The first step to treating chronic pain is recognizing that it’s a problem. You should then consult a pain management doctor and talk about your symptoms. This way, you can quickly identify the source of pain and come up with a plan that takes into account your lifestyle and overall health.
There are different options available for chronic pain from acupuncture, mind/body techniques, over the counter medication, and so on. No technique guarantees complete pain relief but by a combination of treatment options.
Here are some of the different treatment options for pain relief you can consider.
Prescription Medication
There is chronic pain that can be managed with over the counter medication. For those who are suffering from conditions like peripheral neuropathy, pain management doctors may prescribe something stronger. There are three classes of medication that can be used; nonopioids like acetaminophen and aspirin; opioids like morphine and oxycodone; and adjuvant analgesics like anticonvulsants and antidepressants.
Take note that antidepressants affect the way the brain processes pain, and this is effective at treating certain types of pain. It also improves anxiety and depression, which indirectly improves chronic pain symptoms.
Opioids are a great pain medication option for severe short-term acute pain- like pain from broken bone or surgery. They can also help with pain from illnesses such as cancer. They have to be taken in moderation as higher doses can cause constipation, breathing problems, confusion, and mental disturbance (outburst of temper).
Trigger Point Injection
This procedure is used in treating painful areas of the muscles that contain knots of muscle or trigger points. In this procedure, a pain management physician uses a small needle to inject an anesthetic into a trigger point. Once this is done, the trigger point will be inactive, and the pain alleviated.
This treatment is used for those suffering from muscle pain in the neck, lower back, legs, and arms, which is common for people suffering from peripheral neuropathy. It has also proven effective in treating myofascial pain syndrome, tension headache, and fibromyalgia.
Surgical Implants
There are different types of implants used for chronic pain relief, such as intrathecal drug delivery and spinal cord stimulation implants.
The intrathecal drug delivery is where infusion pain pumps deliver medication where needed, such as the spinal cord. For this reason, drug delivery can provide significant pain relief from a single dose. Patients will also experience fewer side effects than oral medications as less medicine is used in controlling the pain.
In the spinal cord stimulation, low-level electric signals will be transmitted to specific nerves or spinal cord, which means that pain signals won’t reach the brain. This procedure is excellent for limb and back pain, making it perfect for the treatment of peripheral neuropathy.
This pain management technique works by measuring information about physical characteristics like skin temperature, brain activity, heart rate, and muscle tension. The feedback is used in enhancing a person’s awareness of physical changes associated with pain and stress.
The awareness can help anyone with neck pain, hip pain to manage emotional and physical pain.
Acupressure and Acupuncture
Acupressure and acupuncture are traditional Chinese medicine that relieves pain by manipulating specific points of the body. This then prompts the body to release endorphins which block messages of pain. The feedback is used in enhancing a person’s awareness of the physical changes associated with pain and stress.
Massage and Chiropractic Treatment
While more studies are being conducted to establish the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment in managing pain, it remains an effective nonsurgical treatment for the treatment of chronic neck and back pain.
Massage is increasingly being used by people suffering from neck and chronic back pain. It can also relieve tension and reduce stress by enhancing blood flow. It also minimizes any presence of substances that may sustain and generate pain.
This technique is recommended as part of a treatment plan to decrease muscle tension and reduce stress. Some of the common relaxation techniques include yoga and meditation. Many people have found yoga effective in managing pain as it can improve flexibility and strengthen muscles.
With the help of a pain management doctor, you will benefit from some of these treatments even if your condition is peripheral neuropathy.