Many individuals throughout the world experience stressful lives. When these individuals aren’t aware of how to reduce, eliminate, or alleviate this stress, it can lead to other mental health issues. Unfortunately, depression is not uncommon.
On a world-wide basis, it’s been determined that 350 million individuals experience some type of depression. While some men experience this condition, women are 70% more likely to do so. By the time they are 18 years of age, it’s been estimated that 11% of adolescents will have some form of depressive disorder.
In order to learn how to cope with stress and resolve personal issues, therapy can be beneficial. Therapy can also assist individuals experiencing depression and other mental health issues. It’s interesting to note, however, that recent data indicates 50% of Americans that experienced depression didn’t seek Individual counseling or other treatment options. While some individuals may not seek help due to the stigma attached to men