Although most people have a regular general physician that they go to when they are sick or injured, many of these doctors offices hold normal office hours or even custom hours that are not always convenient for when your body decides to get sick. After hours urgent care centers are the perfect solution for when you can not get to your normal doctor in the case of sickness or other medical emergency. Urgent care hours are specifically designed to accommodate those needing medical attention in otherwise inconvenient time frames. When an injury or sickness occurs when you are on vacation or away from home, after hours urgent care clinics are often your best bet for affordable treatment. Urgent care facilities are often utilized in medical emergencies that a general doctor is unable to help with, but not always severe enough to go to the emergency room at the hospital for.
- Emergency department visits can cost upwards of ten times the amount the same treatment or diagnosis would in an urgent care facility
- Over a quarter of all emergency room visits could easily have been treated in an after hours urgent care location
- The American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine requires urgent care facilities to be open seven days a week, where private practices are not
- There are over seven thousand urgent care centers in the United States which take care of over 160 million visits a year
- Urgent care facilities are able to diagnose or provide an analysis of the patient, prescribe antibiotics, prescribe pain medication, and provide further facts and literature on the prognosis for the individual
- The majority of after hours urgent care facilities are able to provide x-rays for fractures, breaks, and sprains as well as have the ability to set the injury
When looking for care that is more cost efficient than he emergency room and more convenient time wise than the normal doctor, consider finding an after hours emergency care center. For more information, read this website.