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4 Habits That Lower Your Risk of Cancer

Chemotherapy treatment

We all have felt the painful effects of cancer. One in eight deaths is caused by some form of cancer. According to the National Cancer Program, approximately 41% of Americans will find themselves at a medical center with a cancer diagnosis at some point in their life. Unfortunately, 21% of Americans will succumb to it.

While research and advancements from cancer specialists have greatly improved the statistics, the best cancer treatment is prevention. The following four cancer prevention tips come from experienced oncologists and highly rated cancer treatment medical centers:

  1. Stay Away From Tobacco
    This might be one of the more obvious tips, but it is worth mentioning since tobacco use is one of the leading causes of cancer. Tobacco use has been linked to cancer of the respiratory system (such as the mouth, throat, and of course the lung cancer) and cancers of the digestive system (such as bladder, kidney, and pancreas cancer). Even if you are not a smoker, if you live with or are frequently around a smoker, your risk of developing lung cancer is increased by as much as 30%. Secondhand smoke has also been linked to nasal passage, sinus, and breast cancer.

    Don’t lose heart if you are a smoker. There are many methods that can assist you in quitting. After you smoke your last cigarette, your body will gradually repair itself. The greater amount of time that you put between yourself and your last cigarette, the lower your chances of cancer are.

  2. An Apple a Day Keeps the Cancer Away
    Many studies have shown that eating a healthy diet reduces the risk of cancer. While even the healthiest diet will not eliminate the risk of cancer, many healthcare services recommend the following eating habits to lower your risk:

    • Eat lots of plants. Fruits and vegetables have antioxidants and phytochemicals that help your body resist cancer. In fact, berries, broccoli, and garlic have been scientifically proven to hold a direct link to cancer prevention.
    • Avoid processed foods. Food that is laden with chemicals and preservatives have been linked to certain forms of cancer. Also, processed foods are a common culprit behind obesity, which is another cancer causer. Keep your food as close to the source, with as little processing as possible.
    • Drink in moderation. Some say there are health benefits to having one glass of wine nightly. However, drinking excessively over a long period of time has been linked to cancers of colon, breast, kidneys, and lungs.
  3. Be Smart About Sun Exposure
    Getting some sunlight is good for your mental clarity and is a great source of vitamin D. However, too much direct sunlight causes skin cancer, the most common and most preventable form of cancer. Avoid harsh direct sunlight without something screening it. Use sunglasses, sunblock, and clothing to protect your skin from from harmful UV rays. By all means, say “NO!” to tanning beds; that temporary tan can cost you a lifetime of pain.
  4. Keep Up With Your Medical Care

    Early detection of cancer gives you the best odds of becoming a cancer survivor. Follow the screening procedures on the schedule recommended for your age, ethnicity, gender. A specialist at your local medical center can give you the ideal time-frame for those screenings. You should also get in the habit of performing self-exams regularly.

Do you have any tips for preventing cancer? Please share them below! Get more info here.

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How to Deal with Sleep Apnea

Nasal pillows

Have you heard that you snore a lot? Has anyone ever told you that you stop breathing for seconds at a time while you are asleep? Do you wake up with a dry mouth or a headache? Are you regularly sleepy during awake hours often with attention difficulties? If you can answer yes to these questions, there is a chance you may have sleep apnea. Many other symptoms have been attributed to sleep apnea although not quite proven such as restless leg syndrome, among others.

Cpap stands for continuous positive airway pressure therapy and cpap machines are used to treat sleep apnea allowing for better breathing which in turns means better sleep. Cpap machines increase the air pressure in the patient’s throat which stops the airway from collapsing when breathing in. This is often what happens in sleep apnea patients and that is why they can stop breathing for a small period of time when sleeping.

In simple terms, sleep apnea causes are generally because of the muscles in the back of your throat relaxing. The muscles there offer support to a piece of tissue that hangs from the uvula as well as the tonsils and the tongue. If these muscles relax, the airway closes and the person isn’t able to get enough of a breath. If the patient is unable to take adequate breaths, the body will wake up the patient so that the airway can be reopened. Usually, this episode is so short that usually the person does not even remember it happening. Snorting, choking or gasping sounds are often heard and can be as often as five to 30 times every hour. Because of this, reaching a deep and restful state of sleeping becomes difficult making day time hours sleepy also.

Cpap machines are the most common type of treatment for sleep apnea. Cpap masks, nasal pillows and other kinds of applications can also be used in order to facilitate ease of use for the machines.

If you suspect that you have sleep apnea and are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned in the beginning of this article, you should get an appointment with your family care doctor as soon as possible to find out about available treatments to help improve the quality of life. Even if you think that is it not that big of a deal, making sure that your health is in top condition is extremely important. You will never really know how good you can feel unless you have a doctor assess you and find out exactly how the sleep apnea is affecting you. Having trouble staying awake can not only be frustrating but it can also be dangerous. Driving, for example, can because a hazard to you and others around you.