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The Facts About Life Insurance Policies

Medicare supplement insurance mississippi

Life insurance policies can seem pretty confusing; in fact, the majority of Americans don’t have a life insurance policy because they don’t understand what it’s for or because they think it costs too much money. In reality, life insurance plans can be a huge benefit and they aren’t too expensive at all.

Let’s take a quick look at what life insurance coverage really entails:

  • There are several different types of life insurance you can choose from. This allows you to pick a plan that doesn’t cause too much stress on your budget, and most of these plans can be changed or swapped very easily if you find that your needs have changed.
  • Although you won’t have any use for money after you die, your friends and family will benefit from a life insurance policy. Even something as simple as a funeral can cost thousands of dollars; for a family in mourning, this financial burden can be incredibly hard to deal with.
  • In most cases, employers don’t offer life insurances policies that will really provide enough support in the case of an emergency. It doesn’t hurt to purchase your employer’s plan anyway, but it’s also a good idea to look at your other options. Don’t turn away from a plan solely because it costs a bit more than you initially hoped it would; these plans are intended to be investments and a plan with a higher payment might be more beneficial in the long run.
  • Even if you have a good amount of money saved up, it’s still advisable to purchase a life insurance policy. Your savings may get you through retirement but it might not be enough to cover final expenses; furthermore, it’s hard to predict if any of the money will be taken in taxes or other fees.

If you’ve been avoiding looking into a life insurance policy, it might just be the time to stop putting this off.

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7 Ways to Improve the Air Quality in Your Home Today

Mold inspection panama city

You would probably never believe it if you heard that the indoor air quality is worse than outside air quality. With all the pollution and car emissions and toxins out in the world in this day and age, how could outside air possibly be even better than inside? Of course, we all understand how it begins to feel stuffy and all enclosed when the house is been shut up all day but we don’t realize actually because of the allergens and pollutants that are in the home. Even though the pollutants outside are worse for you, there is open space for them to dissipate into. Inside, there’s nowhere for them to go except to settle into your carpets and furniture and other areas. Here are some practical ways to improve indoor air quality in your home.

  1. Clean
    Even though it is a fairly common practice to procrastinate cleaning, it’s very important to have a regular cleaning schedule in order to reduce the allergens in the air to air.

    Dusting ? it is better to dust with a damp cloth or spray done with the feather duster. A feather duster make it the dust off the areas you were brushing but it doesn’t collect all of them in the duster, much of the dust will just settle somewhere else in the room.
    Sweeping – when sweeping make sure to get all the corners and baseboards of all the floors and try to do this every day or at least every other day.
    Vacuuming ? this should be done last so as to pick up any dust or particles that of been missed in your dusting and sweeping routines.

  2. Open a window
    If the weather permits, opening windows will let in fresh air and send out the inside air. If the weather does not allow you to open the windows then ceiling fans can help to circulate air as well. And exhaust fan can help grease and smoke another vapors not to be released into the air.

  3. Redecorating
    If you are in a position to remodel or renovate, remember your air quality when making your choices. hardwood or tile is easier to clean and traps less dirt than carpet does. Blinds will get less dusty than curtains and houseplants release oxygen and help to improve indoor air quality.

  4. Air purifiers
    An air purifier will do a lot to helping the quality of air. Home mold inspections have shown that a good majority of common molds grow because of non purified air. Make sure you get the right size purifier for your home.

  5. Change your filters
    Make sure that you are replacing the filters in your HVAC system at least every three months whether it is being used or not. In the summer you may want to change them more frequently.

  6. Laundry
    Are you one of those people that lets laundry pile up before you get it done? Fabric harbors so many dust mites and allergens. Try washing just one load a day to keep on top of the laundry as well as not allowing allergens to settle into it. This will also make your water use more efficient.

  7. Cut down on moisture
    In humid environments it is hard to minimize moisture but mold and mildew you thrive when the air is moist. If you live in a humid area you may want to invest in a dehumidifier. Bathrooms and kitchens are the biggest attractant of mold and mildew as this is where most of the water is in your home. Make sure that these rooms are well ventilated.

Following these easy tips will improve indoor air quality in your home. Indoor air quality testing is available if you wish to find out exactly what kind of air your home has. If you improve indoor air quality you may also see a significant difference in allergy symptoms and you or your family members. The removal of dust mites and other toxic substances will help to ensure everyone lives a healthier life.

Urgent care Urgent care everett wa Walk in clinic bothell wa

When Not to Use the Emergency Room Phone Number

Clinic care

Although it is always a good idea to have the emergency room phone number handy, not all injuries or pain require a trip to the emergency room. Some conditions or injuries require long-term care and treatment, which is something an emergency room can?t help you with.

For example, according to a recent study, 69% of the adults in the United States reported that lower back pain adversely impacts their daily lives. Unless you experience a sudden injury that puts in you in the emergency room, an ER doctor can?t help you with chronic lower back pain.

The research on lower back pain shows that 40% of people reporting pain do not see their physician or a physical therapist. Although an estimated 40% of people do try exercise to alleviate the pain, it isn’t always under the direction of a doctor or therapist. For some, exercise or physical therapy do help and are worth trying.

World Neurosurgery magazine published a study that found people suffering from Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) had comparable outcomes between choosing lumber fusion surgery or non-operative treatments such as physical therapy. Your doctor can help you determine which treatment path may be best for you.

DDD and other forms of lower back pain are chronic conditions that need to be treated overtime. Nearly 60% of all baby boomers are living with a chronic condition of some kind. There are a variety of clinics and doctors that can provide that ongoing care depending on what the chronic condition is. Clinical care can be specialized to your condition.

Using the emergency room phone number when you?re dealing with a chronic condition will not help you in the long-run. While an emergency room doctor may be able to give you limited relief with a pain killer, they will not be able to relieve the source of the pain.

The best thing to do is leave the emergency room phone number and call your doctor. Schedule an appointment to deal with the pain appropriately. Lower back pain can be debilitating, and it can come on with little warning. You may wake up feeling fine and then collapse in pain just from reaching for the coffee pot.

Many people avoid talking to their doctor about their back pain because they assume surgery is their only option, and they don?t want to go through back surgery. However, that is not the case. There are multiple non-surgical treatment options your doctor can explore with you first.

Health spa coral gables Meditation Yoga

Five Forms of Alternative Medicine and How They Can Help Improve a Patient’s Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Health

Body and soul coral gables

Doctors rely on scientific methods to analyze, diagnose, and treat patients with health concerns. While medicine continues to make breakthroughs in the care and treatment of the sick, there have been and still are areas that medicine is unable to account for within the healing process. To aid in the physical, spiritual, and mental health of patients, many individuals have turned to alternative healing approaches to supplement their personal health care. Although not everyone responds to alternative medicine in the same way, a good number of individuals are believers in the impact of some of these treatments for the healing process. Here are five of the most popular alternative medicine trends in the United States.


There is a large misconception that aromatherapy involves the inhalation of plant-based oils; in truth, such essential oils are typically applied to the skin. The essential oils used in aromatherapy were first used by the Ancient Egyptians over 6,000 years ago. It is believed that the scents of these essential oils activate areas of the brain associated with memory and emotion. Different scents have different chemical effects; for those looking to try aromatherapy be sure that any candles, lotions, or oils are natural and not synthetic in order to receive the full benefits of aromatherapy for your health.


Yoga first originated in Hindu practices no sooner than 5,000 years ago in India. Masters of yoga (called Yogis) are able to maintain full control of their bodies; this allows them to become incredibly flexible while maintaining perfect balance and control over their breathing. The therapeutic benefits of yoga have been spreading across the United States over the past few decades; today it is estimated that over 15 million Americans practice some form of yoga as of last year. Yoga has become so popular in the U.S. as it unites physical action with sharp mental focus; many practitioners feel healthier and note a sense of peace and calm after practicing yoga. In addition, one study found that individuals had a definitive decrease in their blood pressure after just three weeks of yoga.


Some would say that yoga is a form of meditation. Founded in Eastern religious practice, meditation is an exercise in quieting the mind and ceasing thoughts through a number of techniques. Most popularized by Japanese Zen Buddhism, meditation has been seriously studied by psychologists who note interesting changes in practitioners on a mental and physical level. Those with insomnia and overactive thoughts can benefit the most from meditation; three out of four insomniacs who started meditating daily were able to fall asleep within just 20 minutes of going to bed.


First originating in early Chinese history, acupuncture involves placing thin needles in specific points on the body referred to as acupuncture points. Acupuncture is typically used for pain relief and combined with other treatments. To date, over 3 million Americans have tried acupuncture at some point in their life with many swearing by the treatment’s efficaciousness.

Internal Medicine

Another form of traditional Chinese medicine, internal medicine primarily concerns the diet of the individual in question. There are both hot and cold foods that change the internal chemistry of a body. Based off of traditional Chinese notions of balance as embodied in Yin and Yang, too much cold and too much hot are equally detrimental to the sensitive balance of internal chemistry. As a general rule of thumb if food is wet, soft, or cool then it is Yin; if a food is hard, spicy, and dry then it is Yang. Internal medicine makes sense when considering the old expression, “you are what you eat.”

Energy and healing Holistic migraine treatment Natural remedies for insomnia and anxiety

3 Great Reasons to Seek a Natural Cure for Your Headache

Healthier life

Picture this: Only half of those suffering from migraines seek medical attention, and migraines are undiagnosed and under treated in at least half of patients. If you are interested in getting help and you’re asking yourself whether or not holistic migraine treatment at your local natural health center is right for you, consider these arguments for a healthier solution:

  • You’ve tried everything
  • If you get severe headaches or migraines, you may experience one or more attacks a month like 54% of sufferers, or even one or more a week, like 13%. If so, you have hopefully sought medical help to deal with these painful and productivity crippling attacks. If conventional solutions aren’t working for you, or you are unhappy with the side effects and changes that resulted from initial treatment, it might be time to explore natural ways to cure a headache.

  • You’re want to protect yourself from harmful chemicals
  • Part of leading a healthier life is working to eliminate your intake of harmful chemicals. One way to do this is to try to eat healthy, mostly concentrating on eliminating processed foods which use chemical ingredients or coatings to extend a products shelf life or enhance taste. Making an effort to shop for locally sourced products also decreases the risk of encountering unnatural chemicals. Western medicine is all man made and highly synthesized, so when seeking to treat your migraines, at the same time avoiding toxic additives, it is helpful to take the same approach as with your food. Finding a local holistic center, where they use locally sourced or botanically based products could be the way out of the chemical bog.

  • You’re interested in the relationship between energy and healing
  • What, you ask, is the relationship between energy and healing anyway? It is based on the concept that the body is home to an energy system, just as real as the digestive or reproductive system. Some holistic health practitioners believe that many health issues result from the disruption of the flow of energy in an individuals body. By alleviating blockages in the body’s river of energy, natural balance can be restored along with the body’s ability to heal itself. Take a moment to consider that depression is three times as likely to occur with individuals suffering from migraines or severe headaches, and how one health issue has the power to influence or trigger other mental or physical health issues. By exploring the relationship between energy and healing your headaches, you could tap into the deeply rooted cause of many more health issues.

Electromagnetic sensitivity Emf shielding How to block emf

Three Things Pregnant Women Should Know About EMFs

Emf dangers

In recent years, people are becoming more aware of the potential dangers of electromagnetic fields, or EMFs, questioning on a more regular basis how to best keep loved ones safe. As attention becomes more pronounced, it seems to be harder than ever to find simple suggestions, in simple terms, without advertising a must have item for ways to block emf at home, items that can almost qualify for a bank loan to finance them. Even with all of those products, have the sites do not have a basic explanation for a pregnant woman about risk and best behaviors for her to protect herself and her unborn child. To repair the grave disservice performed by some in scaring without providing facts, here are three things a pregnant women concerned about EMFs should know.

  1. WHO findings: The World Health Organization, or The WHO, does recognize potential dangers from EMFs and does recommend limiting EMF exposure. This recommendation, however, is not accompanied by stronger warnings for pregnant women or suggestions about emf blockers. The WHO report explicitly states that they have found no evidence to suggest EMFs cause any problems with the birth or the infant, such as spontaneous abortion or congenital defects.Where The Danger Lies: When saying that EMFs could be dangerous, it is important to note that they specifically are referring to what comes from power lines and radio frequencies. If either of those lies close to your home, take precautions, go buy an EMF shield if possible.
  2. Research: Current scientific examinations of the effects of EMFs is focused entirely on cancer. Whether viewed as a cause or an exacerbating effect, this idea truly does deserve some fear. Yes, cancer is scary, yet most people already try to prevent cancer and have at least a vague idea of symptoms to watch out for. In other words, we are already afraid of cancer. Do not panic yet about emf safety.
    The potential for EMFs harming you or your child is slim. That said, no one would blame a pregnant woman opting for full body protection and buying every emf shield in sight, not even me. I just ask that you make all decisions with thoughtfulness. With that, you’ll be fine.

Hyperbaric oxygen chamber therapy Hyperbaric oxygen therapy palm harbor Radiation necrosis treatment

The Best Treatment Option for CPRS

Rsd treatment

Getting a Regional Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome diagnosis can be terrifying. As you research your options, there is one treatment that is proving to be highly effective for patients suffering from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. This medical treatment is helping individuals who have received a RSD, traumatic brain injuries, stroke, radiation necrosis, chronic pain syndrome, or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome diagnosis to live a pain-free life again.

What is HBOT?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy treatment (HBOT), also known as hyperbaric medicine, is defined as the medical use of oxygen at levels higher than normal. The goal of HBOT is to increase the flow of oxygen to your body?s tissues. As a tertiary effect, the blood?s oxygen transport abilities are also increased. HBOT occurs in hyperbaric pressure chambers, either rigid or flexible, which delivers 100% pure oxygen to the body.

How does HBOT work?

There are two significant therapeutic benefits of hyperbaric medicine: its compressive effects for scuba divers and the increased flow of oxygen in the tissues and blood of the body. This added oxygen helps your body fight bacteria and promote healing. When your body?s tissues become injured, they need an increased flow of oxygen to heal and survive. HBOT can help to increase the formation of blood vessels and nerve endings in painful or injured tissue. As blood circulation increases and nerve ending heal, pain sensitivity then decreases.

HBOT and You

HBOT has proven to be a highly successful method of treating a Complex Regional Pain Syndrome diagnosis or as a treatment for RSD. HBOT is FDA- approved. It is recognized by Medicare as a reimbursable treatment option for 14 different conditions, so hyperbaric oxygen therapy cost could be minimal. Hyperbaric oxygen chamber therapy has also been used for the treatment of reflex sympathetic dystrophy, chronic Lyme disease treatment, AIDS, and chronic fatigue syndrome, just to name a few. As you know, it is crucial to begin treatment of CRPS or RSD as soon as possible after diagnosis. Don?t hesitate to ask your doctor if this could be the right treatment for CPRS for you!

Alcohol abuse treatment Drug rehab centres Residential alcohol rehab

Your Alcohol Addiction Treatment Options — An Overview

Addiction family therapy

Maybe you know someone with an alcohol problem. Maybe you are that someone. We don’t care either way. This is a judgement free zone, and we are here to help. That you even Googled this far shows that you are one step closer to fighting alcohol abuse and are at least partially ready to seek alcohol abuse treatment for yourself or a loved one. We’re guessing you’re a little overwhelmed by all you’ve been reading about the problem and the solution. You know vaguely what a rehab is for example — you watch Intervention, but how does one choose the best rehab? Are alcohol addiction treatment centers all the same, and if so, why do some cost so much more than others?
Below is a basic overview of the different approaches alcohol addiction treatment centers use. Our hope is that after perusing this list, you will understand the treatment landscape and how it is set up according to the addiction severity:
Option 1: Inpatient Rehab
Inpatient rehab, also called residential treatment, is where people go at the end of an Intervention episode. It is a holistic, drastic, intensive treatment option that involves living at the treatment facility full time and submitting to all-day therapy and treatment plans. The kinds of alcohol addiction treatment centers that accept inpatients usually do so for a term ranging between 30 and 90 days. Because of the residential aspect and the full-on, 24 hour treatment model, inpatient rehab is generally your most expensive option.
Option 2: Partial Hospitalization
A slight step down in severity from inpatient rehab, outpatient hospital monitoring for alcohol addiction ensures that patients get the intensive physical and psychological treatment of a rehab but do not require sleeping on site. This option is ideal for patients who know they have an addiction problem but who have a viable living situation with adequate familial support away from bad influences Generally, patients meet at the hospital three to five days out of the week for sessions ranging between four to six hours a day.
Option 3: An Outpatient Program
Alcoholic’s Anonymous is the most famous outpatient program. Ideal for combating the temptation to relapse, outpatient programs and other alcohol support groups can have meetings for two to four hours a day many times per a week. They focus on healing via the twelve step program and using the network of recovering alcoholics in the area for support.
If you’re not quite there yet…
If this all sounds a bit drastic to you, then you might want to consider either administering or consenting to a brief intervention. Brief interventions are for people at risk of developing a seriously harmful relationship with alcohol but for whom alcohol addiction treatment centers would be overkill. They involve visiting an experienced healthcare professional a few times and discussing their reasons for drinking and how to cut down. Often during these interventions root causes for alcohol abuse, such as incipient mental illness or trauma, are identified. This is statistically especially true for adolescent and young adult alcohol abusers.
If you used to have a problem and are afraid of relapsing…
Programs like AA are useful, but if you struggle with the twelve steps it might be time to consider a sober living community. These don’t often have the intense therapy component of inpatient rehab, but allow people committed to their sobriety to live together and support each other in a regimented, alcohol-free environment.
Remember, before committing to an alcohol addiction treatment option, make sure the facility is accredited by the state and run by licensed, qualified healthcare professionals. Also, find whatever you can on the effectiveness of the treatment methods they use and pay attention to the source. A good source in this case is one not affiliated with the center with a lot of expertise either in alcohol treatment or statistics.
Admitting you have a problem is the first step towards recovery. For this reason, we applaud you for getting to the end of this overview and wish you and your loved ones the best of luck.