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When Was the Last Time That You Were in the Hospital?

Senior rehabilitation center

In an effort to make hospital stays more effective and to ensure that released patients to a better job of taking care of themselves when they get home, more and more hospitals are dedicating nurses or therapists to the sole task of discharge planning. In addition to looking out for the best interest of the patient, hospitals are also looking out for your the interests of the hospital itself. In fact, a growing number of insurance companies are now reimbursing hospitals according to a sliding rate.
If, for instance, a patient returns to the hospital within six months after being discharged the insurance company may only pay at 70%, instead of at 100% This is true even if the patient was in for a knee surgery the first time, but comes back three months later for a heart attack. In a time when it seems like more and more procedures are considered out patient and when hospitals are limiting the number of days a patient stays for inpatient procedures, it now appears that some insurance companies are forcing all health institutions to rethink their discharge planning procedures.
By making sure that patients and their families are well educated about the doctor’s orders and the necessary follow up procedures, health experts are finding that patient readmission numbers will be less. From advice on therapeutic recreation to emphasizing the importance of rehabilitation services and other physical and occupational therapy, discharge planning can help patients be more prepared for success. In the case of patients with emphysema and other breathing disorders, the importance of thorough discharge instructions is even more important.

Does Your insurance Company Have Specific Requirements for Discharge Procedures?

As the nation anxiously awaits to see what the future of the Affordable Care Act is it should come as no surprise that insurance companies are also dealing with uncertain times. As a result, more and more companies are looking for ways to save costs and improve the health of the patients so that they do not find themselves in the hospital again and again.

Consider some of these facts and figures about the health care industry and the needed follow up care that many patients require after even a sort hospital stay:

  • Residents in a skilled nursing facility may also receive occupational, physical, and other rehabilitative therapies following an illness or an accident.
  • The goal of physical therapy is to make daily activities and tasks easier. For example, it may help with walking, getting in and out of bed, and going up stairs.
  • Physical therapy is a type of treatment patients may need when health problems make it difficult to do every day tasks and move around.
  • In addition to physical therapy, many of these specialists are also board-certified in areas such as orthopedics, geriatrics, sports, and neurology so that they can provide more specialized care.

As hospitals, insurance companies, and patients wait to see how the status of the Affordable Care Act works out, it is important that everyone do their part in figuring out what is the best way to administer and receive care so that patients recover as quickly and affordably as possible.

Asthma Dementia care Discharge planning

The Top 3 Things You Don’t Know About Nursing Homes

Short-term care services

Say the words ?nursing home?, and you may receive an immediate judgment about the people living in nursing homes, the people who work there, and the services offered. In fact, there are many different things we don?t know about nursing homes as a society, and many things we believe that are in fact outright myths or even lies. Nursing homes are about more than palliative care end of life, though that service is certainly desperately needed. They?re also about physical therapy, post-hospitalization care, and many other specific situations. Let?s dive into the truth about nursing homes, and why they?re so important to society at large.

1. Nursing Homes Aren?t Just For The Elderly

It?s true that nursing homes provide excellent care for the elderly ? but those are not the only people who can benefit from long-term care services. Anyone who requires 24-hour care following any sort of illness or injury can benefit from the services offered by nursing homes, which can include in-home rehabilitative therapy. Physical therapy is often used to assist in recovery following serious accident or injury. You would be surprised by how disruptive some conditions can be ? even asthma can affect people on a major level, especially if that asthma is severe. Physical therapy is ultimately about helping people have a better quality of life through things like increased range of motion and physical fitness, in or out of a nursing home.

2. Nursing Homes Do Not Eliminate Social Lives

A hesitation that people have about entering a nursing home ? whether for end of life care or rehabilitative care ? is that they?ll lose their social lives and contact with their families. In fact, the whole point of residential nursing homes is to combine the aid of a hospital with the comforts of home. Most are equipped with communal and kitchen areas for residents to take part in, forming more of a community than an institution. Furthermore, many allow nursing couples ? in cases when both halves of the couple need nursing home services ? to live together. Nursing home activities and environments are structured to make people feel as if they?re in their home away from home, with all the pleasantness that comes with it.

3. Nursing Homes Aren?t Safe

Some worry that their sick or fragile loved ones won?t be medically safe in nursing homes. This can?t be further from the truth. Nursing homes are meant for people who don?t fit into a hospital setting ? because they aren?t sick enough or need palliative care ? but can?t be cared for at home full-time. As such, nursing aides and qualified nurses are usually on hand 24 hours a day, and some nursing homes even have special units for patients with specific needs, from asthma to Alzheimer?s.

There?s no need to hesitate about entering or helping a loved one enter a nursing home. The care provided is excellent, and the atmosphere presented is loving and comfortable.