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Skin Cancer 3 Risk Factors And 3 Preventative Measures

Over the counter skin tag removal

If you’re a worrier with a history of skin problems, then “treatment skin cancer” is probably a saved Google search on your toolbar. But googling “treatment skin cancer” every time you think you have an issue is a really good way to drive yourself crazy. (And let’s be honest, “treatment skin cancer” is kind of already defining the problem and skipping about 20 steps in the diagnostic process). We totally understand the instinct. After all, we fear what we don’t understand, and very few of us qualify as a trained dermatologist. Below are a few ACTUAL risk factors for skin cancer and some concrete measures you can take to prevent it:
The Risk: Lots of Moles
We’re not talking about the benign mole you’ve had on your left toe ever since you were a baby. Most people have something like that, and usually it doesn’t present a problem. However, you are at a much greater risk of developing some sort of mole-based skin cancer if you have more than 50 moles on your body.
The Prevention: Oversight
If you’re one of these people with a constellation of moles, then it is very important that you have regular appointments at a dermatologist clinic. A dermatologist can take a mole map of your body and help you keep track of any changes. Changes in moles or an atypical mole is often an early warning sign of skin cancer, and catching it early is very important for treatment.
The Risk: Sun Exposure
Millions of people both with moles and without are diagnosed with skin cancer each year, and most dermatologists point to exposure to UV rays as the single greatest risk factor. Contrary to popular belief,there is NO safe amount of time to be out in the sun, and every sunburn is damaging to your skin even if you can’t see that damage with the naked eye.
The Prevention: Limiting Sun Exposure
This seems obvious, but we would bet that whatever you’re doing on this front now isn’t enough. For example, it’s a good idea to apply sunblock even on a cloudy day, as UV rays can penetrate cloud cover. Pay special attention to areas chronically exposed to sunlight, such as the face, nose, and back of the neck. And of course always wear sunblock and/or protective clothing during the summer months and avoid tanning beds!
The Risk: Family History of Skin Cancer
It turns out that some DNA is more susceptible to cancerous mutation than others, and since DNA is passed down through genes, you are far more likely to be at risk for skin cancer if your relatives are.
The Prevention: Research and Mindfulness
Knowing that skin cancer runs in your family might actually be a blessing in disguise, since it could move you to take other risk factors like the sun more seriously. Ultimately, one in five Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer at some point in their lives, but early detection is vital to a good prognosis, so if you know this is a problem your family struggles with, keep a watchful eye out and have a regular dermatologist in the phone book.

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Do You Need to Find A New Family Doctor?

Neurologist boca raton

When was the last time you had to find a doctor for yourself, or someone else in your family? Having a physician for every member of your family is imperative to your family’s health and wellness. Making and keeping regular appointments with a physician can help you monitor basic health indicators and possibly prevent major health issues.
One of the best reasons to find a doctor and schedule regular visits is to monitor annual health indicators like weight, height, blood pressure and cholesterol. In the years 2012 and 2013, the leading causes of death remained the same:

  • heart disease
  • cancer
  • chronic lower respiratory diseases
  • unintentional injuries
  • stroke
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • influenza
  • pneumonia
  • kidney disease
  • suicide

Many of these diseases and conditions can be prevented and monitored if patients find a doctor they trust and visit for regular appointments. Realizing the importance of regular check ups should be a priority for anyone trying to live a healthy life.
Take weight loss for example. A family doctor can help patients monitor their weight and suggest guidelines for a healthier lifestyle. Since one in every three Americans is obese, weight loss education is an important health issue for many.
Finding a physician is also important so that patients can be preventative in avoiding heart disease. Every year about 600,000 people die of heart disease in America. With one in every four deaths being related to heart disease, it is the leading cause of death for both males and females. More specifically, coronary heart disease is the most common and it kills nearly 380,000 people a year. Every minute two people in the United States die from some kind of cardiovascular disease. In fact, more people die of heart disease than of AIDS and all kinds of cancers combined. In total, an estimated 80 million Americans have some type of heart disease. Finding a doctor to help you monitor your heart and and other heart disease factors is both crucial and preventative.
Preventative medicine and office visits not only help you monitor health conditions like weight and heart disease indicators, it also helps save money. If doctors and clinics help patients monitor their basic health numbers on a regular basis, crisis health issues are less likely. For example, if a doctor discovers that you have high blood pressure and high cholesterol, you can begin taking medicines to help control those conditions. Controlling high blood pressure and high cholesterol can keep many patients from later developing heart disease and requiring expensive emergency surgeries.
If you are serious about your health, and the health of your family, schedule an appointment with a doctor and begin the discussion about the importance of routine check ups. You will be glad you did.

Assisted living facilities Long term care facility Nursing homes bloomington il

Learn the Truth About Convalescence Homes

Nursing homes in normal il

The baby boomer population is increasingly creeping over the proverbial hill at age 65 and up. With this large influx of senior citizens, the need for eldercare is more pressing than it ever was before. But with the proliferation of negative ideas of eldercare in senior living facilities in the media and beyond, it can be difficult to know if assistance living is right for you or your loved one. Luckily, this article exists to spread the truth about elderly homes.
By definition, a convalescence home is a form assisted living centers that provides 24 hour, seven day a week care for individuals who need it. Typically, this includes the elderly, the terminally ill and the sick. According to the Centers for Disease control and Prevention, there are over 16,000 assisted living facilities in the United States.
While many think that convalescence homes rob residents of their independence, that could not be further from the truth. Rather, assisted living affords seniors with opportunities to connect with people their age and engage in activities that stimulate both their bodies and their minds. Many assisted living centers even offer field trips, taking residents to places such as baseball games and museums.
In addition to activities, many assisted living centers often offer different kinds of living situations for more independent residents, such as apartments and incorporated villages. While 24 hour care is still made available to these residents, they allow for them to lead more active, and self sufficient lives.
It is also important to remember that no two assisted living facility is the same. Before deciding on one, be sure to do your homework and arrange visits to see which center is right for you or your loved one. Choosing assisted living can be a scary decision, but ultimately, it can be one that enriches your life for the better.

Denver urgent care Free walk in clinic Medical walk in clinic

Hyperhidrosis Can Be the Cause of Your Excessive Sweating

Walk in clinic denver co

Sweat plays an important role in the body, as it helps keep us cool and helps the body fight infection. Normal people produce about a liter of sweat every day, which typically evaporates before you can feel it. However, there is a portion of the population who struggle with excessive sweating, most often due to a medical condition known as hyperhidrosis. This is where the body produces much more sweat than is necessary. Luckily, family care physicians
and community health clinics have
been working hard to identify the various causes of hyperhidrosis, and have been working on various methods to help patients control excessive sweating.

Hyperhidrosis Causes

Hyperhidrosis usually involves overactive sweat glands in multiple areas of the body, such as the hands, feet, underarms, or face. There is no one main cause of hyperhidrosis, as it is usually the result of another medical conditions. The most common conditions that can cause excessive sweating are anxiety, brain and nerve disorders, some cancers, alcoholism, diabetes, heart disease, overactive thyroid, menopause, or obesity.

Hyperhidrosis Treatments

There are a variety of different treatments for hyperhidrosis that can be used, based on the different causes of the excessive sweating. A doctor may recommend the use of prescription antiperspirant, medication, surgery, or an iontophoresis treatment. This treatment involves immersing your hands or feet in shallow water, and attaching a medical ‘no-sweat’ machine that sends a low-voltage electrical current in the water. This current shuts down the over-active sweat glands in the affected area.

If you struggle with excessive sweating, contact your primary family health clinic or visit your local walk in health clinic such as an after hours urgent care. Family care physicians will be able to effectively diagnose your individual case, and can help find the solution that is best for you.

Chiropractic management companies Chiropractic services Chiropractors education

5 Things That a Chiropractic Consultant Should Offer Your Practice

Chiropractic consulting services

If you are a human, you most likely experience back pain on a somewhat consistent basis. The American Chiropractic Association reports that somewhere in the neighborhood of 90% of people suffer from back pain regularly. With this statistic in mind, it is odd how difficult it is for chiropractic services to stay afloat in our medical climate. Even though chiropractors offer a relatively inexpensive and non-invasive treatment that has been proven to substantially reduce the need for back surgery, the viability rate for not chiropractic services is surprisingly low.

Because of the common challenges that chiropractors face, chiropractic consulting groups have been developed to help connect, support and guide chiropractic services into successful practices. Unfortunately, for every effective chiropractic consulting service, there are an equal amount of parasitic businesses who offer nothing more than pep rallies and hokey videos that waste chiropractors’ time and money.
Some chiropractors might feel skeptical about joining a consulting service when their past experiences that weren’t useful. However, reputable chiropractic services are a necessity to the following 5 chiropractors:

  1. The chiropractor who is just starting out. Chiropractic management companies can be extremely helpful when establishing a practice. Reputable groups will help develop efficient systems for your practice, create effective marketing to build a client base, and ensure that the entire patient experience is positive.
  2. The chiropractor that needs accountability. Running a chiropractic office can be exhausting. It’s easy to let important tasks slip when you have so many responsibilities you’re juggling. A good consultant will help organize ideas to implement in your practice, and stay on your case about getting them done.
  3. The chiropractor looking for support from other people in the same boat. When you get burnt out arguing with insurance companies who don’t care what’s best for the patient, working with non-compliant patients, and keeping up with all the responsibilities of running a practice, sometimes it is refreshing to connect with other chiropractors who know the struggle. Many chiropractic consultant groups offer quarterly conferences to help chiropractors who feel isolated get peer support.
  4. The chiropractor who wants guidance. Having a chiropractic coach is helpful when you need self-development and want to learn the industry’s best practices. Chiropractic schools can only prepare a person so much to run a practice, a consultant group often offers access to a variety of experts in the field, to get guidance for any specific situation.
  5. The chiropractor needing a lifeline. Sometimes chiropractors just need someone to identify why their practice isn’t succeeding and help find solutions to turn business around.

Choosing a Chiropractic Consultant
Because there are over-hyped consultants who just want your money, it is important to do your research when choosing a consultant group. Start by asking other chiropractors for referrals and then interview recommended consultants to find one that you mesh with. It is also acceptable to ask consultant companies for reviews from other clients. A chiropractic consulting agency who is serious about improving the outlook of the industry as a whole will appreciate having clients who are serious about choosing a good consultant and will be happy to oblige.

Are you part of a chiropractic consulting group? What has been the greatest advantage to you? Please leave us a comment below.

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3 Acne Treatments That Only A Dermatologist Can Provide

Updated 5/26/22.

When you have a problem with acne, there are acne treatment centers that can help you with the issue. These centers have dermatologists who have a lot of experience with treating acne, and they can help your skin to look better. Whether you have bad acne around mouth and chin, acne on your forehead, or anywhere else, there are treatments that can significantly help you.

Acne in cheeks causes can be everything from hormone changes to skin that isn’t cleaned often enough. The best advice for acne is to make sure you cleanse your skin often so that dead skin cells don’t build up and clog your pores. Once this happens, bacteria grow in the pores, and blackheads and pimples are created. Proper cleansing can help to reduce this cycle.

The best prescription spot treatment for acne will depend on the severity of your acne and your skin type. A dermatologist will be able to assess your skin and figure out which prescription treatments you need as well as any treatments that are available over the counter. It often requires a combination of treatments to get rid of acne as much as possible. Be sure to follow any instructions you get.

Dermatologist questions

We’ve all had it. Heck, I have it right now. If you’re reading this while hunched behind your computer screen, self–consciously checking your reflection in the glare to see if that huge blackhead got angrier as the day went on, then you know what I’m talking about: Acne. Acne is the most prevalent skin disorder affecting the U.S., with fully 40 million sufferers presently accounted for. Even if it’s not a common problem for you, chances are about 85% that you will suffer bouts of acne at some point in your life, and for 40% of unfortunate teens, they will carry scars for the rest of their lives.
Although there are plenty of “home grown” acne treatment options being advertised out there for cystic acne, back acne, etc., our overwhelming recommendation if you suffer from this condition is to make an appointment with a dermatologist specialist. A dermatologist specialist is simply a doctor who decided to dedicate their entire practice to skin issues, and there are a few remedies that you can only get from a dermatologist specialist, such as:

1. A professional skin classification.
Knowing you have acne is like knowing that “you’re sick.” That’s great–but how sick are you, what does sick mean for you, and how can you get better? A dermatologist specialist is equipped with the skills and experience to diagnose your specific skin type. They can tell you for example whether or not you have oily, dry, or combination skin, whether you’re particularly sensitive to sunlight, and they can read the signs indicating damage you may already have done to your skin. All of these factors effect your personalized treatment options.

2. Extra strength benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
If you read the back of most acne treatment products, chances are the active ingredient is some percentage of benzoyl peroxide and/or salicylic acid. Usually however this percentage never goes above 5% for over–the–counter products, which for some of us just doesn’t cut it when fighting the pesky pustules. A dermatologist specialist can prescribe you a more robust chemical compound, or if all else fails…

3. Acutane.
Considered to be the most drastic treatment option for acne, Acutane is a highly volatile vitamin A dosage that must be taken under strict regulatory conditions and monitored by a dermatologist. Still, if used correctly, it is often quite effective, and for thousands of acne sufferers out there, the rewards far outweigh the risks.

Please comment with any recommendations for good dermatologists, especially in the Fort Lauderdale area! And if you’ve recently been to a dermatologist specialist, don’t forget to share your story.

Injury Seattle doctors Top doctors

Treating Kids’ Sports Injuries at Urgent Care Clinics

Bellevue urgent care

Few things strike more fear into a parent’s heart than hearing their child has been seriously injured. The fact is that it happens. Every year, nearly 12 million people between the ages of 5 and 22 are injured playing sports. It ends up costing them at least 20 million school days. These injuries cost nearly $33 million each year in health care costs. The Emergency Room is no longer the only place to go. There are urgent care centers all over the country. There are nearly 20,000 doctors practicing at these centers that usually are open seven days a week. Many clinics do offer children s urgent care.

Football is the most common cause of children are taken for emergency room care or to an urgent care facility. The spots that follow are basketball, baseball and soccer.

In recent years, a lot more attention has been paid to the number of concussions players suffer from and what the long term implications of these injuries are. These are serious and potentially fatal injuries. Symptoms include dizziness, nausea and vomiting, headache, confusion, memory loss, confusion, slurred speech and changes in mood. Any of these symptoms warrant a visit as soon as possible to a physician because they are serious brain injuries. If you see your child suffer a head injury on the field or court, make them sit out for at least a little while so you or a medical professional can evaluate them. They may not really understand what is going on and will confused if they have a concussion.

Other common injuries include broken and bruised bones and sprains and strains. Many of the injuries kids suffer while playing sports are actually overuse injuries. That ankle might just have enough of playing and gave out for that reason. Stress fractures are overuse injuries. One way to keep out of children s urgent care centers is to be proactive in getting them care before they injure something. If you suspect they are playing too much or too hard, make them take a break. There’s no real benefit to “walking it off” or “playing through the pain.” An injured area needs some rest.

The areas most often impacted are the ankle, head, finger, knee and face.

Children s urgent care facilities may offer a better experience than an emergency room for these injuries. Walk in clinics can often see you sooner and they are not usually an intimidating as a pediatric emergency room. They are also much less chaotic and frantic than emergency rooms, with ambulances coming and going.

Before an injury happens talk to your pediatrician about urgent care facilities in the area. There might be some that they work with or think are better. It is good to have that information before you need it. When your children are hurt, it is very stressful. Not knowing where to go when that happens will only add to your stress.

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3 Surprising Ways Being Overweight Might Be Costing You

Clear skin diet plan

If you’re overweight, you probably have plenty of reasons why you would like to shed a few pounds and return to a healthier weight. Maintaining a healthy weight makes you less likely to develop serious diseases and can even boost your mood and mental well-being.

But did you know that losing weight can also save you hundreds of dollars?

Believe it or not, but being overweight can end up costing you more money than being at a healthy weight. Here are three ways you’ll spend more money if you’re overweight:

Fast food costs more than eating in

It’s common for people today to assume that eating out at fast food restaurants is cheaper than buying groceries and cooking for yourself. However, the exact opposite is true. These restaurants do need to make a profit, after all. In fact, it’s estimated that people spend 32% of their disposable income on eating out — and fast food meals are much higher in fat and calories than home-cooked meals.

The costs of purchasing new clothes

If you are constantly gaining weight, you’ll likely find that your old clothes don’t fit after just a few months. As a result, you’ll frequently be spending hundreds of dollars on new clothes that will fit you. Additionally, plus-size clothing is often more expensive than regular sizes and isn’t as readily available.

Expensive, ineffective fad diets

Many people, frustrated with being unable to shed their extra weight, often turn to costly fad diets that don’t actually work. This is because yo-yo dieting often sends your body into shock mode, making it hold onto its fat cells. Weight loss programs and specialty diets can cost several hundreds of dollars for just a year of membership. In most cases, it might just be more effective to get stomach liposuction than to try a trendy juice cleanse or diet plan.

Have any other questions about finding the right weight loss doctors for a stomach liposuction procedure or general medical weight loss solutions? Let us know by leaving a comment below. Research more like this. Visit here for more information. Read this website for more information.