A Brief Overview of Sterilization Methods From Louis Pasteur to the Contemporary Autoclave


Statim autoclave price

The importance of sterilizing equipment for surgical and other purposes cannot be sufficiently stressed. Bacteria and other contaminants can collect and proliferate on instruments used by tattoo and piercing shops as well as dentists and oral surgeons. Given this, a variety of techniques and equipment has been developed in order to effectively sterilize the tools used by these and other professionals.

The Origin of the Autoclave

French chemist, Louis Pasteur, discovered a valuable sterilization method during the mid-19th century that continues to be used today. He realized that when subjected to temperatures of 120 degrees Fahrenheit, that bacteria could be killed. As a result, Pasteur invented the sterilization technique of boiling or heating instruments. Since this procedure proved to be effective with killing various organisms, this resulted in the development of the autoclave, which is a standard sterilization tool within the medical profession.

How Statim Autoclaves Function

Statim autoclaves, such as dental statims, are able to eliminate most contaminants using pressurized steam. While the more common steam-sterilizing temperatures are 250 degrees Fahrenheit and 270 degrees Fahrenheit, other temperatures are used. It”s important to note that in order to kill any microorganisms, these temperatures need to be maintained throughout the entire sterilization process.

Different Uses for Autoclaves

There are different uses for an autoclave. As their name suggests, dental statims are used by dentists to sterilize their teeth cleaning and other tools. Oral surgeons will also use dental statims for their surgical instruments.

In addition to dentists and oral surgeons, tattoo artists and piercing experts will use a tattoo autoclave sterilizer to address their needs. Since blood-born pathogens can survive for up to a week on objects, all equipment and surfaces need to be cleaned and sterilized between clients. This is just the first step involved with the removal of bacteria, viruses, and pathogens from equipment. After washing any reusable tools, these need to be sterilized in a tattoo autoclave sterilizer.

The Importance of Routine Maintenance

Since it’s essential to keep autoclaves and other types of sterilization machines in optimal condition, they must be tested and serviced on a regular basis. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that spore tests need to be conducted on all sterilizers every week.

When autoclaves fail to function, there are usually two categorical reasons for this. The first is operator failure, or human error. The second categorical reason for this equipment to fail is due to either improper maintenance or mechanical failure, which can occur when the equipment is old and needs to be replaced. In some instances, however, autoclave repair is possible.

Find Out More Information

If you need to sterilize equipment for your business or medical office, it’s important to have the right type of autoclave to accomplish this goal. In addition to purchasing a new autoclave, refurbished autoclaves are also available. Given the necessity of eliminating bacteria and other contaminants from the instruments you use, remember that it’s also essential for your sterilization equipment to receive regular maintenance inspections. If your existing equipment needs repairing, be sure to have this situation addressed as soon as possible. In this way, you are creating a safer environment for everyone that comes into your office.

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