Sanitation is a major aspect of several different industries today, including medical (such as a hospital’s surgeon staff), a veterinarian clinic or animal hospital, and tattoo and piercing parlors. At these sites, metal tools are used to cut or puncture skin, and if these devices are not strictly sanitized and cleaned, it is possible for contagions to be spread from one person (or pet) to another. Ever since the development of germ theory, strict standards have existed for cleaning and sanitizing medical equipment and needles to prevent the spread of disease. After all, many bloodborn pathogens have been known to survive for a week or longer on the bare surface of stainless steel items such as scalpels and needles.
Routine cleaning is just one part of preparing these sharp metal instruments for work. Sanitizing them is critical, and this is what an autoclave can do. An autoclave, such as Tuttnauer autoclave, may do the job just fine, and used autoclaves for sale may be found as well as new ones. A refurbished autoclave sterilizer may be found for a fair price, and a used one may need some repairs at times. Tuttnauer autoclave repairs may be done for autoclaves of the Tuttnauer brand in particular, for example, and the owner of a tattoo parlor may look up “tuttnauer autoclave repairs” if their on-site autoclave is damaged. A ruined autoclave means that no sterilization is possible, so Tuttnauer autoclave repairs are a must. Why might someone need to effect Tuttnauer autoclave repairs or get a new one?
The owner of a Tuttnauer autoclave will want to have Tuttnauer autoclave repairs done for a good reason: an autoclave (regardless of brand) is the only way to safely sterilize a needle or piece of surgical equipment, or else contagions might be spread when those items are used again, even if they are cleaned. The idea of sterilization goes back to the 1800s, when the French chemist Louis Pasteur discovered that he could kill bacteria at 120 degrees Fahrenheit. He did this by boiling or heating instruments at a high enough temperature to kill all microorganisms found on this, and the idea, put simply, stuck. Medical tools have been sterilized with heat ever since, and today, autoclaves, rather than boiling water, are used for this work.
An autoclave has more to offer than boiling water. These machines use highly pressurized and heated steam to thoroughly scour any items inside, destroying any bacteria, viruses, microscopic parasites, or anything else. Most commonly, autoclaves use a temperature of 250-270 degrees Fahrenheit for this work, and nothing lower will do. This will be done after a scalpel or needle has undergone regular cleaning, that is. Such steam may be pressurized to 30 psi or so, sufficient for this work. Despite these impressive numbers, however, the owner of an autoclave should not take it for granted. The CDC, for one, suggests a weekly spore test for each autoclave, and this can be done to determine if the machine is starting to fail or cannot function correctly. Given the consequences of using a faulty autoclave, it should be a matter of course for any user to subject their autoclave to regular testing and inspections.
Autoclave Repair
Autoclaves may wear out over time, faster if they are misused or damaged. Human error is often responsible for this. Should that occur, the owner may contact local repair experts who know how to fix autoclaves. Service representatives from the autoclave’s brand in particular may be sent to fix a brand-name autoclave, for example. Used autoclaves, like most other used machines, can be bought second-hand for a steeply discounted price, but in exchange for increased maintenance and inspection needs. A vet’s office or tattoo parlor may save a lot of money by finding gently used autoclaves for sale and inspecting them, then purchasing them for use. This is a sensible route to take, but the owner must be prepared for maintenance needs on that autoclave’s part. And a badly damaged one, or very old one, may be replaced by a new one entirely. This ensures that the work site has a fully functioning autoclave that can scour anything free of contaminants.