, it’s a known fact that regular exercise has been shown to aid in treating cardiovascular issues, while also improving high blood pressure. Fortunately, there are opportunities for people who are not at high risk of catching COVID-19 to enjoy their gyms much like they did before, albeit with some changes to their approach to working out. With that being said, let’s look into the ways that gym-goers can return to their workout activities while limiting their exposure to germs and COVID-19.

1. Ask Questions

Just because gyms have been allowed to reopen in your area doesn’t mean that you must return to your usual gym. While your favorite gym may have been sparkling clean and ideal before the pandemic, standards for cleanliness have changed drastically since then. Technically, gyms should be under the watchful eye of authorities and keeping up with the health standards that they set. However, in some areas, it’s been difficult for the authorities to properly police businesses, and in others those standards may be more lax than your own. Everyone’s expectations of what is healthy during COVID-19 will vary from person to person. But you have the right to feel safe and healthy while at the gym, and you’re at no obligation to remain loyal to a gym that doesn’t handle those issues for you. Therefore, you should feel justified in asking questions and doing your research ahead of time. Don’t feel as if you’re wrong for calling up those managing your gym to ask your questions; whether or not you’ll take them at their word is up to you.

In general, it’s a good idea to have a list of questions that will help you assess your risk of exposure to germs and COVID-19 ahead of time. You may want to ask about how regularly professional cleaning services visit the gym, and for that matter whether or not professional cleaners are utilized at all. Discuss how regularly equipment is cleaned, whether or not the showers are in use in the locker room, and whether or not the gym has standards regarding who can and cannot work out. Some businesses have adopted the practice of taking people’s temperatures prior to admitting them; you may want to ask if your gym has this kind of requirement. Again, gyms will probably be required to follow certain guidelines either way. However, this does not mean that they will in practice. Therefore, if you notice that your gym isn’t following these practices, you may want to rethink going to that gym, and perhaps may want to visit competitors. Unless you live in an extremely rural area, you’ll probably have more than one gym to choose from; and otherwise, you can always work out at home or outdoors!

2. Maintain Social Distancing

Obviously, it may not be entirely possible for everyone to wear masks while working out. Furthermore, some people may be as concerned about their exposure to germs and the virus as you are. But it’s important for you to be responsible for your own social distancing, and to stay far apart from other people working out. This may mean restricting yourself and changing your approach to the gym. For example, you may want to visit your gym’s indoor pool as per usual, and in principle, there isn’t much evidence to indicate that going to the pool itself will expose you to the virus. However, if the pool is full of other gym visitors, the risk becomes much higher. Therefore, you may need to avoid that particular location, and any other that is particularly packed. Theoretically, the gym may be responsible for policing these numbers, but you will need to make the effort to distance yourself.

The same would go for when you’re working out. If your favorite pieces of gym equipment are not properly distanced from one another, you may have to choose something else, or only use that equipment when none of the other machines are being used. In fact, you may want to be even more distanced than you normally would while working out as opposed to simply going about your day. While you normally would distance yourself at least six feet apart from other gym visitors, when working out you may want to expand that distance to 12 feet apart. One reason why this is the case is that when working out, people are huffing and puffing and therefore more likely accidentally expel saliva. Furthermore, some research has indicated that the virus may very well be passed through breathing. For that matter, generally speaking, germs can easily be passed in the same manner. When working out in a more relaxed manner, you may also want to wear your mask. While it might be difficult to breathe easily through your mask while jogging, it’s often much easier to do so if you’re practicing yoga. Indeed, you may benefit from changing the types of exercise that you rely upon.

3. Keep An Eye On Air Flow

While it may be easy for you to assess whether or not your gym is taking care of its window cleaning, and ensuring that its equipment is kept spotless, airflow often doesn’t come to mind when people are inspecting their gyms. But it’s incredibly important, in a post-pandemic world, to ensure that any place in which you’re spending a lot of time has proper ventilation. A number of older gyms may not be well-ventilated, but changes can be made to ensure that they’re healthier. Not only will this ensure that people are less exposed to COVID-19; it will also cut down on their exposure to germs in general.

Why is this? Well, for one thing, more ventilation will ensure that if the virus does stay in the air, that air will be regularly circulated out. While it may seem that this isn’t overly necessary as long as the gym checks up on temperatures, some people are not noticeably symptomatic. Many of those who carry and can transmit COVID-19 are asymptomatic. This means that they can pass on the virus, but don’t show any symptoms themselves. When trying to cut down on their clients’ exposure to germs and the virus, it’s important that gyms take these asymptomatic carriers into mind, as well as the fact that the way through which the virus is transmitted remains ambiguous. This means that they must not only pay attention to air flow, but also the need to clean areas in which germs and allergens might clean. Gyms with rugs and carpets in certain areas should enlist carpet and area rug cleaning services to aid in these efforts, and ensure that any furniture they have in lounge areas is thoroughly and regularly cleaned.

4. Consider Gyms With Healthcare Services

Some gyms cater more to specific healthcare needs than others, and it’s possible that you may want to pivot to those types of gyms, as opposed to more mainstream chain gyms. Needless to say, gyms that offer healthcare services or rehabilitation services will limit their clients’ exposure to germs even more than regular gyms. While certainly, gyms that are connected to hospitals and rehabilitation centers offer healthcare services, these types of services are not limited to these types of high level facilities. A lot of health clubs also offer healthcare services, in part because health clubs are often made with the intent of creating spaces wherein people can not only lose weight but make lifestyle changes that will ultimately result in long-term healthy choices.

Of course, there are also medical fitness centers to consider as well. A medical fitness facility is not the same thing as a typical gym, and they have totally different ideas in mind compared to gyms and indeed health clubs. A medical fitness facility is not focused on your appearance or weight loss; unless of course there is a specific amount of weight that you need to lose in order to be physically healthy, which is not always the case. Having a certain body type does not correlate to your health. In a medical fitness facility, employees are qualified to teach clients strategies that will help them be healthy for the long term, not merely the short term. Medical fitness facilities keep on staff doctors, dietitians, and therapists. While clients do not need to see all of these employees, they are presented as options, offering specific services that people can take advantage of at different points in time. One reason why this type of facility might be more appropriate in a post COVID-19 world is that there are simply higher standards regards sanitation and cleanliness, cutting down on that exposure to germs and doctors on hand to make assessments of people might be ill.

5. If You’re At All Worried About Yourself, Don’t Go

Everyone is feeling mentally stressed about being unable to visit their favorite restaurants and bars. Being able to return to your gym routine may seem incredibly important in the moment. However, now is not a time in which people can really ignore necessary restrictions, and we must police ourselves if we cannot completely trust our public facilities to do it for us.

You should take your own temperature before going the gym, ideally after ensuring that you’ve been in a room temperature area for a while; sitting in hot tubs or taking a hot shower can potentially elevate your temperature temporarily. If you have a cough, even if you think it’s due to allergies or a cold, simply stay home. There’s a reason why quarantining is so important. It’s not just about cutting down our own exposure to germs and viruses. It’s about making sure that we do not expose vulnerable people to our germs.

As important as it is to go to the gym when it’s safe, the gym is not a necessary part of working out. People can work out in their home gyms, and they can also work out in the great outdoors. If you’re truly concerned about your exposure to germs and viruses, you may want to put off going back to the gym until a proper vaccine has been created and dispersed throughout the population.


Inside and Out: Your Best Home Gym Workout Exercises

Whether you want to rid yourself of the Quarantine Fifteen or a keep that New Year’s resolution, creating a home gym is one of the best ways to invest in your health. And you’ll be ahead of the crowd — the CDC reports that less than half of adult Americans meet the Physical Activity Guidelines for aerobic exercise.

First things first: always get a doctor’s okay before you start any sort of training. Weight lifting, even the lowest weights can elevate your blood pressure temporarily. It’s always a good idea to tell your doctor about the medications you’re taking as well as any changes to your health. Remind him of any medical conditions such as diabetes or high cholesterol and if you’ve had any surgeries. Even a procedure as simple as an outpatient hernia repair will have serious limitations on weight lifting.

The CDC may have a lot on its hands with Covid-19 but they haven’t backed off of their original recommendation to exercise regularly: every day for at least a half an hour. It sounds like a lot but your body will thank you by lowering blood pressure, improving your mood, and burning calories to shed those unwanted pounds.

You might think a leisurely stroll after dinner is plenty. But health experts recommend that you keep your heart rate at 70% of its maximum beat capacity while exercising. This will help you lose weight. To determine your max heart rate, subtract your age from 220.

Building a home gym

Home gyms should be a serious endeavor. So, start by doing an inventory of your home. You’ll need to select your gym area; this usually takes the form of a spare bedroom, space in your living room, or a part of the basement. Next, you’ll need to set up that space so you can work out safely and efficiently.

  • Good gym air. How’s your home’s ventilation? The room you’ll designate as a gym should have a good HVAC system. Unlike an ac window unit, an HVAC system controls the overall climate. It helps with airflow and air quality. Ask any HVAC services center, a decent HVAC system is becoming almost mandatory in number of new single-family dwellings.
  • Lights, action. If you have weights and other gym equipment, you’re going to need more than few well-placed lamps to perform an exercise correctly. A good electrical services provider can offer some suggestions for a well-lit space for a home gym. They can also take a look at your electrical box to see if your system is capable of installing an upgraded lighting system and/or if some of the wiring needs to be brought up to code.

  • Comfort where you are. Yes, you are going to sweat. So, make sure your air conditioning unit isn’t going to quit mid-workout. A local ac contractor can do an examination of your unit, check filters and coils and suggest tips on how to keep your home comfortable throughout. Hint: Clicking on your AC at lower than 60 degrees may damage the compressor.
  • Your decor. If you’re working out inside—are you inspired? There’s a good chance that your basement or that old living room wallcovering is in need of an update.
  • Scent diffusers. Home gyms allow you to control the aromas, lift your mood, and cover up body odor. Certain diffusers provide hours of calming or invigorating scent (depending on the essential oils). Some electric diffusers may have Bluetooth connectivity or remote control so you don’t have to interrupt your workout to turn it on or off.
  • Gym down under. Are you working out in your basement, if so, are look into the mold situation as basements are typically more humid and damper than the rest of your home. And what about ventilation? You might be in the market for new basement hopper windows.
  • Monitors. As part of your home security, you’ll need monitors to check on the kids, dog, or cat to ensure they’re safe and under control. Some systems are able to connect to your technology that already exists in your home so no matter what you’re doing, you can see or hear the kids fighting over the Xbox.
  • Home audio system. There are many options wireless connectivity in a that makes it easier to listen CDs, radio, or stream your favorite music. Small wireless or Bluetooth speakers are perfect for more modest spaces.
  • Security. Now that you’ve built a great gym, protect it. A decent security system that includes motion detectors and locks on windows, doors, and garage doors. On average garage doors will last about 8-12 years. It may be time to get a garage door replacement. Garage door installation may run about $700-$1,000.

Taking it outside

There’s going to come a time when you’ll want to inject fresh air and sunshine into your workout. Summer and fall weather will entice even the hardcore gym rats to head outside. You don’t need to head to a park to get a good workout. Tame the wilderness in your backyard and watch it became an outdoor gym—with a great view. Skin tip: Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen on cloudy days. UVA rays can damage your skin through clouds, smog or glass.

Best thing for any gym is solid flooring. Will your back yard be able to support a good workout or will you be tripping over tree roots? Local tree service companies can often provide free estimates should your need to take down a tree. They can also recommend what to plant if your dreaming of a shady cool down spot.

Don’t walk in circles around your backyard perimeter. You might as well go back to the gym. A varied landscape with raised beds, maybe a pond or other features can keep your mind off your grueling workout.

A decent backyard landscaping service can help create a blueprint for your own personal walking or jogging path. By adding flowers, shrubs, and other features your workouts will be the best part of your day.

Basic equipment for your home gym

Consider the following when you create your list of equipment must-haves in your home gym. The will cover most, if not all your home gym workout exercises:

  • Free weights
  • Kettle bells
  • Weight bench with barbell supports
  • Home gym systems (weights and pulleys)
  • Padded gym mat flooring
  • Mirror
  • Treadmill, rower, stair climber

It’s the little things…

It’s nice to workout at home because you don’t have to worry about bed hair or bad breath. Still, it’s important to treat your home gym, like a real gym. Does your home gym bag have:

Trainers? A good pair of workout or training footwear. Walking shoes are specifically cushioned to absorb the shock of impact from walking jogging or running. Good shoes stabilize ankles which in turn support knees and hips.

Water bottle? The trend is moving away from light with plastic bottles but to rubbed encased glass or metal containers. They last longer and don’t break down plastic into you drinking water.

Support bra? Support can come in all sizes. A decent sports bra will be constructed of light synthetic fabric, wick away sweat, and won’t squash your breasts.

Exercise wear? Toss the old cotton T-shirt and grab a few lightweight tights and tees. Currently trending are sports fabrics that are specifically created with breathable, stretchy synthetic knits that move with you and have the ability to wick away moisture. Sure it’s just home gym workout exercises, but you can still look amazing.

Yoga mat? Thin foam mats that can cushion your bony body parts from hard flooring.

Music? As simple as headphones and your iPhone. Science backs up the tunes. Listening to invigorating music before your workout actually increases your breathing and heart rate before you even take a step or lift a barbell.

Home gym workout exercises

Most exercises or home gym workouts are divided into two types aerobic (walking, running, cycling) and non-aerobic (weight lifting, sprinting). Best to combine the two together and make sure you’re doing both types every day.

Aerobic, meaning with oxygen, will be based on any exercise that keeps your body requiring oxygen on a sustained level. The exercise will move your body, utilizing your larger muscles of the lower body.
Anaerobic, without oxygen exercise, is a high-intensity type movement. Think of weight lifting. The body is stationary and the movement is limited: it’s a great workout and you really will find yourself panting.

Weight lifting, also known as resistance training, is a great way to lose weight and build muscle. When muscles are challenged, they use up more energy. Muscles tear down and build up with regular and increased poundage or repetitions. You scale up through the number of times you repeat a movement. You can either increase or decrease the number of times you do one move — take bicep curls — one of the most basic movements. You hold a weight (dumbbell) in your hand and bend your arm at your elbow.

Don’t forget the importance of warming up. Even your home gym workout exercises require careful warm ups. Stretching – there’s a debate about when to stretch. Before or after a warm up. Stretching is always good after a workout as the muscles are warm and more easily lengthened.

Cooldowns are just as important. The end of your workout should be slow and steady. The intensity of your workout will decrease. Heart rate should also decrease. The goal is that you don’t come to a complete stop. It’s a gradually lessening of effort. The best thing to do is shoot for 30 minutes of true exercise but then use the warm ups and cool downs are added to the top and bottom of your session. For example, if you are exercise for 30 minutes, you’d add a five-minute warm up at the beginning of your walk and then add a three to five-minute cool down.

Stretches include movements or postures that elongate the muscles. They also prevent cramps. They should be held for 10 seconds in this period of exercise. Add stretches that target the muscles that were just used. Larger leg muscles should always be stretched or if used, stretch arms across your upper body post-workout.

Finally, don’t forget to breathe. Even your home gym workout exercises will require attention to your breathing. Before and after each workout, perform three, large inhale-exhale arm raises. Raise arms and inhale on the way up and then exhale swinging arms down. Repeat three times.

Gym dos

Do carve out exercise time. Prioritizing your workout time — making it first on your daily agenda — will guarantee that it will get done. Home gym workout exercises should be treated like gold.

Do tell people. Tell people that your health matters. Your workouts come first, because your health comes first. Ask anyone who’s had a heart attack; they regret dismissing exercise. If a colleague or friend demands your time, ask them to join you.

Do set goals. Exercise is foundational. That means that once you set a level of fitness you can build on it. When you get better at your home gym workout exercises, you’ll see results.

Do use your five senses. Items that enhance your senses can enhance your workout. Music, scents, and visual aids can help your workout sessions become less of a chore and more of a pleasure.

Do challenge yourself. If you’ve never cycled before, go for it. Or try swimming—one of the best exercises for joints. Thought of Pilates or power workouts? Now’s the time to get outside your comfort zone.

Do it for fun. Studies indicated that regular exercise can actually improve your mood. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins act like morphine and reduce your pain sensation. Even if you’re in a bad mood going into a workout, there’s a good chance you’ll come out of it feeling much better.

Gym don’ts

There are also common gym don’ts do consider. For example, don’t hold your breath when you lift weights. Breathe through each exertion.

Don’t think heavier is better. Lifting too heavy weights can tear tendons and ligaments. It may also be harder on your heart.

Don’t rush. Proper form is the ultimate goal of each repetition. Going too fast, or rushing through your workout, can cause injuries.

Don’t be afraid to peek. Looking at a mirror, doesn’t make you narcissistic. Checking your form is essential for home gym workout exercises, especially when there isn’t a personal trainer nearby.

Don’t make excuses. There’s always going to be a hurdle to overcome. Think it through, ask or help and get moving.

Don’t give up. Even if you miss a day, don’t worry. Everyone has a bad day; you get sick or have to care for a sick baby/puppy/spouse/parent. Just get back to your home gym workout exercises as soon as you can.

Absolutely celebrate the small victories of your home gym workout exercises. Lose that baby fat? Excellent. Bench press another ten pounds? Awesome. Move to the next level on your climber? Yes! Treat yourself with something special and exercise-related, like a new pair of running shoes or shorts. Something simple that will keep you focused on your next goal.

Home Homes Nursing homes in escondido

Are Nursing Homes As Dull As They’re Portrayed On TV? Breaking Down Misconceptions In 2019

The nursing home is a term rife with misconceptions.

Some people today believe it to be a form of abstract punishment, sending off the elderly in a single file line to a dull, drab place. Others fear nursing homes are poorly staffed medical facilities that isolated their loved ones for an indefinite period of time. When you have a loved one starting to get on in their years, the last thing you need are more misconceptions. Assisted living homes are composed of warm, loving communities filled with the resources needed for our elderly population to live a healthy life. Before you sit down and have an important conversation with your family about the possibility of moving to one…

…let’s keep looking at common falsehoods about nursing homes and get you closer to the facts.

Nursing Homes Are Boring, Lifeless Places

Watch any movie or show and you’ll see this stereotype perpetuated in real time. The common mainstream idea of the assis