The education of our children is incredibly important, and the way that we educate them matters more than people realize. After all, our children are our future, and how we educate them matters very much to how they learn and how they apply themselves in their studies not only know, but later on in life. Currently, there are more than fifty million public school students attending schools all throughout the United States, taught by nearly three and a half million teachers. While many aspects of this education is good, an emphasis on hands on learning is essential to the success of many, as more than sixty percent (sixty five percent, to be more exact) of all current students say that they learn better visually and in a hands on environment.
This hands on and visual learning such as through the use of a chart with a male reproductive system labeled or a hands on meal portion plate or even the process of learning the muscles in Spanish, is particularly vital to the field of science and other such STEM fields. STEM fields are growing here in the United States, expected to grow by as much as thirteen percent in the years to come, if not even more than that. Currently, however, young people and young learners become far too discouraged in STEM fields far too early on, and only about five percent of the working population is currently employed in a STEM field in the United States. In fact, less than twenty percent of all college graduates in the United States graduate with a STEM degree of some sort. In comparison, the country of South Korea has very nearly forty percent of all their college graduates obtain some sort of STEM degree. When it comes to the top forty developed countries in the entirety of the world, the United States is ranked a lowly number forty eight when it relates to the field of science and other such STEM fields, with nearly half (forty percent, to be more exact) of all students who start out in STEM fields switching to another field that they consider to be much easier by the time that they graduate from college with their bachelor’s degree.
Changing the way that we teach young children can help them to learn and enjoy STEM fields and subjects far more than the rates of them that do today. Visual learning is very much a part of making such education more enjoyable for children – especially younger children. A chart of the male reproductive system labeled, and a chart of the male reproductive system labeled is not the only good teaching implement that can be used. Along with a chart of the male reproductive system labeled, tools like a womens anatomy chart, an exercise calorie chart, and a labor dilation and effacement chart can all be put to good use. These charts like the male reproductive system labeled chart can be used to support lectures and note taking, and can provide students of all ages and educational backgrounds with a model that is more likely to be understood by all, incorporating different types of learning into one cohesive lesson. After all, teaching in only one set way and neglecting to use tools like a chart of the male reproductive system labeled is neglecting the education of very intelligent students who simply might not learn well in the way that the material is currently being taught. Changing up the ways that people learn and materials are taught can be a difficult and lengthy process, there is certainly no doubt about it. But it is also likely to be a process with a considerable payout in the end, especially when it comes to the number of students who make it through their entire educational career with a passion for at least one STEM field and a STEM degree under their belt, instead of those who are at first interested in STEM fields and but who do not make it through it in the end and end up switching to a different field of study by the time of graduation.