Any parent with children understands the worry and the anxiety that surrounds a child?s illness or injury. This is especially true when the child becomes ill or injured after your normal doctor is out of the office. You might debate taking them to a medical center emergency room, but you are not sure if their condition warrants a visit there, exposing them to all kinds of germs and a long wait. An afterhours urgent care may be your best solution. A clinic is something that provides medical consultation and possible needed prescriptions after the hours of a traditional medical care office. You might be worried that the best doctors are working at a traditional office, but many highly qualified doctors and healthcare professionals prefer to work in the urgent care clinic type setting.
There are currently 20,000 physicians who practice Urgent Care Medicine today. These urgent care or medical center emergency room offices are medical offices that are often open seven days a week, and for an extended period of time, often a few hours later than your regular medical office. The convenience provides additional time for people to visit a doctor. Many people work traditional work hours, ones that align with the doctor?s office hours at a traditional medical office setting.
Many medical center emergency room urgent care offices are qualified to handle a variety of medical conditions. In fact, four out of five urgent care centers provide fracture care. Urgent care offices are also able to handle other medical issues, including chronic pain care, cold and flu care and even back and joint pant. Often, if an issue requires additional care and follows up, the urgent care doctor may request a follow up, or they may refer the patient to a specialist, similar to a traditional medical office. The most common diagnoses in an urgent care center were upper respiratory condition, and the most common procedure was wound repair in 2012. Most medical center emergency rooms are fully prepared to handle these types of conditions.
The doctors for urgent care are fully qualified and have passed many of the same licensing requirements and certifications as the traditional doctors that are working in a regular medical office setting. Many of these doctors in the medical center emergency room have many years of experience and simply prefer the setting of the urgent care, or prefer the hours of the urgent care medical office. A great doctor can be found in this location.
It can be a scary and an anxiety producing thing when a child or family members becomes ill or injured after the hours of your regular doctor?s office. However, today there are many options for these types of cases. An urgent care setting provides the same, qualified care that your traditional medical care office does. They are able to treat a variety of issues, and they are able to make recommendations. They are also able to provide prescriptions when needed, ensuring that the best care possible is given.