Sports medicine focuses on sports injuries, but not all patients that develop these injuries received them playing sports. This video created by a medical professional will help to clear up some of the questions that this New Jersey sports medicine doctor most often hears. Sports medicine provides comprehensive care via medical professionals for orthopedic injuries, tendon injuries, muscle injuries, and more.

This type of medicine uses both traditional approaches and innovative approaches to help restore patients that have sports injuries. There is a wide range of treatment options and modalities that are used in sports medicine to help restore, heal, and rehabilitate patients.

The video shows a state-of-the-art sports medicine facility that provides a wide range of equipment that is used in therapies to treat orthopedic injuries, tendon tears, other injuries, help with surgical rehabilitation, and more. The doctor explains in the video how this state-of-the-art facility can provide unique treatment options that are hard to find anywhere else. Anyone that is interested in learning more about treatments for injuries related to sports can benefit from watching this short video. Watch the video to check out some of the innovative ways these doctors are helping people.

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