Sleep apnea Sleep apnea machine side effects Sleep apnea mask

Suffering From Sleep Apnea? Here Are Some Dos And Don’ts To Keep In Mind

sleep apnea treatmentWhen it comes to sleep disorders, sleep apnea is one of the most common. In fact, sleep apnea is prevalent in as many as 18 million people in the U.S. alone. This statistic denotes that approximately one in every 15 Americans, or 6.62% of the total American population, has a case of sleep apnea. One of the biggest mistakes made by those who suffer from sleep apnea is failing to seek high quality medical advice and hear about the various sleep apnea treatment methods. If you have sleep apnea, it’s critical to know which steps to take. Here are just a few dos and don’ts to keep in mind regarding sleep apnea treatment.

DO: Take your time in determining which mask is right for you

This is important for those who are first experimenting with various mask types. Don’t automatically assume that nasal pillows are the best option since they’re the least invasive — each type of mask has both benefits and drawbacks. Similarly, don’t assume that a full face mask won’t work because it’s too clunky. You never know if you may be missing out on an even better night’s sleep because you didn’t want to take a chance by trying a new mask type.

DON’T: Use your mask inconsistently

One of the main components of effective sleep apnea treatment is consistency. It’s incredibly important to wear your mask each and every night — even skipping just one night could have severe health implications. At the very least, it could set you back in your progress in addition to robbing you of your much-needed shut-eye. Do the best thing for yourself and your sleep apnea by doing your very best to wear your mask every time you sleep.

DO: Keep an eye out for modernized sleep apnea technology

Despite all the progress scientists have made on developing technology for sleep apnea sufferers, their work is far from complete. That’s why you should always ask for new recommendations from your sleep disorder treatment center to make sure you’re aware of any new technology to hit the market.

DON’T: Downplay the importance of seeking treatment for sleep disorders

No matter how you perceive it, sleep apnea and other sleep disorders are serious disorders that, as mentioned earlier, can have significant health implications if left untreated. If you or someone you know is suffering from teeth grinding, excessive snoring, jaw arthritis, or other symptoms associated with sleep disorders, it’s important to seek help at a sleep disorder center as soon as possible.

Ultimately, understanding these dos and don’ts can help you make the best decision for yourself and/or a loved one. Sleep is one of the most important activities for our overall wellbeing, and you, too, deserve to sleep soundly.

Full face cpap mask Nasal pillows Sleep apnea

5 Surprising Benefits of CPAP

Cpap settings

5 Surprising Benefits of CPAP

Sleep apnea is a serious condition and a common health issue. In fact, it is so common that an estimated 18 million Americans have been diagnosed with this disease. A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine and CPAP machine supplies are normally prescribed to help those with sleep apnea. A CPAP machine will not only help one sleep better, it has other surprising benefits that you may not know about as well.

Your Partner Will be Happier

A person sharing a bed with a significant other who has sleep apnea will awake numerous times during the night due to the snoring caused by the apnea. It can get bad enough where the partners sleep in different bedrooms. A proper full face CPAP mask used properly can cut down on snoring allowing for a better nights sleep for all parties involved.

Improved Sex Drive

Sleep apnea is more common in men than it is in women. A study from Maryland showed men had increased impotence when diagnosed with sleep apnea. After regularly using their CPAP machines, the men noted an overall improvement with their sexual drive and function.

Decreased Risk of Stroke

If left untreated, the risk of stroke is increased by four times compared to those who do not have sleep apnea. A CPAP machine that is used every night can lower the risk for stroke and improve the overall health of the body.

Decreased Heart Disease

Sleep apnea coincides with heart disease because the apnea causes the sufferer to stop breathing during the night. This changes the blood oxygen levels which can lead to congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, and an irregular heartbeat.

Keeps Medical Expenses in Check

The cost of a CPAP machine and the CPAP machine supplies is much lower compared to the medical expenses one would incur if the machine was not used. If the CPAP machine was not used on a regular basis, more visits to the doctor would be needed and treatments for serious medical conditions would bring in large medical bills.