A new study from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons is showing that more women are turning to breast lift procedures, mastopexy, rather than investing in breast implants. The ASPS study also confirms that lifts have outpaced implants two to one, and that since 2000, breast lift surgery has grown by 70%.
There are still plenty of women that cite reasons to get breast augmentation, such as aging, and post-breast feeding sagging, and implants are still considered the most popular cosmetic surgery in America. But women are increasingly electing to have breast lifts over implants because mastopexy utilizes their existing natural tissue to aid the lift, tightening the surrounding tissue in the process.
One of the main reasons to get breast augmentation or a lift is that women feel more confident with breast implants. As skin loses its elasticity with age, the tissue surrounding the breast begins to loosen, and as a result, the breasts begin to sag. This is especially true for post-menopausal women who no longer produce a large amount of estrogen, which affects the breast tissue. There are mild and more severe forms of ptosis, or sagging breasts, depending on a woman’s individual collagen production as well.
But for women who have enough breast tissue left, breast lifts could be a less invasive, more natural procedure. Breast lifts are also ideal for women who are not interested in necessarily enlarging their breasts, but would rather give them a more organic, raised look. The ASPS is careful to note that breast lifts do not round out the breasts or reshape them in any way, but only pull them up to the appropriate location in relation to the infra-mammary fold.
As this procedure is not right for every woman, a doctor will be able to determine whether having breast implants or mastopexy is the proper treatment. For more than 90,000 women in 2013, breast lifts were their first choice. In either case, these procedures are helping women feel more at east with their body, and confident enough to start dressing in their favorite clothing once again.
More research here: www.fountainofyouth.com