As hair surgeons all throughout the country know, balding and hair loss are incredibly common all throughout the United States. And while hair loss does predominantly impact men, women can suffer from it too, with up to twenty million women in some stage of hair loss in this country alone. For men, however, this number is quite a bit higher, currently at around thirty five million people.
There are a number of causes of hair loss and balding. For some, it is in direct relation to a drug treatment, such as is commonly the case when a course of chemotherapy is undergone. In addition to this, many people lose their hair as part of an autoimmune condition called alopecia, but many other conditions can also result in some degree of hair loss, even if it is not full blown balding. Of course, male pattern baldness is the most common cause of hair loss in men, as it causes up to ninety five percent of hair loss cases across the gender.
And male pattern baldness is incredibly prevalent. In fact, when looking at a population of men who are at the age of thirty five, we see that more than half of them – two thirds to be more exact – have lost a visible amount of hair, meaning that likely half of their hair or more is gone. And by the time that men reach the still relatively young age of fifty, up to eighty five percent of them will have visible hair loss to some extent, if only just minor hair loss.
And for many people, as hair surgeons can all too easily attest to, the impact of going through the process of balding and losing one’s hair can have a tremendously negative emotional impact. In fact, statistics have even shown that nearly have of all people who have lost a noticeable amount of hair (forty seven percent of them, to be more exact) would actually be willing to spend the entirety of their life savings just so that they could have a full head of hair again. And up to sixty percent of people who have lost their hair even said that they would rather have their hair back than just about anything else, including their friends and their money.
Fortunately, however, hair surgeons can provide the answer for many in the form of hair transplant procedures. If you are interested in hair transplant procedures, it is very important that you only pursue them from reputable hair surgeons, as it is still surgery, if only a cosmetic procedure. Hair surgeons must be skilled and effective, and looking into highly skilled hair surgeons is likely to reduce your chances of having any complications or a bad outcome (including the possibility of scarring).
There are a few different options out there when it comes to hair transplant surgery as is performed by hair surgeons. The FUSS procedure is one of them, and involves hair surgeons taking a piece of your scalp where the hair is still growing well and transplanting it to the part of your head where balding is taking place. However, this method of hair replacement is not always ideal, as it is known to leave quite a big scar on the back of your head, as well as raising your risk for infection as well as the duration of your recovery.
Fortunately, FUE hair transplants are becoming more popular among hair surgeons than ever before. FUE – which stands for Follicular Unit Extraction – transplant procedures also involve the removal of hair by hair surgeons, but instead of removing a huge strip, only small naturally occurring clusters of hair are removed. These clusters are then, much like the FUSS procedure, placed on the part of the head where balding has become obvious or where hair loss is becoming to ramp up.
Balding and hair loss can be a frightening thing, there is no doubt about it. Many people who go through this find their confidence taking quite dramatically. However, hair surgeons can help to restore the hair that has been lost and in this way improve the lives of many.