Drug addiction can be incredibly difficult to overcome, and emotionally draining for both the addict and the addict’s family and close friends. Fortunately, drug rehab centers can provide the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak, and can give the addict the necessary support and structure in order to overcome their addiction and get back to their lives. Drug rehab centers can treat a number of different kinds of addiction, from heroin to prescription pain killers, and can prevent addicts from developing new addictions.
Addiction is unfortunately relatively common and one type of drug addiction can easily spiral into another. For instance, around 80% of all heroin addicts start abusing prescription painkillers before moving on to heroin and over 20% of those who abuse heroin will also abuse opiod painkillers as well. Addiction, particularly to opiods, is widespread across the United States, also referred to as the opiod crisis. In fact, people in the United States represent nearly 100% of hydrocodone abuse seen around the world. Over 20 million Americans ages twelve and over require drug treatment and over 2 million of those people had addictions to prescription drugs. Over half a million had addictions to heroin. Fentanyl also presents a dangerous opportunity for addicts. Similar in effect to heroin, fentanyl has a strong lure for opiod addicts. It’s up to 100 times as powerful as morphine, making it dangerous in how easy it is to overdose on.
Drug rehab centers can be critical in preventing deaths from drug addiction and abuse. In 2016 alone, there were over 60,000 drug related deaths. Of those drug related deaths, over 40,000 involved opiods. Drug rehab centers can prevent these deaths, but it is crucial that treatment begins as early into the addiction as possible. Drug abuse centers can help patients identify the root of their addictions, as well as guiding them through the often painful and difficult process of detoxing. Drug rehabilitation centers can deal with a large number of drug related problems as well. Although opiod addiction is the first and foremost drug related problem that our country faces, meth and cocaine abuse are also significantly problematic. Math, for example, leads to nearly 5,000 overdose deaths every year and cocaine is frequently abused by young adults ages 18 to 25.
Drug rehab centers can provide hope for drug addicts or those who regularly abuse drugs. It can be the light at the end of the tunnel, providing its patients with ways to safely detox from drugs and begin a lifestyle focused around clean and sober living.