A Look Into The Home Health Care Industry Of The United States


There are times when you need to have a home health care service come to your home and provide health care. The health care that you need may be having a professional drop in each day or every few days to administer health care services. Or, you may need to have 24 7 healthcare services that are always there to help you with your condition. Home health care services can take on all of these types of services.

All home care services should be performed by dedicated professionals who have empathy with their patients. If you are looking for at home health care near me, conduct an online search to see the ones that are closest to you. Then, you can compare home care agencies by looking at the reviews of each of them. It can also be helpful to look at the websites of a few of these companies to find one that you mesh well with. Liking the people who provide you with such an intimate service can be helpful. When you’re happy with the company that you choose, you will better trust them when they perform services for you. Compare and then pick the best one for your needs.

Getting your STNA certification and becoming a home healthcare professional can open the door to new and fulfilling caring. Home healthcare professionals with an STNA certification have become highly sought after for the purposes of caring for the elderly and disabled who can no longer safely live alone and providing medicare home health services. An STNA certified home healthcare professional or home healthcare aid can help someone live in their home for longer, surrounded by all of their comforts won by hard work through providing medicare home health services. A person living at home is also able to keep their animals, which bring much comfort to many and are typically not allowed in the average nursing home or assisted living home setting (though this will vary from case to case and assisted living home to assisted living home).

Getting an STNA certification and providing medicare home health services through STNA training and nursing assistant classes and the like has become a more popular option than ever before, with nearly two million people now employed and actively working in the home healthcare industry as the employees of more than four hundred thousand home healthcare based businesses. This means that home healthcare workers providing medicare home health services collectively bring in more than ninety billion dollars in revenue in one year alone, based on data gathered to represent the year of 2017. By this year, 2018, the home healthcare industry providing that provides medicare home health services has been expected to grow immensely, reaching around two and half million home healthcare employees, marking a growth of more than half a million employees since the year 2008, ten years previously.

This can be in part attributed to the simple fact that people need more intensive care such as medicare home health services than ever before, as there will soon be more elderly people than ever before. The number of elderly people, or those who are over the age of sixty-five, is expected to increase by more than twenty-five percent, or one quarter, within the span of the next decade. This can be in part attributed to the fact that there are simply more people on the planet than ever before, with the total global population increasing by as much as forty-two percent between the years of 2010 and 2050 – in just a short few decades or forty years. It’s also true that people are simply living longer and longer – and living higher-quality lives for longer – thanks to medical strides and innovations in medical care. Once someone hits the age of sixty-five, they are typically expected to live twenty more years to the end of the natural lifespan of nearly eighty in the United States – and many people live for considerably even longer.

If you are interested in becoming a home healthcare worker, there are a number of steps you must take. Before getting your STNA certification, you will likely be required to take courses such as nurse delegation classes, home health classes, and CPR classes. Once you have taken all of the required classes and courses you must obtain your STNA certification. Your STNA certification may take some time to obtain, but it is well worth it in the end, as it allows you to work in the homes of those in need of care, which many find to be a fulfilling way to spend their days and help others who are in need. The vast majority of these caretakers are women – around eighty-eight percent of them – but more and more men are seeking out home health care positions as well.


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