I Don’t Have Insurance Can I Still Get Treatment For Minor Injuries And Illnesses?


Allen emergency room

Do you have a form of insurance? Are you still searching for healthcare? Whether you’re uninsured, your full-time job covers your healthcare expenses or you’ve applied for a form of state insurance, knowing how to take advantage of urgent care and clinics will be one of the most beneficial additions to your day-to-day life. Below is a comprehensive list on the difference between urgent care, emergency rooms and hospitals, all the better to assist you with treatment and ensure you’re healthy all days of the year.

What Is Urgent Care?

There is a noticeable difference between hospitals, urgent care and clinics. Knowing this difference will ensure you save money while getting the treatment you need. A hospital is a medical resource that addresses everything from minor to severe injuries and illnesses — due to demand the wait times are usually long and can see you paying significant medical costs. Urgent care, on the other hand, is explicitly created to offer quick treatment options for minor to moderate injuries and illnesses. While some models include both emergency room facilities and urgent care treatment, it’s important to know the difference before you make the trip.

What Are Minor Injuries And Illnesses?

Not sure what might be a proper reason to see your urgent care and clinics? Some of the most common reasons Americans circumvent a scheduled doctor’s visit in favor of a quick trip to emergency care include, but are not limited to — minor burns, back pain, abdominal pain, cuts, allergic reactions, sprains, twisted ankles and bruises. The average urgent care center saw a whopping 342 patients per week as of 2011, thanks to ongoing studies by the Urgent Care Association Of America. The average center has also seen an increase of around 28 additional patients per month over the past few years.

How Is The Industry Faring?

American healthcare has seen significant changes over the past handful of years. As a result more and more urgent care and clinics have been cropping up to meet the influx of uninsured and insured people alike seeking care. The United States will likely need at least 52,000 additional primary care physicians by the time 2025 rolls around to meet the country’s increasing population and growing healthcare concerns — this conclusion has been reached by a team of researches in a recent article addressing workforce needs.

How Often Is Urgent Care Available?

There’s no need to worry about the availability of your local urgent care and clinics. There are over 9,000 walk-in urgent care clinics across the country. Nearly all urgent care centers back in 2014 operate seven days per week, totaling up to 97%, and are open at least four hours out of the day. Urgent care clinics will average at seven exam or treatment rooms per facility and wait times don’t exceed more than 15 to 20 minutes for over 60% of available centers.

Why Should I Use An Urgent Care Center?

When you can’t wait to visit the doctor and a hospital is too expensive, an urgent care center can see to your minor to moderate injuries and illnesses in a short time span while saving you on costs. According to a report by Truven Health Analytics, a stunning 70% of emergency department visits from patients with consumer-sponsored insurance coverage were easily prevented through outpatient procedures. Another private study saw at least 44% of all emergency room episodes able to be treated at an urgent care clinic. When you need assistance and a little peace of mind, urgent care and clinics are there to help.

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