If you’re looking to get medical help, you might consider obtaining your medical treatment through the aid of an urgent care center in your area. After all, urgent care centers have become more all encompassing in the medical treatments that they can provide, in addition to more widespread throughout the United States than ever before. Because of this, urgent care centers have skyrocketed in popularity, bringing in up to three million new attendees with each passing week. In the years that are ahead of us, this number is only likely to climb ever higher and higher.

Ultimately, urgent care centers are simply a great medical resource to have around, a great place to go when your normal doctor’s office is closed. For instance, the vast majority of all urgent care locations – more than 80% of them, as a matter of fact – are even open every single day of the week. In comparison to the more traditional doctor’s office, such urgent care clinics will also have extended hours as well, opening earlier in the morning and closing considerably later in the evening than what would otherwise be seen. For a great many people, this is more than ideal for getting medical care while avoiding having to go to the local emergency room.

But why would one want to avoid the local emergency room? For one thing, if you don’t have an emergency medical condition, going to an emergency room for medical treatment is likely to mean a very long waiting period indeed. As a matter of fact, the average ER will have a waiting time of at least one full hour, if not even longer than that. At the typical walk in urgent care clinic, on the other hand, things are really much different indeed. For one thing, more than half of all urgent care clinics boast average wait times that are not any longer than even 15 minutes. And more than a full 90% of all walk-in clinics have wait times that do not stretch past a mere half of an hour. Therefore, it is often that patients are able to get in, get treatment, and get out – all within the span of just one hour.

And the average multicare urgent care center can treat a wide array of conditions, ranging from illness to injury. In fact, such urgent care walk in clinics are much more adept and competent than people tend to realize, able to treat more than 95% of the cases that come their way, having to transfer but a scant 3% to any nearby hospital. Urgent care centers can even provide certain forms of preventative care, such as that that is found in the flu shot. And as the flu can infect as much as a full 20% of the population over the course of a single year, there is certainly no doubting the fact that getting your flu shot, as offered by your local urgent care clinic, is an important step to take indeed. As a matter of fact, your flu shot is something that is necessary for you if you’re looking to better ensure that you do not develop any of the more serious complications that can result from the flu. For many people, getting the flu shot can even, ultimately, end up saving their lives.

Many injuries, of course, can also be easily handled in your average urgent care clinic setting. Along with the treatment of respiratory illnesses, wound repair is one of the most common medical concerns treated in any given urgent care location. Fracture care is even also possible, given the fact that more than three quarters of all urgent care locations can provide urgent care treatment surrounding minor fracture treatment. For people seeking such treatment, money and time can both be saved by going to the local urgent care clinic as opposed to the nearest emergency room. And as up to 65% of all emergency room patients could have instead been properly treated at the local urgent care center, it is quite clear indeed that urgent care centers have a lot to offer.

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