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3 Main Types of Breast Biopsy Procedures


After hearing you need to receive a breast biopsy, it makes sense to feel scared. You’ll be glad to know that 80% of women receiving this procedure will receive negative test results. However, it’s understandable to wonder more about what a breast biopsy entails. With that in mind, here is more information about three types of breast biopsy procedures.

  • Needle Biopsy

    Biopsies allow medical professionals to remove breast tissue. In certain situations, these workers will only need to collect a small amount of tissue. For these situations, patients often receive what’s known as a core needle biopsy. During this procedure, a medical professional applies a numbing solution that numbs breast tissue. This means you can remain awake while receiving this type of biopsy.
  • Surgical Biopsy

    In certain situations, patients need to have large areas of cancerous tissue removed. During these times, patients will typically receive a surgical biopsy. Consider the amount of breast tissue that’s removed, you’ll receive local anesthesia. In addition, it’s common for patients receiving this procedure to receive medication through an IV. After making a one to two inch incision, a surgeon removes any affected breast tissue for further examination.
  • Needle Aspiration

    If you are dealing with a lump that appears to be filled with fluid, you’ll likely receive a fine needle aspiration. This type of biopsy allows medical professionals to find out if this lump decreases in size after coming into contact with a needle. If it does, a medical professional can instantly drain and discard this liquid.

Once your biopsy is over, you’ll likely receive bandages and aftercare instructions. It’s important to follow each step of your instructions as this allows you to heal as fast as possible. After receiving this type of test, it’s understandable to wonder when you’ll receive breast biopsy procedure results. Unfortunately, this is a period of time that often varies. In most cases, it will take several days to receive your breast biopsy procedure results. Before receiving your breast biopsy procedure results, your information will be sent to a testing facility. This enables professionals to prepare reports that detail their findings. Many people find that their chosen physician is able to describe test findings in a way that’s easy to understand. In addition, you might also receive a second opinion concerning the results of your biopsy.

To summarize, it’s wise to learn about three types of mammography options. There are several ways to reduce the likelihood of developing breast cancer. One great way to accomplish this goal is by exercising. Research shows that women who receive regular physical activity have 10-20% lower risk of developing breast cancer than women who remain inactive. It’s also important to receive a mammogram on a regular basis. Numerous studies show that a mammogram reduces your risk of dying from breast cancer from anywhere between 20-40%. Women entering their 40s should begin thinking about receiving a mammogram each year.

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