Over the course of their lives, millions of people will visit dermatologist clinics for a variety of reasons, ranging from common skin conditions like acne, to more serious problems like Kaposi’s sarcoma, an AIDS-identifying illness that can spread to the internal organs. However, to ensure that you are providing the best skin care for your skin, it is imperative that you regularly check yourself for skin cancer and schedule appointments to inspect potential indicators of the illness. Doing so can prevent a number of consequences, including disfigurement and even death.
When it comes to skin problems, there is perhaps none as common as acne, which affects nearly 85% of people at some point during their lifetime. The disorder is especially common in teenagers, as more than 40% of adolescents will notice acne or acne scarring by their mid teens. In total, as many as 40 million to 50 million Americans suffer from acne, many of whom will turn to dermatologist acne treatments. However, whereas acne is not a fatal condition, skin cancer can be. An estimated one in five Americans will develop skin cancer at some point in the lifetimes. If uncaught or untreated, the disease can develop into melanoma, one of the most deadly forms of cancer. However, while the cancer is still fairly young, there are a number of skin cancer treatment methods available that can reverse the prognosis. These skin cancer treatment methods include surgery, electrotherapy, cyrotherapy, radiation, phototherapy, and occasionally, chemotherapy. In some cases, the cancer may even be mild enough to be treated with a topical treatment for skin cancer.
Skin cancer can develop in almost anyone, but is typically the result of combination of UV exposure and genetic predisposition. This predisposition can include light skin, light-colored eyes, a high concentration of freckles or moles, a tendency to sunburn, a previous history of cancer, and a family history of skin cancer in particular. However, skin cancer has been known to affect even those with dark skin tones; no one is without risk. For this reason, it is important to wear sunscreen and avoid activities that promote unprotected sun exposure, such as tanning. Most importantly, it is important to monitor your skin for changes and visit a dermatologist if you notice a change that may be cancerous. Protect your skin today: put on sunscreen and schedule a skin map appointment with a local dermatologist to discuss your skin cancer risk. Helpful info also found here.