From scalp micropigmentation to a FUE hair transplant, hair restoration has become more common than ever before – and there are more options for hair restoration than ever before as well. After all, hair loss is certainly far from an uncommon thing here in the United States, impacting the lives of men and women alike. In fact, up thirty five million men are dealing with some stage of the hair loss process, and up to forty percent of the women in the United States – nearly half – are dealing or will at some point deal with alopecia, specifically androgenic alopecia, a condition that leads to varying levels of hair loss. This means that more than twenty five million women are going through the process of hair loss at the current date (twenty eight million women, to be more exact).

While hair loss over the course of time is not necessarily an abnormal thing, especially for men, it is something that can certainly effect the life of the balding person tremendously. In fact, many men who are experiencing hair loss feel that they would do just about anything to get their hair back. They would give up their savings, their financial stability, and even their career and relationships just to have a full head of hair again.

For women, the process of losing hair can be even worse. After all, it is incredibly commonplace for women in our society to prize long and luscious hair. To not be able to have that – or any hair at all, for that matter – can be quite the blow to the typical woman, especially if she once did have long and beautiful hair before beginning the process of balding. It can be an incredibly emotionally trying and difficult process, one that is incredibly testing and hard to overcome. This balding can even put a strain on important relationships in your life, whether you are a man or a woman.

Fortunately, modern hair loss treatment is becoming more available and hair loss restoration is more accessible than it has ever been before. There are even many different types of hair restoration. Some types of hair restoration are only minimally invasive while others are much more so, but it is regardless important to talk to a hair loss specialist about the type of modern hairloss solution that is the right one for you.

One hair restoration treatment is that of the FUSS hair transplant procedure. The FUSS hair transplant procedure involves the take of a strip of skin from the back of your head, where hair is typically still growing well. This strip is then transplanted to an area of the head where hair is receding or gone completely. While hair restoration from a FUSS procedure has been known to be successful, it is often less than ideal. This is due to the fact that this procedure is invasive and has a longer recovery time than other hair restoration procedures. It also will leave a large scar behind, necessitating the need for a scar revision procedure at a later date.

For these reasons, a FUE hair restoration and transplant procedure is by and large more ideal. A FUE – which stands for Follicular Unit Extraction – procedure is far less invasive, as it works through the harvesting and transplant of naturally occurring groups of hairs. It also leaves behind no scar, meaning that those who have this hair restoration procedure done will not need any scar revision surgery and will be able to wear their hair in any way that they choose once the healing process has been completed.

Hair restoration is something that can be hugely beneficial to all that are dealing with balding and hair loss not only here in the United States but in many other places all throughout the world as well. Hair restoration procedures are many, at that, meaning that there is likely a hair restoration procedure out there for everyone. However, speaking to a doctor that specializes in such hair restoration procedures is more than ideal and will help to ensure that you select the right procedure that will have the best results.

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