Drug and alcohol intervention Interventionist Professional meth intervention

Substance Abuse Specialists Offer a Way for Families to Find Hope

It’s important to take as much time as is necessary when looking for addiction rehabilitation centers. This is because the best ones will have a great chance of helping you get a great outcome in terms of helping people gain freedom from chemical dependency. You can learn more about various rehabilitation centers by reading the reviews that people have left for the centers. If they’re predominantly positive, this may be enough proof that the center will meet your needs. If you prefer faith based sober living homes, search for them online since there are bound to be a few that you can choose from.

Remember that a lot goes into growth & recovery counseling, and that’s why you have to be sure that you find the best one. This is one that has trained and experienced staff who know the best ways to handle a variety of issues, including a fear of being sober. With their assistance, it’s possible to kick addiction to the curb and start living a great life. If it’s possible, pay a physical visit to the centers that you choose so that you can be sure you pick the best one, which is one that meets your expectations or even exceeds them.

You thought that parenting was going to get easier.
Today, however, you long for the times when all you had to worry about was waking up exhausted when your younger son woke up screaming every morning at 1:30 am. His screams would wake both his older brother and younger sister and you and your husband would find yourself starting the process of getting them all back asleep for the second time.
Those days of changing diapers, dealing with night terrors, and never having a moment to sit still, however, would be a welcome relief compared to what you are dealing with now. That same younger son who was demanding so much of your attention when he was younger is facing a battle that you wish could be solved with some soothing words and a rocking chair.
Today that son, who is now 22, is dealing with a cocaine and meth addiction that is literally keeping you up at night. Living back in your house again after moving out on numerous occasions, the drugs have not only taken over his life, but they have ruined your lives as well. The money, the sleepless nights, and the fear of finding him dead some weekend have taken their toll.
Professional Cocaine Intervention Services Provide Solutions to Some Families
Whether someone in your family is dealing with heroin addiction, cocaine addiction, or some other kind of substance abuse, there are many times when professional services are needed. And while professional cocaine intervention or alcohol intervention are never cheap, they are often the only lifeline that some families have as they navigate one of the most challenging situations they will ever face. Getting the professional counseling and medical help that is provided by professional cocaine intervention specialists, for example, can literally be the difference between life and death.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the many times when finding substance abuse interventions are necessary:

  • There were 78,529 liver disease deaths in 2015, and 47% of these were because of alcohol abuse, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse.
  • Professional intervention options are particularly important because within 10 to 12 hours after an alcoholic has stopped drinking, the initial withdrawal symptoms occur. These symptoms can be severe with many patients, so having a medical staff on hand is advantageous.
  • The latest statistics indicate that more than 15 million adults in the U.S. have an alcohol use disorder
  • Approximately 18 million people in the nation have misused prescription drugs at least once in the past year, and more than 18 million people misused medications at least once in the year 2017 alone.
  • Also in the year 2017, there were almost 58 opioid prescriptions written for every 100 Americans.
  • With over 40 million prescriptions, Vicodin was the 13th most prescribed medication in the year 2016. The fact that prescription drug abuse is the start of many other problems has caused the medical industry to more carefully monitor the use of these medications.
  • Severe symptoms of alcohol withdrawal do not typically start until 24 to 48 hours after a person’s last drink.
  • 3% to 5% of people who withdrawal from heavy drinking experience delirium tremens, defined as disorientation and confusion which can be accompanied by vivid, typically visual hallucinations. Some of this percentage of people also experience the risk of seizures and indications of autonomic overactivity.
  • Unfortunately, only 7% of adults receive treatment for their alcoholism, which may contribute to the fact that 48% of cirrhosis deaths are alcohol-related.
  • The latest research indicates that 2 million Americans misuse prescription pain drugs, and that 1.5 million Americans are misusing tranquilizers.

Whether you are looking for professional cocaine intervention of help with another kind of substance abuse, it is important to realize that dealing with the disease of addiction can be difficult. For this reason, there are many individuals and families who find themselves looking for solutions that can help them deal with the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of this difficult struggle. Medically supervised detox involves 24-hour medical attention, so knowing that your loved one is in a safe place is important. Knowing where to turn for help during the darkest hours of your life can be a challenges, but admitting that you need help is key.