Ear nose and throat doctor Ent doctor Hearing aids

Conditions Associated with the Ear, Nose, and Throat

Thyroid disease

Ear nose and throat doctors evaluate and treat a variety of illnesses and conditions. In addition to ear and sinus infections, these specialists address throat issues related to the tonsils and adenoids. Sleep apnea, snoring, and thyroid disease are also within the purview of these medical professionals. In some cases, non-surgical treatments may be effective, while in others, surgical intervention may be required.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that there are approximately 29.4 million adults within the United States that have received a sinusitis diagnosis. When this condition is acute, it can last up to four weeks. Chronic sinusitis, however, can affect people for longer periods of time. In some instances, chronic sinusitis can last for 12 weeks and as much as several years.

Sleep Apnea

Many adults in the United States have an undiagnosed case of sleep apnea. It has been estimated that one our of every five adults have a case of mild sleep apnea that has remained undiagnosed.

According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, individuals that have this serious health condition may experience hundreds of apneas, or cessations of breath, throughout the night. In addition to not receiving a good night’s sleep and being excessively tired throughout the day, there are other serious risks associated with this condition.

When left untreated, people that suffer with sleep apnea have an increased risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. Furthermore, the American Academy of Otolaryngology indicated that these individuals are more likely to be involved in car accidents due to insufficient sleep.

There are several options available to treat sleep apnea. The American Academy of Otolaryngology states that CPAP machines and oral appliances may assist people with this condition. If an individual is overweight or obese, losing weight can potentially alleviate sleep apnea. In order for these sleep apnea treatments to be effective, however, individuals need to follow their physician’s recommendations for usage.

Enlarged tonsils and adenoids may contribute to sleep apnea as well. In this case, the American Academy of Otolaryngology indicates that a tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy may be able to resolve this condition.


The American Academy of Otolaryngology reported that normal, healthy adults may snore on occasion. This is the case with 45% of adults that snore. Another 25% are considered to be habitual snorers.

Nasal congestion, especially when it is significant, can cause someone to snore. It can also potentially lead to sleep disruptions and sleep apnea. CPAP machines, oral appliances, and weight loss can also be effective snoring treatments, as stated by the American Academy of Otolaryngology.

In order to treat snoring, there are other options such as a nasal steroid spray or allergy treatments. When someone has a deviated septum or other structural issues, surgery may be recommended. According to the Academy of Otolaryngology, snoring may result from enlarged tonsils and/or adenoids, and having these surgically removed may make a difference.

Thyroid Disease

It is estimated that nearly 20 million people in the United States have some form of thyroid disease, according to the American Thyroid Association. Furthermore, it has been estimated that 60 of these individuals are unaware they have this condition.

Rhinoplasty as a Treatment Option

During 2016 alone, 223,018 of these procedures were performed. It was also the third most popular surgical procedure performed during this year.

The Rhinoplasty Society outlines several reasons why someone may choose to have rhinoplasty, which is a surgical intervention performed by a plastic surgeon that specializes in this area. In addition to aesthetic reasons, this surgery may be performed when someone experiences difficulty breathing through their nose. Rhinoplasty may also be indicated due to an injury or when the nose’s bridge has shifted position.

The Importance of Visiting a Specialist

Given that there are a variety of treatments available, when someone is suffering with any of issues related to their ear, nose, or throat, it is important to be professionally evaluated. If an adult even suspects that they may have thyroid disease or sleep apnea, it is also important to visit a specialist. Since these issues can interfere with an individual’s overall well-being, and in some cases, pose serious risks, scheduling an appointment is the best course of action.

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The Benefits of Using Vacuum Pump Devices for Erectile Dysfunction

Natural remedy for erectile dysfunction

There are many reasons why men would make a choice to use vacuum pump devices for erectile dysfunction. As men get older, vacuum therapy can be a useful alternative to pills and other medicines that are commonly used for this problem. This might be preferred because of the cheaper costs, and the ability to use whenever wanted, without waiting for the timing of a pill to take effect. There are over 30 million individuals who live with ED, and treating it does not have to be costly or difficult. Here is why men should consider using vacuum pump devices for erectile dysfunction, and how it can help them live fuller lives.

Vacuum Therapy for ED is a More Natural Alternative to Pills

Some individuals may be unsure of using pills for ED, and would rather turn to a treatment that is more natural, and doesn?t have the harsh effects that pills and other medicines do. Pills can be a reoccurring cost for someone who has ED, and making the choice to use a pump for erectile dysfunction might be a safer alternative. Since one only has to buy the pump once, it is a wallet-friendly alternative. Although pills are commonly advertised, using a pump is natural remedy for erectile dysfunction, and should not be discounted in terms of the benefits it provides.

Pumps Prevent Worrying About Timing

When taking a pill, many individuals might stress out over the timing of when the pill will take effect, and when to start getting ready for time with their partner By making the decision to use vacuum pump devices for erectile dysfunction, the individual doesn?t have to put as much thought into the time it will take to get ready, as they would with medicine. The pumps usually help a man get ready, and hold an erection for 30 minutes. This means as soon as the couple is interested in being together, the man can make time to prepare, and then they will have about half an hour or so. This is useful because medication can sometimes be unreliable, but using vacuum therapy for ED is more of a definite thing.

Using a Pump Can Help Keep Marriages Together

Making the choice to use a pump can help save a couple?s marriage. It is estimated that out of every five marriages where the male partner has ED, at least one of those marriages end, and it is usually because the ED is preventing the couple from having a normal relationship where they can display their feelings for one another. By deciding to use vacuum pump devices for erectile dysfunction, couples can make time to share their affections with one another, and keep their marriage going strong, no matter what life or body changes they may be going through. This can go a long way in saving relationships, and keeping families together, despite the many changes growing older together brings.

There are many reasons to consider using vacuum pump devices for erectile dysfunction. It is a safer and more natural alternative than trying to take pills, or timing the pills around when the partners want to be intimate with one another. The pumps make it easy to get ready, so individuals don?t have to focus on taking a pill and waiting for a while. Finally, using a pump can help keep a couple?s marriage strong, even as they make a transition into a different period in their lives, which may come with changes in the body and new things to get used to. Couples can feel confident in being close with one another, and knowing they are using a method that is known to work, while being natural, and not upsetting the balance of the body.

Cardiologist Emergency clinic Hip replacement surgery

Important Post Operative Tips for Bone and Joint Care

Childbirth education classes

Fracturing or breaking a bone can be painful, overwhelming, and intimidating. You immediately worry about how you will get around over the next couple of months. You also have to plan for your medical care and surgery might be a part of the treatment plan. The recovery from the surgery will be a long one and will require a lot of motivation and persistence.

Use your orthopedic surgeon as a source of information

You will likely have a lot of questions both before and following your surgery. While the internet can be a great way to obtain a large amount of medical information, it can also be overwhelming. You never know what information comes from a respected source and it can be difficult to distinguish which medical information applies to your medical care, and which information does not. Your orthopedic surgeon knows your medical situation better than anyone and can be an invaluable source of information.

Utilize post surgery physical therapy

Many orthopedic surgeons recommend physical therapy for rehabilitation. You are likely to feel tired and you might be in some pain, so it will be tempting to skip these physical therapy appointments. Additionally, many believe that they do not need assistance in learning to walk or run again. However, you will also find that physical therapy is an extremely valuable resource following surgeries such as hip replacement surgery and joint replacement surgery. Physical therapy not only helps you rehabilitate but also strengthens the surrounding muscles which give your area of surgery more time to heal.

Follow all of your surgeons post operative instructions

Many people also skip their orthopedic surgeons home care tips. The home exercises that your orthopedic surgeon recommends after your knee replacement surgery is more important than you might think. Sitting at home waiting to heal can actually cause your condition to worsen. Your body requires constant movement and exercise and you will weaken the muscles around the surgery area, thus putting you at an increased risk of reinjury. A 2014 study by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons found that 4.7 million Americans were living with artificial knees. The immediate and long term care is extremely important in preserving these artificial joints and bones.

Keep up with regular medical scans

It is likely that your surgeon or follow up physician will want to complete regular scans of the operated area. These medical scans are important in monitoring progress and preventing further damage. Although these scans can be expensive, they are an important part of the recovery process. Make sure you keep all of your medical appointments. Your physician can identify problems with your recovery and surgical area before they become much worse, thus saving you money and time in the long run.

Know when to visit an emergency clinic

It is normal to have some aches and pains following your surgery. It is also normal to have some minor pains during physical therapy. However, major pains should be immediately evaluated by a medical professional. Also, if you injure the same area again, you should head to your local emergency clinic. Bone fractures lead to approximately 3.5 million emergency rooms visits each year. With one in seven Americans having an orthopedic impairment, local emergency clinics are used to these kinds of medical concerns. Your local emergency clinic can provide you with pain reducing treatments and can consult on your orthopedic condition and decide whether or not you should schedule an appointment with your surgeon.

There are many surgical options available today for those patients suffering from bone and joint problems. Although this is an effective treatment method, the recovery process can be long and tiring. As you begin to recover from your orthopedic operation, make sure that you are prepared for physical therapy and home exercise. You will also want to keep up with your physician appointments and medical scans, as well as knowing where your local emergency clinics are located.