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Considerations For When You’re Losing Your Hair


In the United States, hair loss is far from uncommon. In fact, more than 35 million men are currently dealing with some level and progression of hair loss, though not all hair loss will progress in the same way. And though, thanks to up to 95% of all male hair loss cases being linked to male pattern baldness and genetics, male hair loss is more commonplace than female hair loss, female hair loss is still quite the prominent issues. As a matter of fact, more than 20 million women in this country alone are struggling with some type of hair loss, which can originate for a variety of reasons.

As people age, the chances of hair loss become more and more prominent, especially when a genetic component is involved (and more than 80% of all people dealing with hair loss are more than well aware that their hair loss is very much genetic in nature). However, hair loss actually starts younger than many people realize. By the time that a man reaches the age of 35, for instance, there is a more than 50% chance that he has already begun to lose his hair. By the time that we look at the population of men in their 50s, we see that up to 85% of them are dealing with hair loss to at least some extent.

And there is certainly no denying the toll that hair loss takes on the lives of women and men alike. In fact, the toll can be so high that nearly half of all of those who are dealing with hair loss in this country have said that they would be more than willing to spend all of their money if it led to hair replacement and a full head of hair again. And more than half of all of those who are living with hair loss have also stated that they would rather have their hair than even their friendships, something that shows just how real the toll of hair loss can be in the lives of people from all different backgrounds.

Fortunately, as any hair loss doctor can tell you, we have come a long way when it comes to treating hair loss. Going to see a hair loss specialist can be ideal, as they might even be able to facilitate a hair replacement and redistribution with natural results. Hair replacement can be done in a number of ways, typically through a hair transplant surgery. And as this hair replacement process involves a surgical procedure, you want to ensure that the hair transplant doctor you work with is trustworthy and has a good track record when it comes to procedures to promote hair replacement and regrowth.

For instance, there are a variety of hair transplant surgeries currently available for hair replacement and you want to ensure that you’re choosing the right one. After all, many a hair replacement professional is moving away from the once popular FUSS procedure. This procedures involves the removal of a strip of hair and skin from the back of the scalp, where the hair is more likely to still be growing in thickly. Once this has been done, that strip is then surgically transplanted to the top of the head, where the hair loss is likely to be the most prominent. However, this procedure is likely to leave a considerable scar where the strip of scalp was removed. In addition to this, the chances of developing some type of infection are much higher than in other hair replacement procedures – and the recovery time is also considerably longer, to say the very least.

In many cases, the FUE (follicular unit extraction) procedure has become a replacement hair replacement procedure, and a much better one for that matter. A FUE procedure will obtain natural groupings of hair, which typically contain just a few hairs but can contain as many as seven or eight, depending on the particular hair grouping in question. Then, these hair plugs are transferred to the part of the head where balding is prominent. This procedure is ideal because it leaves no visible scarring in the vast majority of cases and has a lowered chance of complications developing.

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