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The Ultimate Guide To Removing Toxins from your Body

Support for cellular health

Understanding how to live a happy and healthy lifestyle can be very difficult and overwhelming. Many people already know that proper diet and exercise are essential to a healthy lifestyle. But how can you prevent toxins from taking over your body? One way many people attempt to control toxins is through supplements. From hormonal support supplements to those that provide support for cellular health, there is a lot to choose from.
In fact, about two thirds of adults in the United States take at least one dietary supplement. This is often in the form of a multivitamin pill, and has been for the last 60 years. Yet, if you want aid in removing toxins from the body, there are plenty of other options available, as well. These can further help you on your road to better health and wellness, particularly when used in conjunction wth dietary supplements.

Top 3 Methods to Help When Removing Toxins from the Body

1. Increase Access to Fresh Air

As you may expect, fresh air has amazing health benefits. By opening your windows, for example, you can allow your body to breath in cool, crisp air that lacks any dust or chemicals, which could be floating around your home. Spray air fresheners, meanwhile, contain plenty of fragrant chemicals that can lead to toxin build up in your body. Instead of allowing this to happen, try to get some fresh air.
Consider the benefits of plants in your home, for instance. Having a plant can help to freshen up any stale air within those four walls. Additionally, open the windows when the weather is nice and try going for a walk to breathe in that clean air. With fresh and clean air, your body can more easily remove toxins.

2. Drink Plenty of Water

Like breathing clean air, drinking clean water is essential to a healthy lifestyle. As you drink more, your kidneys must relieve the increased pressure by filtering out some of the water from your blood. At the same time, they are removing toxins from the body, including waste from metabolic processes. By drinking more water, you can improve your health by assisting this filtration process.
In addition, it is not uncommon for pollutants to be found in most drinking waters, particularly when taken from the tap. If you want to prevent toxin build up in the first place, then it is a good idea to ensure that your water comes from clean and natural resources.

3. Use Natural Products

When it comes to products like cosmetics, sunscreen, and even candles, the chemicals in them can have a negative impact on your health. These can cause toxins to increase in your body, either trough inhalation of the chemicals or even absorption through your skin. With more natural products, you can prevent this build up to keep your body happy and healthy!

Whether you are interested in taking supplements like antioxidant supplements, or finding other home remedies to detoxify your body, finding the solution for your needs is essential. Many people in the United States face health consequences as a result of toxin build up. For example, in the United States, more than 60,000 chemical compounds are produced annually for various industries and don’t even require safety testing. These chemicals can lead to toxin build ups and vitamin deficiencies in the population, so it is important to ensure that you take proper of yourself. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to combatting toxin build up!

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Why Am I Feeling Hungry After My Sleeve Gastrectomy?

Orthopedic surgery bowling green oh

Getting a sleeve gastrectomy is a big decision. Whether you’re doing it to lose excess body weight, for chronic pain treatment, on the advice of your family physician, or to reduce your risk of heart disease (losing between 5% to 10% of your body weight should reduce your risk), you’ll be surprised to know that not everything you were told about your gastric sleeve and hunger was true.

Unlike gastric bypass surgery, a sleeve gastrectomy removes approximately 80% of your stomach. As a result, you’ll often hear that you won’t feel hunger for hours or that you may never feel hungry again. However, this isn’t true. Even after a sleeve gastrectomy you’ll feel hunger. This is normal. You need to food and water to survive. But how do you know if your hunger is natural or psychological?

Keep an eye on the time

The average person experiences hunger every three to four hours. If you begin to feel signs of hunger such as an empty feeling or your stomach gurgles and it’s been at least three hours since the last time you ate, you’re most likely experiencing physical hunger.

When it’s been less than three hours and you’re feeling physical signs of hunger, it could be that your previous meal wasn’t filling enough. For instance, salads often leave those who eat them feeling hungry before three hours have passed because it’s protein and fiber that can give you that sense of fullness. Liquids such as shakes and smoothies can also leave you wanting more. Try adding lean meats or beans to your meals.

Another reason you may be feeling hungry before three hours have passed is that you’re thirsty rather than hungry. This isn’t always the case, but feelings of thirst can often leave a dry feeling in the back of your throat which is similar to a feeling of hunger. Drink a glass of water if you feel like this after an hour or two.

If you still feel hungry after around 15 to 20 minutes then it may really be hunger you’re feeling. Make a meal or a snack that’s good and hearty. Then eat the meal slowly so you don’t digest it too quickly.

Consider your emotional state

Many people tend to eat because they’re bored or depressed. Good food can often make us feel better and can give us something to do with our hands. If it’s been less than three hours and you’ve determined that you’re not really hungry hungry, then consider doing something else to make yourself feel active.

Taking a shower, reading a book, or going outside for a walk can give you something to do even when you don’t feel like doing anything. Consider the small things you can do to keep yourself active. Boredom is often your biggest challenge.

Having a sleeve gastrectomy may give you the false idea that you’ll never be hungry again. However, we all need food in order to live. It’s how we get our vitamins, nutrients, and energy for productivity. You can still feel hungry even when you really aren’t. Be sure to keep an eye on the time in order to figure out if you really are hungry or if you’re eating because of bored.

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Urgent Care is Changing the Way Medicine is Being Practiced in the United States


What is urgent care to you? What does it mean to your life that the way medicine is being practiced in the United States is changing? The truth is, you might not have even thought much about it. You likely have a regular doctor you visit when you are ill, but what about health problems that arise when your doctor’s office is closed and the emergency room is too costly?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that just under half of all adults who visit the emergency room who were not ill enough to be admitted to the hospital came into the ER because their regular doctor’s office was closed. Urgent care centers are popping up all over the United States and are filling the gap between regular doctor’s hours and the need for an emergency room.

With an urgent care center, you will likely find extended hours on both sides of the sun dial. The majority of urgent care centers stay open until 7:00 pm or later during the week and two out of every five are open until 9:00 pm or later. What is urgent care if you do not have the hours available that people need?

When it comes to being seen at an urgent care facility, the Urgent Care Association of America reports that 57% of patients wait for less than 15 minutes to be seen. In addition, 80% of all visits are less than an hour. Compare that to going to an emergency room where, if you are not in immediate danger of dying, you will have to wait sometimes for hours.

What is urgent care if not convenient to your schedule? The doctors who are shifting to this approach to caring for patients are able to see more people and treat them more comprehensively than they would be able to do in a traditional office. The offices are typically owned by a group of doctors or at least run by a group. Over the course of time, you will likely get to know all of the doctors in the practice because the clinics around the country are really a part of the community they are situated in.

The other terrific thing about urgent care facilities is what they mean to you when you are not close to home. Urgent care facilities are where you can go if your illness or injury is not severe enough for the emergency room. You can be taken care of in no time and be back on the road to your destination without spending unnecessary time in the waiting room.

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Medical Solutions for Men’s Hair Replacement

Hair replacement

There are roughly 35 million men in the United States that are experiencing hair loss and/or baldness. When men begin to notice their hair is thinning, or that they are going bald, many explore different procedures in order to restore their hair. In addition to Follicular Unit Strip Surgery and Follicular Unit Extraction, scalp micropigmentation is also a possible option.

Hair Loss in Men

Before it becomes noticeable, half of a man’s hair will have been lost. When men with hair loss issues reach the age of 35, it will be noticeable in approximately 66% of these men. Once they are 50, however, roughly 85% will have significantly thinned hair.

Over 95% of hair loss in men is caused by Androgenetic Alopecia. This means that there is a genetic tendency toward hair loss as opposed to other contributing factors.

The Hair Loss Process

Before a man begins to experience hair loss or balding, hair strands will usually grow for 2 to 6 years. After this, they will go into a resting phase for several months before falling out.

Follicular Unit Strip Surgery

During this procedure, a strip of scalp with healthy hair follicles is surgically removed. It is then placed within the incisions made in the balding area of the scalp.

It’s important to note that Follicular Unit Strip Surgery is an invasive procedure that will leave scars and may cause other issues, such as scalp tightening. Furthermore, other complications may arise and there is usually a long recovery period. After having this procedure performed, future procedures may be limited due to the scars as well as the scalp’s tightening.

Follicular Unit Extraction

This procedure is also referred to as Follicular Transfer. When undergoing a Follicular Unit Extraction procedure, individual hair groupings, or follicular unit grafts, are harvested 1 at a time. These usually consist of groupings of 1 to 4 hairs. In some cases, there may be as many as 7 or 8 hairs that occur in a natural grouping. In order to harvest the hairs, a tiny punch is general used, and the entire procedure will be completed within about 8 hours.

Since this is a minimally invasive procedure, there are fewer complications. Follicular Unit Extraction doesn’t leave a scar, and the recovery time is brief. While it does depend on several factors, including skin type, it usually takes the grafts a few days to take hold. Any redness that occurs will usually disappear within 4 to 5 days.

Other Types of Hair Loss Treatments

In addition to FUE, some men are opting for scalp micropigmentation, or a medical hairline tattoo. It is a non-invasive treatment where natural pigments are deposited on the scalp to give the appearance of hair follicles. As a result, when someone has scalp micropigmentation, it looks like a clean-shaven head.

Schedule an Appointment at a Hair Clinic

If you’re interested in learning more about your hair replacement options, schedule an appointment at a local hair clinic for a consultation. Scar revision is also available for individuals that have had Follicular Unit Strip Surgery. During your appointment, you can discuss treatment options as well as the costs associated with each.

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Do You Think You Might Have a Fertility Issue? Schedule a Consultation with a Fertility Expert


Many couples experience issues with having a baby. With some couples, it is determined that the woman has infertility issues, while in others, it is the man. In other cases, both partners may have problems or there is an unexplained issue. It’s been shown that 1 out of every 8 couples that want to have a child will experience difficulty with becoming pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy.

Age is often a contributing factor with becoming and sustaining a pregnancy. The most fertile time for women to conceive is when they are between the ages of 20 and 24. This period of fertility begins to decline when women are 30, and even more so when they are 35. When women want to have a baby at 40, however, just 2 out of every 5 will be able to become pregnant.

Couples between the ages of 29 to 33 that have normal functioning reproductive systems may even experience issues with conceiving. In any given month, they only have a 20% to 25% chance of doing so. While there are a variety of factors that may contribute to this, as stated above, women’s fertility begins to experience a decline after 30.

When couples seek medical assistance from a fertility expert, 65% have been able to have a child. Drug therapy or surgical procedures have proved effective in 85% to 90% of infertility cases. In addition to artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, or IVF treatments are other infertility procedures that have been effective with some couples.

Many couples may not seek medical intervention because they’re concerned about the potential costs that can be associated with fertility treatments. It’s important to note, however, that 15 states now have laws which require insurance companies to provide some level of coverage. Currently, the following states have these policies:

  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Connecticut
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • Louisiana
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Montana
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Ohio
  • Rhode Island
  • Texas
  • West Virginia

If you’ve been experiencing issues conceiving, then it may be time to consult with a fertility expert. It’s possible that there may be a simple explanation for your current inability to conceive. When the underlying issues are determined to be treatable, your physician will discuss the types of treatments that are available.

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The Science of Sweating Why It Happens and How To Stop It

Prescription deodorant for body odor

Although embarrassing, sweating is a natural part of the body?s functions to maintain balance. When the brain determines the body is overheating, the nervous system sends the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to the sweat glands, which then releases sweat to the skin. Sweat moistens the skin and then cools it when evaporation takes place, effectively keeping the body from overheating.

According to Dr. Robert Sallis in an interview with LiveScience, ?The normal range for sweating is very wide. Some people may only sweat half a liter during an hour of intensive activity, while some may sweat three or four liters, and both are still within a normal range.?

While the average person sweats up to six liters a day, 3% of the world?s population is affected by a condition known as hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis is defined as excessive sweating and is considered genetic. However, not everyone who suffers from excessive sweating and excessive sweating armpits has hyperhidrosis.

How to stop underarm sweating

Regardless if a person has hyperhidrosis or not, excessive sweating can be distressing and can lead to insecurity, anxiety, and embarrassment. Those suffering from heavy amounts of sweating may ask what can you use to stop sweating under your arms. Fortunately, there are multiple ways to figure out how to stop underarm sweating.

  • Deodorant often doesn?t help if it?s standard-issue or clinical-level because it?s often made to treat the smell that results from the bacteria caused when sweat and skin mix together. However, antiperspirant for hyperhidrosis and deodorant made specifically for excessive sweating such as DuraDry use a special FDA-approved formula to assist in the reduction of underarm sweating.
  • Clothing that is breathable and loose fitting often helps keep sweat from lingering on the skin and soaking into fabric.
  • Dress in layers to help soak in the sweat on a piece of clothing that won?t be noticeable, such as a tank-top worn beneath a dress shirt.

Sweat is a natural part of the body?s system to keep itself in balance. However, if you find yourself questioning how to stop underarm sweating or if you?re finding yourself distressed with the amount of perspiration your body is releasing, there may be a deeper issue. Consider using Rx antiperspirant meant for excessive sweating or consulting a doctor to determine the problem should your sweating begin to cause lifestyle changes or insecurity.

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How Manageable Fluid Build-Up Is With Pleurx Catheter System?


A urinary tract infection (UTI) is not the only medical problem that uses catheter system, there are other two common body abnormalities that demand this drainage system too, in helping to manage body fluid build up. These conditions are pleural effusions, which is the build up of water in the lungs and malignant ascites that refers to the accumulation of fluid within the peritoneal cavity. Unlike pleural effusions and malignant ascites, bladder infections are a very common condition affecting the elderly, often demanding the use of disposable underpads and diapers for adults.

Generally, the three fluid related conditions share one thing in common, that is the use of the pleurx catheter that has helped many patients take control of their conditions. In fact, it is estimated that over 300,000 patients have used this system since 1997, maybe steered by the fact that the system allows you to drain fluid effectively and comfortably, at your own schedule.

Pleurx drainage kit is a fluid drainage system that consists of vacuum bottles and an indwelling catheter to help patients empty fluid safely, comfortably and in the most effective way possible. Since the drainage system can be used at home, it has greatly reduced your visits to the hospital for paracentesis or thoracentesis.

The pleurx procedure of draining fluid is simple considering you have to be taught by your doctor, on how to handle the PleurX drainage bottles. But basically, all you have to do is to connect the tip of the catheter to the drainage line. Then, the vacuum bottle will automatically suck and drain out the fluid, which passes through the catheter.

At the surface of the abdomen or chest cavity is a PleurX catheter extension that must be covered with a protective dressing anytime it’s not in use. This is very important as it keeps the area off infection and limits visibility from other people. In addition, doctors advise on the proper use of the catheter and immediate removal of the system when they no longer serve any purpose.

However, while you are considering several treatment options for malignant ascites or pleural effusions, it’s important you consult with your doctor to find out if this system is appropriate for you. A procedure that that can also be done on outpatients. When draining fluid from the abdomen, you are limited to 2,000 mL per drainage. This is to avoid issues such as hypotension, ascites leakage, protein depletion among others potential complications. On the other hand, fluid drainage from your chest is limited to 1,000 mL as it also attracts similar complications as those experienced in the abdomen including pneumothorax, circulatory collapse and re-expansion pulmonary edema. Finally, the new features being added in pleurX catheter are designed to make it easier and safe to use for clinicians and patients.

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Take the Test for Sleep Apnea in the Comfort of Your Own Home

Pre-owned inventory of certified cpap and bipap

Sleep apnea is a killer. Many people do not even realize they have the condition until it is too late. There are stories by the dozens of two spouses going to sleep and only one waking up. It is a very serious situation.

Many just go through their lives thinking they simply have a severe snoring problem, and that as long as people are outside of earshot, nobody is getting hurt. But, sleep apnea is more than just loud snoring.

Sleep apnea is a relatively common disorder in which the sufferer has pauses in their breathing, sometimes one, two, or more, or where their breath goes very shallow during the night, where they are barely breathing at all. These pauses in breathing can last for just a few seconds to a minute or more and may occur up to 30 times or more per hour. Typically, normal breathing resumes and that is when you hear the loud snort or even a choking type of sound.

Sleep apnea isn’t something that goes away without treatment. It is typically a chronic condition that disrupts the sleeper, not allowing them to get the kind of quality sleep they need. These disruptions in sleep rob the sleeper of the deep sleep they need because the pauses in breathing kick the body out of deep sleep and into a light sleep. This often results in the sleep apnea sufferer being tired throughout the day. It is the leading cause of excessive sleepiness during the day.

If you have sleep apnea and your case goes untreated, you face a risk of stroke that is four times greater than those who do not have the condition. In addition to the higher risk of stroke, you are also three times as likely to have heart disease. Because of the stress on your body from the interrupted sleep patterns and the way your body reacts to them, you could face more than just a heightened risk of stroke or heart disease, you could end up passing away in your sleep.

For quite some time, sleep apnea sufferers had to find a sleep doctor who would bring you into the lab to test you for the condition. That is still a way to go, but before you do that, you can now take advantage of the home sleep test for sleep apnea. In the privacy of your on sleeping quarters, you can take a home sleep test for sleep apnea and determine once and for all if you just snore or if you need to get some real treatment for your condition.

If you do have sleep apnea, there are several things that can be done to help regulate your breathing and allow you to get the kind of healthy sleep you really need. The CPAP mask and the CPAP machine can bring you significant relief, depending on your particular condition. CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, and CPAP masks can restore your airway pressure so that you no longer have the interruptions of your breathing during sleep sessions.

With the new home sleep test for sleep apnea, you can know what is going on with your snoring and help your doctor figure out what sleeping devices would be right for you. It is your sleep. It is your life. Take the time to take the at home test so that you know what you are dealing with. You will be glad you did and so will your family.