If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, then you will likely be on the hunt for CPAP machines for sale and various ResMed CPAP supplies. There are three different types of sleep apnea but all can be controlled with ResMed CPAP supplies and machines. If you have not been diagnosed but think you might suffer from sleep apnea, here are a few of the symptoms that you can look out for.
People who have sleep apnea will snore. This is probably the most common symptom that you will experience. If your partner complains that you know so loudly that it is disruptive to their sleep, it could be that you have sleep apnea. This kind of snoring differs from regular snoring. It is commonly very loud and accompanied by choking sounds. It is not typically rhythmic or ‘background noise’ sounding but is hard to ignore.
Breathing Pauses
Sleep apnea is actually defined by frequent pauses in sleep. This is because the tissues in the throat get relaxed when you sleep and fall into your airway. This restricts airflow and can make you stop breathing for a couple of seconds. It also causes the oxygen in your blood to drop which alerts your brain to wake and jump start your breathing again. You may not even remember waking up so much during the night, even though your brain is waking up.
Even though you may not remember that you wake up, you will probably find yourself feeling incredibly tired all the time. If you are in bed, thinking you are sleeping for seven to night hours a night, if you have sleep apnea, the constant interrupting of your sleep will result in excessive daytime fatigue which makes it hard to wake up in the morning or generate energy or focus on your daily tasks. You may even find yourself dozing off at bad times like when you are driving or sitting at your desk. If this is the case, you may want to talk to your doctor about getting you ResMed CPAP supplies and a machine to help you sleep better.
These are commonly reported before finding out that a patient has sleep apnea. The less you breathe, the less oxygen is getting to your brain. This can cause vascular headaches because of the blood vessels widening during the night. Headaches alone are not a very good indication of sleep apnea but if you suffer from them as well as daytime sleepiness and the other symptoms, it might be a good indication.
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure can also be a result of your brain not receiving enough oxygen in the blood. When your body is having to fight to get blood to flow properly in your system, your body will gets used to the vessels having restricted blood flow and will equate out to high blood pressure even during the day.
Being Overweight
Very often, sleep apnea sufferers are overweight. Excess fatty tissues are what cause a person to stop breathing so it makes sense. If your neck is larger than 17 inches for men and 16 inches for women that you are going to be more at risk for sleep apnea.
Mood Swings
Even if you don’t have sleep apnea, lack of sleep can make a person very irritable. It makes things seem to be a much bigger deal. So, it only stands to reason that if you are not sleeping well every single night that you would be a lot more prone to mood swings. But these mood swings are not limited to simply feeling annoyed. They can develop into depression and anxiety.
Now keep in mind that just because you have a few of these symptoms, you don’t need to rush out and find all of the ResMed CPAP supplies that you have available to you. On the contrary, your doctor may have some alternative treatment methods for you, depending on the severity of your situation. If you find yourself fitting into these categories, talk to your doctor and schedule a sleep study and then you can go from there after you get back the test results. It’s important to deal with it if you have it but don’t assume that’s the case just because you snore.