Many Americans suffer with one or more types of pain on a regular basis. In some cases, this pain is chronic and interferes with an individual/s quality of life.
In addition to suffering, this costs a loss of income to these individuals as well as a loss in work-oriented productivity. It is estimated that chronic pain costs $100 billion every year. In addition to the cost of health care, this includes a loss of income and productivity.
A recent survey showed that over half of the people participating didn’t feel they had any control over their pain. Approximately 60% of these individuals also reported that they had breakthrough pain at least once a day. Furthermore, this made a profound impact on their overall well-being and quality of life.
Adults 20 years and older have reported experiencing issues with pain as well as pain management. While adults between the ages of 20-to-44 have reported experiencing pain, approximately 21% of adults 65 and older were the least likely to report that they experienced regular pain.
Approximately 76.5 million people have reported they have had to endure this pain for over 24 hours. Within the 45-to-64 age bracket, 30% have reported experiencing pain for longer than 24 hours.
The National Institutes of Health conducted a survey where they found that 27% of people in the United States suffered with low back pain, while 15% suffered with headaches or migraines. It is estimated that over 26 million people between the ages of 20-to-64 experience back pain, which costs a minimum of $50 billion a year in attempts to alleviate it.
One of the most common types of pain is headaches, followed by back pain, arthritis, and other musculoskeletal pain. These types of conditions are responsible for a loss of productivity on a weekly basis, and over half of the respondents indicated that they had experienced these types of pain within the past two weeks. On average, this amounts to a weekly loss of 4.6 hours.
In addition to missing work or experiencing a decrease in productivity while at work, pain sufferers report additional issues associated with this pain:
- Feeling depressed: 77%
- Having difficulty concentrating: 70%
- Experiencing a loss of energy: 74%
- Having sleep issues: 86%
When you are suffering with one of more types of chronic pain, you may want to start visiting a pain clinic to discover what is causing it. Furthermore, when you visit a pain clinic, a chiropractor, osteopath, or another type of medical professional, will be able to provide a diagnosis and create a treatment plan.
If you’re not sure what a pain clinic can do for you, or are curious about a pain clinic definition, these types of clinics can assist you with these and other types of conditions:
- Arthritis
- Gout
- Chronic back pain
- Chronic head aches
- Chronic knee pain
- Chronic knee swelling
- Chronic lower back pain
- Chronic migraines
- Chronic tension headaches
- Brain peripheral neuropathy
- Central nervous system neuropathy
- Diabetic neuropathy
- Peripheral neuropathy
When providing a pain clinic definition, it’s important to note the doctors working in this area of medicine specialize in pain management. Furthermore, once you visit a local health center, you will be able to discuss your chronic pain and other issues with a professional that can provide more information for you about a pain clinic definition.