Most people don’t know Benjamin Franklin invented and developed the first catheter that is flexible. He used hinged metal segments during 1752 to make the first flexible catheter. Today, flexible Medicare catheter supplies are commonly found on the market and they are easy to obtain. Not all suppliers and manufacturers of self catheter supplies are created equal. It’s recommended to take the time to do some research if you’re looking for the best Medicare catheter supplies on the web. In addition to the flexible catheters, disposal catheters are an option people have to consider as well. The disposable catheter is invented by David Sheridan and is used to save many lives.
Before the disposable catheter was invented, rubber tubes were used over and over. The reuse of rubber catheters lead to the increase of catheter related urinary tract infection. Reducing the possibility of bladder infection from catheter supplies, people use disposable Medicare catheter supplies. One of the most popular reasons why people rely on catheters is spinal cord injuries. In America alone, there are around 270,000 people who live their lives with a spinal cord injury. In fact, 5 percent of service members that spent time in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from spinal cord injuries.
Finding reliable suppliers for urinary catheter supplies is made simple online. Reading reviews on the web is the first step for comparing different suppliers. The biggest cause for spinal cord injuries is automobile accidents, which counts for around 33 percent of all spinal injuries. While looking for Medicare catheter supplies, it’s important to go over what you’re medical insurance covers. Furthermore, not all suppliers accept insurance policies for Medicare catheter supplies. There are several options that people have when it comes to buying catheters, and the resources available on the web make it easy to find the best catheter supplies.