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Do You Think You Might Have a Fertility Issue? Schedule a Consultation with a Fertility Expert


Many couples experience issues with having a baby. With some couples, it is determined that the woman has infertility issues, while in others, it is the man. In other cases, both partners may have problems or there is an unexplained issue. It’s been shown that 1 out of every 8 couples that want to have a child will experience difficulty with becoming pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy.

Age is often a contributing factor with becoming and sustaining a pregnancy. The most fertile time for women to conceive is when they are between the ages of 20 and 24. This period of fertility begins to decline when women are 30, and even more so when they are 35. When women want to have a baby at 40, however, just 2 out of every 5 will be able to become pregnant.

Couples between the ages of 29 to 33 that have normal functioning reproductive systems may even experience issues with conceiving. In any given month, they only have a 20% to 25% chance of doing so. While there are a variety of factors that may contribute to this, as stated above, women’s fertility begins to experience a decline after 30.

When couples seek medical assistance from a fertility expert, 65% have been able to have a child. Drug therapy or surgical procedures have proved effective in 85% to 90% of infertility cases. In addition to artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, or IVF treatments are other infertility procedures that have been effective with some couples.

Many couples may not seek medical intervention because they’re concerned about the potential costs that can be associated with fertility treatments. It’s important to note, however, that 15 states now have laws which require insurance companies to provide some level of coverage. Currently, the following states have these policies:

  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Connecticut
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • Louisiana
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Montana
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Ohio
  • Rhode Island
  • Texas
  • West Virginia

If you’ve been experiencing issues conceiving, then it may be time to consult with a fertility expert. It’s possible that there may be a simple explanation for your current inability to conceive. When the underlying issues are determined to be treatable, your physician will discuss the types of treatments that are available.

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The Science of Sweating Why It Happens and How To Stop It

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Although embarrassing, sweating is a natural part of the body?s functions to maintain balance. When the brain determines the body is overheating, the nervous system sends the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to the sweat glands, which then releases sweat to the skin. Sweat moistens the skin and then cools it when evaporation takes place, effectively keeping the body from overheating.

According to Dr. Robert Sallis in an interview with LiveScience, ?The normal range for sweating is very wide. Some people may only sweat half a liter during an hour of intensive activity, while some may sweat three or four liters, and both are still within a normal range.?

While the average person sweats up to six liters a day, 3% of the world?s population is affected by a condition known as hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis is defined as excessive sweating and is considered genetic. However, not everyone who suffers from excessive sweating and excessive sweating armpits has hyperhidrosis.

How to stop underarm sweating

Regardless if a person has hyperhidrosis or not, excessive sweating can be distressing and can lead to insecurity, anxiety, and embarrassment. Those suffering from heavy amounts of sweating may ask what can you use to stop sweating under your arms. Fortunately, there are multiple ways to figure out how to stop underarm sweating.

  • Deodorant often doesn?t help if it?s standard-issue or clinical-level because it?s often made to treat the smell that results from the bacteria caused when sweat and skin mix together. However, antiperspirant for hyperhidrosis and deodorant made specifically for excessive sweating such as DuraDry use a special FDA-approved formula to assist in the reduction of underarm sweating.
  • Clothing that is breathable and loose fitting often helps keep sweat from lingering on the skin and soaking into fabric.
  • Dress in layers to help soak in the sweat on a piece of clothing that won?t be noticeable, such as a tank-top worn beneath a dress shirt.

Sweat is a natural part of the body?s system to keep itself in balance. However, if you find yourself questioning how to stop underarm sweating or if you?re finding yourself distressed with the amount of perspiration your body is releasing, there may be a deeper issue. Consider using Rx antiperspirant meant for excessive sweating or consulting a doctor to determine the problem should your sweating begin to cause lifestyle changes or insecurity.