Causes of hearing impairment Hearing aid styles

How To Manage Your Hearing Loss Related Tinnitus

For many people in the United States, ear issues such as hearing loss and tinnitus, which is characterized by a persistent ringing in the ears, are all too familiar. These conditions and others like them can range from that of a minor annoyance to severe and even debilitating. All ear issues, from tinnitus to profound deafness, should be looked at by an ENT, an ear nose and throat specialist, to better assess the damage done to your ears and chart an appropriate course of treatment.

Hearing loss is not an uncommon condition in the United States, affecting as much as twenty percent of the total population. Hearing loss can occur for a number of reasons, from exposure to loud noises to simple aging. Aging is the most common cause of progressive hearing loss, and one third of all adults in the United States live with some degree of hearing loss. The hearing damage caused by exposure to loud noises is not insignificant, however, as nearly twenty percent of Americans have something called